AUGUST 7, 1986, 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Racca called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development
Board at 7:00 P.M., August 7, 1986, in the City Hall.
Board members present were: Caryl Middleton, Flo Baker, Ralph Racca, Clarence
Gnau and Dale Andrew. Also present were Jan Morris and Beverly Kinney, Secretaries.
Member Darwin Schneider was absent and Member Edward Siconolfi was excused.
The minutes of the July 3, 1986 meeting were presented for. approval. M~. Ghau_
made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Mrs. Baker seconded the motion.
Minutes approved 5-0.
Industrial Fair Planning
Chairman Racca wanted to know when the letters were sent out. The secretary stated
the letters went out no later than July 11, 1986, and approximately 6ne hundred
letters went out. There were nine"responses. "Three" bu~inesses are intere~t~d in-~he
tour and the~rest are interested in display tables in the building. Chairman Racca
suggested telephoning the local businesses to follow up the letters since the
response has not been what the board had hoped. Mrs. Middleton stated that when the
board called the businesses for last years Industrial Fair, the potential businesses
were screened prior to call ing to contact only really interested businesses.
Chairman Racca said he would get together with the secretary and ~o over the list of
possible businesses for the Industrial Fair for follow up calls.
Cha~rman Racca stated that more tours were needed to really get the Industrial Fair
Mrs. 8aker said to add on Job Service of Florida to the I ist of participants, but they
would only need a table and would not participate in the tour.
Chairman Racca wanted an update on the transit system for the time needed for the tours.
Mrs. Baker said she informed Mrs. Middleton on July 30, 1986, that everything is arranged.
The cost will be twenty dollars an hour for five hours, totall ing one hundred dollars.
A letter needs to be sent to Jerry Schweikart, Chairman of the Economic Development Board
of New Smyran Beach/Edgewater Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Schweikart needs the date and
time the bus is to be used, where the bus will be located for passengers, purpose of
the tours, permission for the Chamber of Commerce to put a sign on the side of the bus
stating the bus is being provided by New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Schweikart also needs to know the person who will be held responsible for the bus
and under who's direction it will be. The letter is needed as soon as possible to get
the bus reserved.
Chairman Racca brought up the need for a guest speaker for the Industrial Development
Fair. A letter was sent to Lt. Gov. Wayne Mixson on July 7, 1986, but there has been ~
no response. Chairman Racca said he would cal I him tomorrow to see if he plans on
attending or sending a representative. If this is not possible the board will have to
find another speaker.
The board discussed the program for the Industrial Development Fair. Mrs. Middleton
had a rough draft to present to the board. The program was approved by the board and
five hundred copies will be printed on off white 51 by 81 paper.
Mr. Gnau and Mr. Siconolfi went to Noland Car Comapny and talked to Greg. Mr. Noland
cal led the following week. Due to a previous commitment, Mr. Noland will not be able
to accept the role as Honorary Chairman for the Industrial Development Fair.
Mrs. Baker wanted other nominees for Honorary Chairman. It was suggested by Mrs. Baker
that the manager of Watercraft and the head of Edgewater t1achine and Fabricators be
nominated for Honorary Chairman. Chairman Racca wanted to know what the Honorary Chairman
would do. Mrs. Baker said it is the Industrial Fair and one of the business people
from the area should have some kind of participation in the opening ceremonies.
Chairman Racca took a vote on having an Honorary Chairman. Motion carried 3-2.
The board agreed that Oscar Zeller of Edgewater Machine and Fabircation would be
asked to be Honorary Chairman with the manager of Watercraft as second ch6ice.
Mrs. Baker brought up the fact that there may have been a better response if a copy
of the program could have gone out with the letters. It was decided by the board
that they would consider this for the next Industrial Development Fair.
Mrs. Baker suggested taking some programs around to local businesses to spark interest
in the Industrial Development Fair.
Breakfast for the guest speaker was discussed. Mrs. Baker stated that if a dignitary
were to come, a breakfast would be a good idea. She also thought it a good idea to
invite the local businesses to join in. Chairman Racca said when he cal Is' Lt. Gov.~
Wayne Mixson, he would find out when he or his representative plans to arrive for the
Industrial Development Fair.
Chairman Racca reminded Mr. Gnau that he and Mr. Sicinolfi were to be responsible for
the arrangements for the firms to be toured. Mr. Gnau didn't recall accepting the duty.
Chairman Racca agreed that the board needed to discuss it at the next meeting.
Mrs. Baker requested an additional meeting this month to make sure everything came
together smoothly. The board agreed th~t Thursday, August 21, 1986, at 7:00 P.M.
would be a good time. Mrs. Baker said the time would be needed to finish plans for
the Industrial Development Fair.
Mrs. Middleton wanted to make sure there were enough certificates of appreciation
for all participants of the faLr. The secretary stated there were enough.
Mrs. Baker brought up the reception for the Industrial Development Fair. Mrs. Baker
said since this is an industrial fair, the local businesses sho~rd' be: inv61v~d.jn~the
reception. Mr. Gnau suggested asking Doris Massey to pull the local business people
together to handle the reception. The board agreed to this.
Chairman Racca asked tbat the Shuffle. Boa~d b~ilaing' be'-ceserv~drfor~the:'reception
following the Industrial Development Fair on September 20, 1986.
Mrs. Middleton said she would take care of the donuts, coffee, etc. for the businesses
involved in the Industrial Development Fair. Lunch will not be provided this year.
Chairman Racca decided on the message regarding the Industrial Development Fair to go
on the water bil Is.
There being no further business to come before the Board, ~1rs. Middleton made a motion
to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Andrew. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney
Industrial Development Board Minutes
August 7, 1986