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7:00 P.M.
Chairman Florence Baker called to order a regular meeting of the
Industrial Development Board at 7:00 P.M., Thursday, January 7,
1988, in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were Mrs. Baker, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Hardester, Mrs.
Middleton, and Mr. Richards. Also present was Beverly Kinney,
Secretary. Mr. Racca was absent. Mr. Bill Rossiter was the
guest speaker, and arrived at approximately 7:45 P.M.
The minutes of November 5, 1987, were presented for approval. Mr.
Hardester moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Andrew. Motion Carried
5 - O.
The minutes of December 5, 1987, were presented for approval. Mr.
Richards moved- to approve the minutes; seconded by Mrs. Middleton.
Motion Carried 5-0.
Draft of By-Laws: The Board discussed the change in the annual
election date of officers, which was done at their request. They
also discussed the Sunshine Law, and felt t~ey were too strict,
because ~his Board only makes recommendations to Council, and never
makes any final decisions on its own. Mr. "Hai'de5ter. moved to accept
the draft Bi-L~ws, seconded by Mr. Richards. Motion Carried 5-0.
Election of Officers: Mr. Hardester brought up the new Screening
Committee which had been appointed by the Council to screen app-
licants for renewal or new membership to the various Boards. The
Board discussed this for a short while.
Mrs. Baker opened the floor for nominations of Chairman. Mr.
Hardester nominated Mr. Richards. Mr. Andrew seconded. Mrs.
Middleton moved to close the nominations, as there were no others.
Mr. Richards was unanimously voted Chairman.
Mr. Andrew nominated Mr. Hardester, seconded by Mr. Richards. Mr.
Hardester started to decline, because of his involvement in other
projects, but after some discussion agreed to the nominiation.
Mrs. Middleton moved to close the nominations, as there were no
others. Mr. Hardester was unanimously voted Vice-Chairman.
Industrial Property Sites: Mr. Hardester had checked into property.
owned by the City as possible sites for an industrial park, provided
by the Secretary. There was a parcel of 10! acres South of S.R. 442
on Airpark Road, but Coronado Paint used it as a dump site at one time,
and he did not feel it should be developed. There are also some
nice homes adjacent to the site, and he felt the Board should look
into other possibilities.
Mr. Andrew stated he had spoken to Mr. Coleman, but he did not have
any land available at this time.
The Board discussed the possiblity of going further West on S.R. 442,
but Mr. Hardester pointed out that was a greenbelt area and in the
vicinity of 95, the City was considering a site for the new water plant.
Industrial Property Sites continued: Mr. Richards felt the Board
should start looking into property in the County and then the poss-
ibility of annexing that property. Mr. Hardester agreed and felt
a good area would be near Boston Whaler.
Mrs. Baker felt once the Economic Development Committee, through
the Chamber of Commerce, got off the ground they may be a big help.
Mr. Andrew pointed out there was a church currently under construction
on Hibiscus Drive, and felt it was poor planning to combine the
various types of uses that are not permitted in that zoning district.
Mrs. Baker stated she and Mr. Hardester had attended the last Council
meeting and the Council seemed favorable to adding funds to the Bond
Issue for a City owned industrial park. The Board discussed the
possibility of using the Volusia County Business Development Corporation
to bring in prospects if the City ever gets a site and the facilities.
Mrs. Baker passed around several items which came through the mail
for the Board to peruse. Mr. Hardester stated he would be interested
in attending the upcoming Rural Economic Development Conference, but
it was to be held the same day as the next Council meeting. He did
ask the Secretary to check into whether the City would cover expenses
if he was able to attend the conference.
S.R. 442 Extension: Mrs. Baker stated she was trying to get with the
Department of Transporation to find out where the City stood and how
they could get started on making S.R. 442 a toll road. She added,
Mrs. Massey had showed her what she had done during her previous Chair-
manship on the Industrial Board and gave her a copy. Mrs. Baker stated
that at one time, Mrs. Massey had sent a petition of thirty-six (36)
pages, but it was up to the current Industrial Board and the City to
follow through. The Board agreed an extension off S.R. 442 would ease
traffic on S.R. 44.
After some discussion it was decided Mrs. Baker should consult with
Mrs. Martinz, City Clerk/Administrator, for further input and guidance.
Mr. Bill Rossiter, local contractor, was invited to speak to the Board
by Mr. Richards to discuss his ideas on steel buildings and the cost
per square foot, as it would pertain to commercial use. Mr. Rossiter
stated the cost of construction went down per square foot as the
structure became larger. He added the majority of all commercial
buildings were constructed of steel.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr.
Hardester moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Richards. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 8:00 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney
Industrial Development Board
Regular Meeting
January 7, 1988