05-05-1983 . t o u CITY OF EDGEWATER Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting May 5, 1983 Minutes Chairman Massey called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. in the conference area of the Community Center. ROLL CALL Members present: Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Middleton, Messrs. Foleno, Faidley, Gnau, Vazquez and Schneider*. Excused: Messrs. Poland, Sawyer and Grueter. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Mr. Gnau and seconded by Mr. Foleno to approve the minutes of the April 7, 1983 meeting. The motion CARRIED 6-0. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN Mrs. Massey opened the floor for nominations for chairman. Mr. Gnau moved that Doris Massey and Tom Sawyer continue to be the chairman and vice-chairman for the coming year. Mrs. Middleton seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0. *Mr. Schneider arrived at 7:15 p.m. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Massey read a letter from Governor Bob Graham addressed to the Chairman of the Industrial Board requesting her presence at the Governor's Conference on World Trade on June 1 and 2, to be held at Walt Disney World. She explained that the registration fee was $135, and asked if she or any other member of the Board should attend the conference. Mrs. Massey commented that she had called the Department of Commerce to obtain more information, but could not find out if the conference would be of great benefit to the Board. The members felt that unless more information was provided to indicate that it would be beneficial to the Board and the City, it would not be necessary that the City be represented. Mrs. Massey agreed and indicated that she would thank them for the invitation and ask that the members be provided with a report of the conference. The members discussed the letter submitted to City Council from the Chairman outlining their recommendation for a moratorium on rezoning of industrial land. They assured the Chairman that the letter expressed their views. Mrs. Massey noted that the Ciuy Attorney had said that a moratorium is quite strong action to take, and asked for more factual background as to what is involved in the recommendation. Mr. Spencer was present and advised that the attorney was concerned about the legality of a moratorium. He recalled figures from the Comprehensive.Plan, which show that less than 8 percent of developed land is zoned industrial in Edgewater. Mrs. Massey thanked Mr. Spencer for being present and for his input. The chairman said she would contact Mr. Alvarez to ascertain what factual background information he needed, and then proceed from there. If it is necessary to meet with the members to provide the information she would call a special meeting. At this point in the meeting the Board discussed the need for Rules and Regulations. Mrs. Massey referred the members to Resolution 79-R-39, which is very complete in regard to the function of the board. Discussion was had concerning forming a Budget Committee of board members to make recommen- dations to Council regarding monies needed to carry out the work of the board. This had been recommended by the former chairman. The members felt that it was not necessary to have a Budget Committee. Mrs. Massey reviewed the Rules and Regulations of the Citizen Code Board, as a guide, and noted that the only part of it not covered by the resolution was when the Board's organizational meeting would be, and the election of a chairman and vice- chairman. After a lengthy discussion .the members felt that a motion would take care of setting the time for the election of chairman and vice-chairman. . ~ ..... Q Q Mr. Schneider motioned that officer's terms should run from May until May, and the regular meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Vazquez seconded the motion and it CARRIED 7-0. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Massey read a letter from the Dept. of Commerce inviting the members to a regiona~ meeting in Orlando on May 11. Mr. Michael Bobroff will be guest speaker. Mrs. Massey would attend and asked if any of the other members would like to participate. No other members were able to go. Mrs. Massey said she would give them a report on the meeting. She commented that the Dept. of Commerce has been working very well with the Board and she felt it was important to keep up with what the Department of Commerce is doing. Mrs. Massey reported that the Dept. of Commerce is also having a third session on the "preparing for Growth" seminar scheduled for June 8th. This will be held in the DeBerry Room, Southeast Bank, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. There was some discussion concerning the need for funds for industrial development. Mr. Schneider noted that Mr. Dodd. is in;, charge of obtaining funds for industrial development in New Smyrna Beach, and Mr. Vazquez suggested inviting Mr. Dodd to a meeting to talk with the Board members. Mrs. Massey said she would be in touch with him and could talk to him about it. Referring to the "Preparing for Growth" seminar, Mrs. Massey said she would send out letters to City Council, and others, informing them of the seminar. Mr. Schneider asked if the seminar was open to the publici he felt it was important to get more of the local industry people involved. Mrs. Massey said she does call to some of the local people when this type of meeting is held. She mentioned the Coronado Paint Company, who's president spoke at the recent New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater Chamber of Commerce meeting, and remarked how interesting it was to hear him speak about the industry. Mr. Vazquez made a motion that the Edgewater Industrial Development Board write a letter to the Chamber of Commerce that we appreciate their hosting local businessmen in industry and that they continue to have someone of that order as speaker. Mrs. Middleton seconded the motion, which CARRIED 7-0. COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Massey read a letter to the Mayor and City Council from Mr. Frank Opal regarding verbal abuse of Board members. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting May 5, 1983 - 2 - Q '.) I . I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I