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Industrial Development Board
September 6, 1984
Chairman Massey called the regular meeting to order at 7:05p.m. in the
Community Center.
Members present: Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Middleton, Messrs. Gnau, Faidley,
Cichewicz and Vazquez. Excused: Mr. Schneider. Absent: Mr. Foleno.
Also present: Mrs. Taylor, Secretary.
A motion was made by Mr. Gnau and seconded by Mrs. Middleton to approve
the minutes of the July 5, 1984 meeting. ' The motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mrs. Massey noted that the August meeting was not held due to a lack of quorum.
Mrs. Massey opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Gnau
nominated Mrs. Massey for Chairman and Mr. Vazquez seconded the nomination.
There were no other nominations for Chairman. The motion to nom~nate Mrs.
Massey as Chairman CARRIED 6-0.
The floor was opened for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mrs. Middleton nomina-
ted Mr. Vazquez for Vice Chairman, which nomination was seconded by Mr. Gnau.
There being no further nominations for Vice Chairman, Mr. Vazquez was unani-
mously elected Vice Chairman.
Industrial Appreciation Week
The Chairman read into the record the letter sent to Mr. Fred Frankland,
Chief, Bureau of Business and Community Development, explaining what the
City of Edgewater is doing to acknowledge Industry Appreciation Week, which
is scheduled for September 17 through September 21.
Report on Fifth Annual Florida Industrial Development Workshop
Mrs. Massey reported on the workshop which was held July 22 through July 25,
stating that she had gained a great deal of helpful information, and she
recommended to the members to participate in such a workshop when another
is scheduled, if at all possible.
Review of Permitted Uses in Industrial Zones
The letter from the Planning and Zoning Board requesting a review and
recommendation for permitted uses in the industrial zones was read. The
letter pointed out that there was a request by the Deputy City Clerk, whose
job includes working with the permitted uses for occupational licenses, to
consider including auto repair and tractor-trailer vehicle minor repair and
maintenance in one of the industrial zones. Mrs. Hassey said that she
discussed this with the County and it is their opinion that these uses
are not suitable to the industrial zones and should be in the heavy com-
mercial zone.
The members felt that these are not industrial type uses and recommended
that auto repair and minor repair and maintenance of tractor-trailer
vehicles be considered a permitted use in the heavy commercial zone. Mrs.
Middleton motioned that a letter be sent to the Planning and Zoning Board
advising that the Industrial Development Board is not in agreement with
putting these businesses into any of the industrial zones, and that con-
sideration should be given to putting them into the heavy business zone.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Faidley and CARRIED 6-0.
There was continued discussion about the uses for the industrial zones.
This Board felt that no changes are needed at this time and discussed
the possibility of a workshop with the Planning and Zoning Board. A
motion was made by Mr. Cichewicz to advise the Planning and Zoning Board
that the Industrial Board does not feel that there are any changes necessary,
and to suggest that if they feel there is something specific which needs
discussion that they advise this Board and a meeting will be arranged.
Mr. Faidley seconded the motion, which CARRIED 6-0.
The members welcomed the new member, Mr. Cichewicz, and noted that Mr.
Poland, who has transferred to the Planning and Zoning Board, will be
Mr. Vazquez recommended that this Board apprise itself of the plans being
made in New Smyrna Beach for the Industrial Appreciation Week. They may
find this information useful in making plans for an industrial appreciation
week next year. Mrs. Massey informed the members that some of the indus-
trial people are meeting at the Islander and from there bus tours will go
to various sites. There is also an industrial workshop planned. She
pointed out that New Smyrna Beach is working to be classed as a "Blue Chip"
The members discussed the industries in Edgewater and expressed their
desire to have an industrial show next year to give a showing of their
support and appreciation.
Mr. Cichewicz expressed interest in how New Smyrna Beach was funding
their Industrial Appreciation Week. Mr. Vazquez explained that New Smyrna
Beach has been actively going after industry for several years and does
have a full-time industrial representative and an active board. The City
is very committed to it. They also have a fine industrial park.
Mrs. Massey pointed out that Michael Bobroff with the State Department of
Commerce, Division of Economic Development, has listings of available land
and buildings suitable for industrial use. This is very beneficial in
attracting potential industries to the area. She noted that the County
is also actively working to bring industry into the area. Now it is time
for the cities to do their part.
Mr. Faidley motioned that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor
Industrial Development Board
September 6, 1984
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