08-21-1986 Special
AUGUST 21, 1986,7:00 P.M.
Chairman Racca cal led to order a special meeting of the Industiral Development
Board at 7:00 P.M., August 21, 1986, in the Community Center.
Board members present were: Ralph Racca, Caryl Middleton, Florence Baker and
Dale Andrew. Member Edward Siconolfi was absent. Members Clarence Gnau and
Darwin Schneider were excused.
Chairman Racca stated he had just received word from Nancy Phi 11 ips from the Chamber
of Commerce in Orlando that a gentleman named John Robbins from Claire Ferrara's
office in Tallahassee will be the designated speaker for the Industrial Fair.
Mr. Robbins is with the Bureau of Business Assistance, Department of Co~merce.
Mrs. Baker informed the Board that she and her assistant, Mike Zucas, had contacted
more businesses for participation in the Industrial Fair. Tarmac of Florida, Tool
Engineering are not interested. Coronado Sports,,^,ear, Cenflair, Cedar 11~1" Stuff will
have a display. Mrs. Baker will follow up on Super Swirl, formally Dupont Instruments,
2001 Group, Bethlehem Tool and Gear, Rentall, Tropical Blossom, Haco Manufacturing,
Fluid Method Generator, and Personal Touch Lawncare.
Chairman Racca said he would be taking care of the outdoor display requests by
Coronado Paint and Watercraft.
Mrs. Baker wanted clarification on the size of the tables available for display
in the Community Center. Chairman Racca said the size of the tables were arprox-
imately three (3) feet by eight (8) feet each.
Chairman Racca informed the Board that the Community Center and Shuffle Board room
had been reserved for the Industrial Fair, and the Board had received approval to
hold the Industrial Fair.
Chairman Racca sent a letter to Jerry Schweikart regarding the buses. Mrs. Baker
said when she spoke with Mr. Schweikart, she only requested one (1) bus and when
Chairman Racca wrote to Mr. Schweikart he had requested two (2) buses. Chairman Racca
said the Board could go with one (1) bus and if needed, the Board would arrange for 1
a second bus at a later date. It was decided that either Chairman Racca or Mr Gnau
would be responsible for the bus.
Chairman Racca said he would cal I the Mayor personally about giving the proclamation
at the Industrial Fair.
Chairman Racca informed the Board that Mr. Robbins may not be able to speak at the
opening ceremonies because he has to fly into Orlando from Tallahassee, and he may
only be available to speak at the reception.
The Board discussed briefly the plans New Smyrna Beach had for their Industrial Fair.
nrs. Middleton is to get pricing for the programs and Chairman Racca will get back
with her to final ize the program before printing.
Chairman Racca brought up the reception to follow the Industrial Fair in the
Shuffle Board Room. Mrs. Middleton said she called Doris Massey regarding the
reception. Mrs. Massey said she would be more than happy to help prepare the
food, select the food, help get it there, help serve or whatever the Board
needed her to do. JoAnn Taylor and Mary Lee Cook also offered their services.
Mrs. Middleton suggested that the Board members and/or their spouses could help
serve at the reception. Mrs. Baker suggested that Mrs. ~1iddleton be the Chairperson
for the reception. The Board agreed to this.
Chairman Racca brought up the Certificates of Appreciation. He felt that by the
next meeting there should be a I ist of those participating in the Industrial Fair,
and at that time the list will be turned over to the Secretary to fill out the
Certific~tes of Appreciation.
Chairman Racca said that as far as the tour route goes, it will have to wait until
there is a complete I ist of all participants for tours in the Industrial Fair.
Mrs. Middleton informed the Board that Southern Instruments was interested in a
tour. Mrs. Baker will be contacting B & S Industries for a possible display or
Chairman Racca felt there would need to be some kind of barriers or something of
that nature in the parking area to save room for the outdoor displays for the
Industrial Fair.
Mr. Andrew wanted to know if the city could smooth out some of the dirt roads for
the Industrial Fair Tour, because of the "wash board condition" they are in.
Chairman Racca told Mr. Andrew to contact Mr. Earl Copeland and see if something
could be arranged..
Chairman Racca brought up the subject of the Honorary Chairman for the Industrial
Fair. At the last meeting the Board discussed who was wanted as the Honorary
Chairman for the Industrial Fair. Unfortunately, the name was published in the
paper the next day, before Chairman Racca got a chance to talk to him. He turned
it down because of business pressures and other things. He is wil ling to participate
in the fair, but he can't assume the roll as Honorary Chairman. Chairman Racca
informed the Board that there would not be an Honorary Chairman for the Industrial
Fair, because it was unl ikely that anyone would want to assume it ~nowing they were
second choice. The Board agreed not to have an Honorary Chairman for the Industrial
Fa i r.
Mrs Middleton will also be taking care of coffee and donuts the morning of the
Industrial Fair. She said she would pay for the refreshments herself and turn
in the receipts for reimbursement later.
Mrs. Baker wanted to know if there were going to be any kind of decorations to
show that it is Industrial Week. She also wanted to know if there were any
decorations left over from last year that could be reused, and if not could the
Board have a sign made up to be used year after year. Mrs. Middleton suggested
moveable signs or I ighted portable signs. She also suggested the possibility of
using signs from the local business I ike Fat Bob's, Florida Shores Shopping Plaza.
Mrs. Middleton thought it would be a good idea to contact some of the local businesses
to see if they would advertise the Industrial Fair and Industrial Week. Mrs. Baker
suggested handing out Certificates of Appreciation to those busninesses who donated
their signs. Mr. Andrew was put in charge of contacting businesses to donate their
signs for advertising the Industrial Fair and Industrial Week.
Mr. Andrew suggested posters for store windows. Chairman Racca thought that
it may be too expensive. Mrs. Baker thought the initial cost may be high, but
if you can use it year after year it pays for itself. Mrs. Middleton suggested
involving the local school by having an art project done by the students for
next years Industrial Fair. Chairman Racca asked Mr. Andrew to check into the
cost of a sign to put up in front of the Community Center that could be used
over and over again. Mr. Andrew agreed to do it.
Chairman Racca informed the Board that Noland Car Company did not make the list
of final ists for the Industry Appreciation Award. Chairman Racca felt there
should at least be an honorable mention.and he would ask Claire Ferrara if there
is something along those I ines from the State of Florida Department of Commerce.
If not, the Board will need to make something up to present to Noland Car Company,
because they should get some kind of recognition for being nominated from this
Chairman Racca said he needed to send letters to the Councilmen and Financial
Institutions inviting them to the Industrial Fair. He is planning to include
Mrs. Middleton's phone number for their R.S.V.P. .s.
Mrs. Baker thought it would be a good idea for the future to travel to some other
Industrial Fairs for ideas. She thought that perhaps the Department Of Commerce
could supply information regarding upcoming Industrial Fairs.
There being no further business, Mrs. Middleton made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Andrew
seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.~1.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney
Industrial Development Board Minutes
August 21, 1986