05-04-1989 J {,.'\.. , , Q o .- CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1989 CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. M. Richards called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at 7:00 p.m., in the conference room of City Hall, Thursday, May 4, 1989. Members present Mr. Richards. Meager-Pengov, excused. were, Mr. McClain, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Martin and Also present were Mr. George Acello and Sondra Secretary. Mr. Azzarello and Mr. Hanson were NEW BUSINESS: Mr. George Acello gave a brief report on his energy efficient heating unit and demonstrated the effectiveness of the unit when heating a room as large as the conference room. Mr. Becker of Continuity Unlimited made heating unit and went into detail on the developing such a unit. further comments on the production and cost of Mr. Richards said the Board would pass the information on to any interested persons who may be able to help finance or market the heating unit and thanked the gentlemen for coming to the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Martin made the motion to 1989, seconded by Mr. Baldwin. accept the minutes Motion carried 4-0. of April 6, CONTINUED ITEMS: Industrial Appreciation Week - Mr. Richards asked for further discussion, stating the Board still has some time left on this and said most of this is being worked on by the Chambers of Commerce. Space Port Report - Mr. Richards went to the last Space Port Meeting and said the feeling of the Space Port Task Force is that the politicians in Tallahassee are making this a "political football" and Mr. Richards stated there is not enough time to play "political football". The Space Port Task Force has a bus going to Tallahassee and Mr. Richards passed a letter to the Board members with information as to when the bus is going. Members will be able to register with some of the politicians and explain our stand on this. \ ~ ., .... , ".. Page -2- Industrial Develop~t Board Ma y 4, 1989 o Mr. Richard read a letter received from Mrs. Florence Baker thanking them for the privilege of serving on the Industrial Board and commending Mr. Richards and the members for their work in the City of Edgewater. T.I.P. Report (Tapping Industrial Potential) Mr. attended a meeting through the Chamber of Commerce and the size of this program and its intent. Literature meeting was passed to the Board members to review. Richards discussed from the Rails and Trails was briefly discussed as to its progress. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Board Member Reports Mr. Martin discussed the letter received for the Florida Department of Commerce, suggested that the Board should be preparing for this as early as next fall. Promptness is essential. Mr. Martin also discussed planned industrial park. approval to put together a F.E.C. (Florida East Coast) and the Mr. Martin would like the Boards summary of what the problems are. Mr. Richards suggested inviting Doris Massey to speak at the next Board meeting and get her input on the subject. Also discussed by Mr. Martin was the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Martin elaborated on the Sun In Fun Fly the possibility of using Edgewater Airport Mr. Richards suggested doing further research his findings at the next meeting and recommendation. In of Lakeland and for commercial use. on this and report come up with a There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Baldwin moved to adjourn, s~conded by Mr. Martin. The meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary