7:00 P.M.
Chairman Florence Baker called to order a regular meeting of
the Industrial Development Board, Thursday, July 2, 1987, at
7:00 P.M., in the Community Center.
Members present were Mrs. Baker, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Racca, Mrs.
Middleton and Mr. Richards. Also present were Mr. Harold
Hardester, prospective Board member and Beverly Kinney, Board
The minutes of April 2, 1987 and April 10, 1987 were presented
for approval. Mrs. Middleton moved to accept the minutes as
written, seconded by Mr. Richards. Motion Carried 5-0.
Interview prospective Board member: Mrs. Baker introduced Mr.
Harold Hardester to the Board. After reading Mr. Hardester's
resume, Mr. Richards felt he was a person who could give the
Board a great deal of assistance. Mr. Hardester stated he had
time to devote and would like to get involved with the City.
Mr. Hardester stated he had lived here since 1986. Mr. Richards
moved to recommend Mr. Hardester to Council for appointment to
the Industrial Development Board, seconded by Mrs. Middleton.
Motion Carried 5-0.
Mrs. Baker passed around a notice for an Industrial workshop in
Tallahassee during the month of July and a notice of a convention
in Switzerland regarding foreign business.
Mr. Emmett Ross, Chairman, New Smyrna Beach Industrial Development
Board arrived at approximately 7:08 P.M.
Mrs. Baker asked the Board members to let her know if they wanted
to continue receiving the "Florida Vocational Journal", a monthly
publication addressed to former Chairman Doris Massey. If no one
is interested in the publication it will not be renewed.
Mrs. Baker passed out the conflict of interest forms to each of
the Board members. The Secretary asked the Board members to dis-
card any old forms, because they were out of date.
Nominations for Florida Industry Appreciation: Mrs. Baker stated
she had sent in two (2) nominations for the award, one (1) from
Southern Instrument and the other from Edgewater Machine and Fab-
ricators. Mrs. Baker suggested giving out certificates of apprec-
iation from the City if these businesses do not receive any award
from the state.
Mrs. Baker stated there were two (2) forms in each Board members
packet from the Volusia County Business Development Corporation.
Mrs. Baker attended one (1) of their meetings, and the Corporation
is putting together a brochure of industrial sites and parks in
Volusia County to be presented when the Corporation travels through-
out the United States and Europe. The Industrial Board has been
asked to submit completed information sheets, for the brochure, to
the Volusia County Business Corporation. Mrs. Baker asked Mr.
Andrew to check into the P.I.D. property in the northwest corner
of the City.
Industry Appreciation Week: The Board discussed possible ideas.
Mrs. Baker suggested the Chamber supplying a luncheon or dinner
and a speaker for local industry, since New Smyrna Beach, Edge-
water and Oak Hill were coordinating efforts. Mrs. Baker also
suggested an employers workshop with speakers regarding unempl-
oyment, workmen's compensation, federal imigration laws, the new
health and safety laws and the new sales tax laws with a luncheon
to follow. If the Board was interested in a workshop, Mrs. Baker
was willing to set it up and the Chamber could help sponsor it.
Mr. Andrew and Mr. Richards suggested the Elks Club for the luncheon.
Mr. Richards suggested invitations to the industries with an R.S.V.P.
to get a fairly accurate count of businessmen participating.
Mr. Richards suggested write-ups in the newspaper highlighting one
particular industry in each article. Mrs. Baker suggested doing
the write-ups during appreciation week focusing on a different
industry each day.
There was some discussion regarding the Board's definition of
industry. Mr. Ross suggested using the same definition the state
used. Mrs. Baker said she would call Tallahassee for a definition
of industry and would report back to the Board.
Mr. Ross felt the joining of New Smyrna Beach, Oak Hill, Edgewater
and the Chamber was a good idea, but he could not be sure all would
agree to participate. The Board agreed they would need a definite
answer from everyone regarding their participation in the promotion
of Industry Appreciation Week.
The Board decided to have a special meeting, Wednesday, July 8,.1987,
at 12:00 noon, in the conference room of City Hall.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Racca
moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Richards. Meeting Adjourned at
approximately 8:00 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary
Industrial Development Board
Regular Meeting
Thursday, July 2, 1987