11-03-1983 Joint w/Council
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Council/Industrial Development Board Joint Meeting
November 3, 1983
Chairman Massey called the regular meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. in the
Shuffleboard Clubhouse.
Present: Councilman Spencer, Councilman Asting, Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Middleton,
Messrs. Foleno, Schneider, Vazquez and Gnau. Excused: Councilwoman Benning-
ton, Councilman Wargo and Mayor Ledbetter. Also excused: City Attorney
Alvarez, ChiRtef Ear~ Baugh, Messrs. Poland and Sawyer. Absent: Mr. Faidley.
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Mr. Vazquez motioned to approve the minutes of the October 6, 1983 meeting.
Mr. Gnau seconded the motion, which CARRIED 6-0.
Access to Industrial Zoned Land - Mrs. Massey explained the problem which
exists off Park Avenue, in that Dale Street and John Street, which go across
the F.E.C. railroad, have been blockaded by the railroad company, making that
industrial property inaccessible. She stated that Dale Street has been used
for ingress and egress since 1974 when Wickes purchased the land and built a
truss plant. Taxes are paid for this property but they have no street access,
no water service, no sewer service, no police or fire protection. The rail-
road company advises that it is notan abandoned railway. Mrs. Massey stated
that the railroad is in deplorable condition. She pointed out that in April
of '83 the then City Clerk was asked to inquire about the blockades put up
by the F.E.C. on Dale Street. Councilman Asting informed those present that
he had looked into the barricade problem and had asked the Fire Chief to look
at them and was advised that it would be impossible to get to that land if
there is a fire. Florida East Coast Railroad was advised of this. They
responded that they would give access but there would be an exorbitant annual
fee. Mrs. Massey said that if there was access to the land for seven years
they may have a right of eminent domain. Councilman Asting agreed that the
railroad was in deplorable condition. The ties are rotted out. Board member
Schneider felt the City did not have the right to deny services to that area.
Mrs. Massey urged that the matter be brought to a conclusion: if they need
dedicated streets, if they need to condemn it, if they have right of eminent
domain, then the City should take action and let the Board help. Councilman
Spencer remarked that he did not believe that it is the responsibility of the
City to give services in all cases, but he agreed that it is desirable that
the City do so. Councilman Asting thought perhaps condemnation action might
be one route to go. Mr. Schneider pointed out that the property owners there
could not build on the property as it is now because the City requires that
there be access for police and fire protection before site plan approval is
Councilman Spencer recommended that the Board, along with the Planning Com-
mission, consider the possibility of annexation for additional industrial
areas and for future needs of the City. Councilman Asting said that the
Industrial .Board would be invaluable when the F.E.C. Park opens up. It is
his feeling that anything going into the park should first come to the
Industrial Board for their review. Mrs. Middleton brought out that the
Board has considered the possibility of annexing.
Councilman Asting assured the Board that the City Clerk will contact the City
Attorney to get his opinion on condemnation of the spur, and a report will be
made to the Industrial Board. Mr. Vazquez suggested that the City Attorney
also look into the easement, in that it has been in use for over seven years.
Councilman Asting suggested getting some photographs of the spur.
Tree Ordinance - Mr. Darwin Schneider spoke about the tree ordinance~ com-
menting that he works in construction and is familiar with the situation.
He favors a tree ordinance~ but did not believe a figure of 25 per cent tree
coverage for all development is reasonable, and is too restrictive for in-
dustrial and commercial uses. He pointed out that there needed to be water
retention areas, setbacks, parking, and building areas. He recommended
perhaps 10 per cent tree coverage and 30 per cent green area. Councilman
Spencer said that the ordinance is based on ordinances of other cities.
He explained that the Planning Commission recognizes that there are problems
with the ordinance and Council is willing to consider modifications to make
it a workable ordinance. Mr. Schneider said that buffer zones work well, as
you already have a setback requirement, and there is nothing wrong with
planting in the setback area, in most cases. Councilman Asting recommended
the Board send a letter to Council and let them act on it. Mr. Gnau made a
motion that a letter be prepared to go to Council explaining the Board's
views on the tree ordinance. Mr. Foleno seconded the motion. The motion
was unanimously approved. Mrs. Middleton suggested that a copy of the letter
be sent to the Planning Commission. City Clerk Kinsey advised that a letter
had just come in to the Planning Commission from the Business Association
and if this is going to be on the next Planning Commission agenda, perhaps
members from the Industrial Board should attend that meeting also.
