7:00 P.M.
Chairman Baker called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development
Board, Thursday, December 3, 1987, at 7:00 P.M., in the Conference Room of
City Hall.
Members present were Mrs. Baker, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Racca, Mr. Hardester, Mrs.
Middleton and Mr. Richards. Also present were John Scherz, Board applicant
and Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary.
Review of Procedures Regarding S.R. 442: Mrs. Baker stated the draft letter to
Council regarding S.R. 442 was run by Mrs. Martinez for comment. Mrs. Martinez
contacted Mrs. Baker, because S.R. 442 is a State road and Edgewater could not
do anything regarding a State road. Mrs. Martinez put Mrs. Baker in touch with
D.O.T. for the status of scheduled programs. D.O.T. put Mrs. Baker in touch
with the Volusia Coastal Area Transportation Authority, because they had more
updated information. Mrs. Baker reported her findings to the Board. Edgewater
is on the needs list, not the funding list at this time and it could take until
2010 to get funding. Mr. Racca wanted to know where the input camp. from for
V.C.A.T.A.'s current projects and needs list. Mrs. Baker stated it was time
to present the_ informati6n to Council for input on ho~ io proceed. The Board
discussed this further. Mr. Racca moved to have Mr. Hardester meet with Mrs~
Martinez on how to proceed. The motion ~as seconded by MrG. Middleton. Motion
Carried 6-0.
Industrial Property Report by Mr. Hardester: The newly rezoned I-I Parcel on
Park Avenue was going to be developed by the new owner, Mr. McGinnis. Mr.
Hardester stated he talked to some of the people on Park Avenue and they were
not interested in an industrial park. Mr. Hardester stated he also checked out
the railroad spur and was not sure if F.E.C. would even be interested in repairing
it. Mr. Hardester felt the City was not interested in pursuing an industrial
park. Mrs. Baker suggested working with the County on an industrial park, but
felt the City should give the Board a formal answer regarding their interest in
such a venture. Mrs. Baker stated she had an inquiry from a company interested
in leasing land from the City. Mr. Hardester moved the Board send a letter
to Council in reference to availability of, and purchasing power for industrial
land, seconded by Mr. Racca. Motion Carried 6-0.
By-Laws: The Board had a brief discussion regarding election of officers, and
felt the By-laws should be amended so the elections would be held in January to
coincide with the other Boards. Mrs. Middleton move to recommend Council amend
the By-laws for election of officers to be held annually in January, seconded
by Mr. Racca. Motion Carried 6-0.
The Board discussed the F.E.C. spur and the possibility of opening up the line.
Mr. Hardester suggested contacting them to see if they have plans to develop or
utilize their property and spur in the future.
Board Vacancy: Mr. John Scherz submitted an application. It was noted Mr.
Scherz was past president of Pelican Cove Homeowners Association and had an
extensive background with the railroad. Mr. Scherz stated he was very interested
in the good work the Board was doing and did have the time needed to assist the
Board. Mr. Scherz was excused and the Board discussed the nomination. Mr.
Hardester moved to recommend the nomination to Council, seconded by Mr. Racca.
Motion Carried 6-0.
The Board had a brief discussion regarding the terms of office of the Board
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hardester moved
to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Racca. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary.