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7:00 P.M.
Chairman Robert Richards called to order a regular meeting of the
Industrial Development Board, Thursday, February 4, 1988, at 7:00
p.m., in the conference room of City Hall.
Members present were Mrs. Baker, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Hardester and Mr.
Richards. Also present was Beverly Kinney, Secretary. Mr. Ralph
A. Racca was excused.
Extension of S.R. 442: Mrs. Baker said she would be attending an
Economic Development Board through the Chamber of Commerce, and
they would initiate a task force which could look into the 442
project. .She had decided to wait until after that meeting to talk
to Mrs. Martinez.
Mrs. Baker stated she had brought up the possibility of the private
development of an industrial park at a recent Chamber meeting. There
was no action taken, but it gave them something to think about.
Clay Henderson thought the City had been offered about 90 to 100 acres
of land by the County at an earlier date, but nothing had come of it.
Mr. Richards mentioned that Boston Whaler would be having their open
house on February 5, 1988, at 5:30 p.m., and he would like as many
Board members to attend as possible.
Mr. Richards informed the Board there would be an Advisory Board
Appreciation dinner held by the Council at the Elks Club on Friday,
February 12, 1988. All those interested in attending should inform
the Secretary.
Industrial Appreciation Week: Mr. Richards stated it was scheduled
for the week of September 19 through 23, 1988, and the Board should
get started as soon as possible. He also wanted to see more partic-
ipation from other Cities and the Chamber this year. Mrs. Baker
volunteered to line up speakers, as she had for the previouse cele-
bration, and felt the Chamber would do most of the work, as they had
last year.
Mr. Richards felt they needed to work up an outline for the program,
and invite representatives from the other Cities and the Chamber to
go over the information. Mrs. Baker felt a place to hold the program,
and the speakers should be lined up immediately. She suggested topics
such as 1-9 (immigrants) and international trade (import/export).
D.B.C.C.: Mrs. Baker was concerned, because New Smyrna Beach was
falling through on their offer to supply water and sewer to the college,
and she wanted to know the possibility of Edgewater supplying them.
The Board agreed in the long run it would be money well spent. Mr.
Hardester felt with the expansion through the C.I.P., there should
be no problem with supplying the college.
Mrs. Baker stated the City owned Johns Street and property on Park
Avenue, not far from the Water Plant. She wondered if the City could
'run the lines down Johns Street to the college. The Secretary suggested
she talk to Mr. Wadsworth, in the Utilities Department. Mrs. Baker
agreed, and stated she would report back to the Board.
Mrs. Baker stated there may be a problem with F.E.C. opening
the spur on Johns Street. She added, Mr. Asting had recieved
approval to negotiate with F.E.C. approximately two (2) years
ago, and she would find out the current status from him. The
Board agreed it would also be helpful in starting and industrial
park with 1-95 and the railroad spur available.
Mrs. Baker suggested the City may be able to bargin with the County
for money since the marina was not going to be done and the funds
were not spent. She added Ormond Beach was currently trying to get
some of the money.
The Board felt maybe the funds needed for the college water and
sewer could be added on the C.I.P. bond. They also felt the :
college would get its water somewhere, even if they had to supply
their own. .
Mr. Hardester stated he knew of an accountant in Orlando who would
be willing to speak, if Brent Millikan was not available for the
Industrial Appreciation Seminar for this year.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Andrew
moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Middleton. Meeting adjourned
at approximately 7:45 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney
Industrial Development Board
Regular meeting
Thursday, February 4, 1988