Flood Plain and Cost of Engineering - Mr. Darwin Schneider explained to those
present the problem created by the need for additional engineering review by
Briley, Wild for those projects located in the lOa-year floor plain. He
pointed out that most of the industrial land is located in the flood plain.
Councilman Asting indicated that the City is employing a City Engineer and
this may be a project for him to undertake. Mr. Schneider explained that
Waco Manufacturing Company had submitted all the elevation figures and did
storm water calculations when they applied for site plan approval, but this
had to be reviewed by the City's engineer, which added greatly to the cost.
He said the applicant needs to know exactly what they are required to do;
being held up for 45 days, as Waco was, could cost the company thousands of
dollars. Mrs. Kinsey said that with the new City Engineer reviewing site
plans, the problem should be eliminated. Mr. Schneider suggested that a
set of guide lines be provided.
Certified Development Corporation - Mr. John Vazquez gave a brief explanation
of the function of the C.D.C., noting that the key word in this corporation,
which serves the Southeast Volusia area, is community involvement. The pur-
pose of the C.D.C. is to encourage economic growth by industrial development
and specifically aid the small businessman, not only by bringing new businesses,
but helping the existing businesses in the area to expand. One necessary
result of a C.D.C. loan is that a job be created or a job be maintained. The
person wishing to bring a business to the area or expand must put up 10 per
cent. The local lending institution puts up 50 per cent and has the first
mortgage. The C.D.C. provides 40 per cent. This signifies to those people
wishing to come into the area that they are wanted. Mr. Vazquez explained
that there are only seven other C.D.C's in the State. It is a non-profit
corporation and municipal support is required. What municipal support means
is a gray area and would be for the City Council to determine. Councilman
Asting felt this should go to the attorney, as they would be dealing with
public funds. Councilman Spencer congratulated Mrs. Massey and Mr. Vazquez
on their appointments to the first Board of Directors for the Certified
Development Corporation; Mrs. Massey is Secretary and Mr. Vazques is Trea-
surer. Mr. Schneider commented that it would be advantageous for existing
businesses to be approached and the function of the C.D.C. explained to them.
They could perhaps have an industry awareness day.
Industrial Park - Mr. Vazquez asked for the councilmen's opinions about
having an industrial park owned by the City, comparable to the one in New
Smyrna Beach. The subject of available land for industry was discussed.
Annexation was also brought up. Councilman Spencer said there were a lot
of things the City needed to plan for and this is one of them. It was
noted by most members present that the City should act quickly or the avail-
able land will be used up for residential. Councilman Asting said he favored
a City owned industrial park. Councilman Spencer agreed that the City needs
more industry, but was not ready to support a City owned park until he has
City Council/Industrial Development Board Joint Meeting, November 3, 1983
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studied it further. He referred to the park in New Smyrna Beach, stating
that theirs had not provided many new jobs. Mrs. Massey commented that
the land in New Smyrna was free to the City, and they had gotten grants
for paving the streets. Mr. Schneider stated that in New Smyrna's park,
if you are in an aviation related field and require airport access for your
business, you have to lease the property. Other sites are purchased. It
was noted that there were several businesses ready to corne into that park.
Mrs. Massey commented that it was more important to take care of the matter
at hand, such as getting the streets opened to the existing industrial lands,
rather than consider annexation at this time.
Economic Development through the New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater Chamber of Commerce -
Mr. John Vazquez said that in New Smyrna Beach the emphasis on economic
development is to get it away from the City and put it in the hands of the
Chamber. He asked if that is the avenue which is pursued how does the City
of Edgewater feel about participating in a joint venture with the Chamber of
Commerce? The Chamber, representing both cities, would also be the central
focus of general economic development. He pointed out also that when someone
comes in wanting information, they need to have someone to go to who had
the answers, and can give confidentiality. He stated it needs to be a pro-
fessional person to steer inquiries to, who could also go for grants. This
is a full time job. Councilman Spencer said that one of the things the City
needs is a professional staff planner; he would help in many of these areas.
Councilman Asting said the position needs someone who can sell the City.
Chairman Massey thanked the councilmen for corning to the meeting to discuss
the needs of the City with the Board. Both Councilman Spencer and Councilman
Asting complimented the Board members on their devotion to helping to indus-
trialize the City.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor
City Council/Industrial Development Board Joint Meeting, November 3, 1983
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