02-07-1985 o 0 CITY OF EDGEWATER Industrial Development Board February 7, 1985 Minutes Vice Chairman Vazquez called the regular meeting to order at 7 p.m. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Members present: Messrs. Vazquez, Gnau, Faidley, Schneider and Cichewicz* and Mrs. Middleton. Also present: Mrs. Taylor, Secretary, and one member of the press. Chairman Massey was excused. *Mr. Cichewicz arrived at 7:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Gnau moved for approval of the January 3, 1985 minutes. The motion was seconded by Caryl Middleton and CARRIED 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Report on Transportation Fund Application - Florida Department of Commerce Mr. Vazquez reported to the members that some investigation has been done on this application for grant funds and it was learned that unless there is a prospective or new industry the Department of Commerce does not allow gnants. Report on progress reo access to industrial land north of Park Avenue The members referred to the minutes of the January 21 City Council meeting, in which it was agreed that Mrs. Massey would arrange a meeting with the F.E.C., Councilman Asting and the City Clerk about the need to open up Dale Street and how this could be accomplished. Update reo F.EC. Industrial Park The Vice Chairman explained that it has been over a year since the original plans were approved for the F.E.C. Industrial Park. The Daytona Beach Community College has plans, also, to move to the area. This will necessi- tate substantial changes to the plans, which will need to be presented to the City for approval. On other business, Mr. Cichewicz referred to the Council minutes regarding the procedures for filling vacancies on advisory boards, noting that this had been discussed briefly at the last meeting. He advised the other members of what took place at the last Council meeting, noting that the Boards had taken time to review applications and presented names to the Council for approval, per the Council's request. He commented that every recommendation with the exception of one person was rejected. He said that he does not understand this procedure. Mr. Vazquez explained that the boards are advisory boards, and the Council has asked that they take matters under advisement, do research and report back to them. Hopefully the time and effort the Board expends would have some weight. There was further discussion of this subject. It was pointed out that the Board members spend a lot of time and work hard to get to know things and have an, interest in helping the community. It was questioned if they should not have reasonable assurances that the work is not for nothing. It was suggested that Council should be advised of the feelings of the Board regarding this matter. Mr. Schneider suggested that a letter be sent to the City Council asking them how the Board can better serve the Council. Regarding the applications, what is it that the Boards missed that the Council picked up, he asked. Mr. Cichewicz said that he is in agreement with this approach. He pointed out that the Boards are filled by people who are volunteering their time. If you have people who are interested in their community they shouldn't be shut out, he noted. o o It all boils down to, nif what we're doing is wrong, tell us what is right", one member commented. The Vice Chairman agreed to submit a letter to Council relating the Board's feeling on this matter. The members discussed the terms of the members and noted that certain members' terms will terminate in May. The conversation reverted to the first item on the agenda and the members brought up that Park Avenue is in dire need of improvements. The secretary advised that Mrs. Massey has met with Mr. Copeland and the City Engineer to discuss this Transportation Fund application and she was advised that unless there is a prospective industry the"Department of Commerce will not allow grants. Therefore, no further action can be taken on this until such time as the railroad company gets their plans together. Mr. Schneider asked if it would be considered if there was a petition from an existing industry. The application was circulated among the members for their consideration. Mr. Schneider pointed out that Coronado Paint increased their operation by 30 percent and Waco increased theirs by 120 percent last year. Also noted was that TARMAC is expanding and have submitted their plans for approval. The truss plant is also a new business along Park Avenue, it was explained. Mr. Vazquez said that he will contact Mrs. Massey to see how far the City Engineer has looked into the fund application. The secretary provided the members with a list of the board members' dates of termination. The Vice Chairman read off the names and dates, i.e. Mrs. Massey, April, '86, Mr. Cichewicz, Mr. Gnau, Mr. Schneider and Mrs. Middleton, April, '85, Mr. Vazquez, April, '86 and Mr. Faidley, August, '85. It was explained that those members who were interested in reappointment should submit a letter to the City Council. Mr. Vazquez suggested that if those members whose terms expire in April would like to ,continue they should write an individual letter. Mr. Schneider asked if the Board should make a recommendation also. Mr. Cichewicz moved that a letter be submitted to the City Council recommending that the four Board members whose terms expire in April be reappointed. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion, and it CARRIED 6-0. NEW BUSINESS - Application for a special exception to permit auto repair and parts sales in the industrial zone at 1516 Industrial Road. This application of Mr. Michael Shaffer was considered by the members. The secretary advised that the Planning and Zoning approved the application as to use, stating that it meets the Comprehensive Plan. It was pointed out that the welding and machine shop is a permitted use, but auto repair and parts sales is not a permitted use in this zone. The members agreed that they would have no objection to this use in this location. Mr. Faidley moved that the Board give their approval to this special exception. Mr. Gnau seconded the motion, which CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Cichewicz abstained because he did not have an opportunity to view the site. Proposed seminar to be conducted by Michael Bobroff with the Division of Economic Development, Department of Commerce The Vice Chairman explained that this seminar has been tentatively scheduled for March 7, the next regular meeting night of the Board. Mr. Bobroff ~ familiar to some of the Board members, as he has conducted seminars here in the past, he stated. An invitation will be extended to the City Council and all Board members. Mr. Vazquez pointed out that these seminars are well presented and he noted that it is nice of Mr. Bobroff to take the time to come to Edgewater. Mr. Vazquez also suggested that as the hosts they should provide some type of light refreshments, such as finger food, sandwiches and something to drink. He said that it would also be in line for the Chairman to take those representatives from the Department of Commerce to dinner that evening. This was discussed further and Mr. Schneider moved that refresh- ments for the. seminar and dinner for the guests be provided and an amount not to exceed $150 be authorized for this. Mr. Cichewicz seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Schneider moved that the City Council and all Boardsbe invited to participate and ask that they let us know if they will attend. Mr. Faidley seconded the motion, which CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Vazquez suggested that a date be given for their reply. Industrial Development Board February 7, 1985 - 2 - o o There was further discussion about the kinds of refreshments, and the feeling was that the shopping should be done in Edgewater. Mr. Schneider asked the Board's opinion about inviting some of the industrial people in the City who would gain from attending the seminar. He said that perhaps another time would be more suitable but pointed out that Mr. Bobroff's time should be considered. Mr. Vazquez said that if the Board wanted to do that it should be a blanket invitation to industries that would be interested. Mr. Faidley wondered if it would create a pro- blem with getting the funds approved. Mr. Gnau suggested that a separate affair be held which would include the industrial people. Mr. Faidley moved for adjournment. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Middleton and the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Minutes prepared by Joan Taylor Industrial Development Board February 7, 1985 - 3 -