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Industrial Development Board
August 4, 1983
Vice Chairman Sawyer called the regular meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. in
the conference area of the Community Center.
Members present: Mrs. Middleton, Messrs. Gnau, Vazquez, Faidley, Sawyer,
and Schneider. Members Excused: Mrs. Massey. Absent: Mr. Poland.
A motion was made by Michael Faidley and seconded by Mr. Vazquez to approye
the July 7, 1983 minutes as submitted. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mrs. Kathryn Lee was appointed by Council at their August 1 as a member of
the Industrial Board. The secretary advised the members that she was out
of town this week. The resolution appointing her to the Board has not been
signed to date.
The members briefly discussed the letter drafted to Mrs. Harriett Hope of
the New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater Chamber of Commerce regarding giving awards
for private resident owners and businesses improving their properties. Mr.
Vazquez commented that the Industrial Development Committee of the Chamber
met on the past Tuesday morning. This suggestion was proposed and it met
with favorable reception; the Chairman, Mr. Cockcroft, will present it to
the Board of Directors for their consideration. Mr. Vazquez said there is
a Beautification Committee within the Chamber; this may be turned over to them.
The letter to the Board of Adjustment concerning the Hanson and McCallister
application for a variance was reviewed. Mr. Faidley reported that he was
at the meeting and the letter was not read; he felt that the letter was not
researched fully on the part of the Industrial Board. He said also that
most of the people at the meeting thought that mobile home parks were better
neighbors than industry. The Board was convinced that the problem was
caused by the City (i.e. the undersized lot was zoned by the City) .
Mr. Schneider suggested that in an area where residential zoning goes in
after the business or industry was already there, the residential area should
put in the buffer, and not the business, when they expand.
~he members briefly discussed the minutes of the Planning Commission
concerning the Florida East Coast Railway Edgewater Industrial Park.
Mr. Sawyer recalled that former member Tom Grueter had recommended that the
members come up with goals for the Industrial Board. He read from the July
7 minutes the goals mentioned by Mrs. Massey. The members felt that after
the Board had set down their goals, a meeting with City Council would be
in order. They believed that there was a real need for a part-time or full-
time industrial representative for Edgewater. Mr. Schneider suggested talk-
ing to Michael Bobroff with the Department of Commerce, who would be able
to give some guidance as to consulting firms and fees. The members discussed
the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), who provide free counseling,
and Mr. Vazquez agreed to talk to Mrs. FloBaker with the Employment Office
to get more information about this group. Other needs of the City were
brought out, such as a good sewer system and additional industrial land.
The land to the west of Mango Tree Drive was mentioned as a possible site
for an industrial park. It was noted that an industrial consultant would
know how to go for grant money for industrial purposes, and his fee would
come out of that money.
The members agreed that they would plan to have an in-depth meeting next
month to go into the goals of the Industrial Board. Mr. Sawyer asked the
members to bring their zoning maps to the next meeting and be prepared to
discuss goals.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor
Industrial Development Board
August 4, 1983 minutes
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