Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting
March 3, 1983 .
Chairman Massey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ln the conference
area of the Community Center.
Members present: Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Middleton, Messrs. Poland, Foleno, Faidley,
Sawyer, Vazquez, Grueter, Gnau and Schneider. Also present: Susan Wadsworth,
Deputy City Clerk and Joan Taylor, Secretary.
The motion was made by Mr. Schneider and seconded by Mrs. Middleton to
accept the minutes of the February 3, 1983 meeting. The motion CARRIED 8-0.
Mrs. Wadsworth administered the oath of office to new members Mr. Grueter
and Mr. Vazquez, and reappointed member, Mrs. Massey.
Mrs. Massey introduced representatives from the Daytona Beach Community
College: Dr. Jeanne Diesen, Director of the South Volusia Center, Dr. Paul
Stark, Director of Health and Human Services, Dr. Janie Lawhorn, Director
of Business Division and Mr. J. Roland Smith, Director of Trade and Indus-
After a few brief remarks, Dr. Diesen turned the meeting over to Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith noted that industry services and the Community College is a joint
endeavor. He mentioned other partners in this effort, the Florida Department
of Commerce and the Division of Vocational Education in Tallahassee. He noted
that there is vocational education within 50 miles of every citizen in the
State of Florida. Daytona Beach Community College is a full service college.
For every 100 new industrial jobs brought to a community there are 74 "shirt-
tail" jobs generated. His division would train the people for the indust-
rial jobs and the Health and Human Services and Business Divisions would
train those other employees. Mr. Smith reviewed the programs offered by the
Technical and Industrial Division, advising that all of their curriculum
include a review of mathematics, communications, inter-personal relations
and how to get along in the workplace. Many of the offerings offer an
opportunity for persons to work on the job, called co-op; these may be a
year, two-year, day and night, whereby the student can earn a certificate
or a degree. He offered a personal invitation to the Board members to come
on campus and look at their programs.
Dr. Lawhorn remarked that computer science is the biggest thing going in
the Business Division. She said that the Division has received $250,000
this year. It will have its own stand-up computer, three high technology
micro-computer labs and all the assembly equipment that goes with it. New
word processing equipment will also be added. She added that they will be
very happy to work with the City in its pursuit for new industry.
Dr. Stark advised that once you get into industrial growth people begin
to ask about the programs offered in the Health and Human Services Division.
He said the Division is a very comprehensive division in a new building of
six stories, extremely well equipped and the curriculum is well recognized
by national as well as local organizations.
Dr. Diesen invited the members to come by the Southeast Volusia Center. She
said it is possible to complete a 2-year AA Degree in New Smyrna without ever
going to the main campus. She said the Southeast Center tries to react as
they can to individual requests and needs. She.~invited the members to talk
to her whenever they had a problem, or wanted a short course put up, and they
will try to do what they can.
When asked about special training for a specific technology, Mr. Smith
explained that if the school did not have a program scheduled to handle it,
they would work with the City and the industry and set up a progFam, either
on campus or at the industry location. Some discussion was had as to lead-in
time to set up a program, number of people needed for a class, and end-goals
they are trained for.
Mr. Sawyer raised the question of technical training for the petroleum
industry off-shore drilling, which has been discussed for the southeastern
part of the country, specifically instrumentation. Mr. Smith said they are
prepared to provide the best welders and metal fabricators there are, but
he has not researched beyond that. He would need help in identifying the
Mr. Grueter asked about a machine-tool program; Mr. Smith said their machine
shop program does not include CNC; they have a request in and are hoping for
a program next year. They can provide drafting in-house or at the Southeast
Mrs. Massey invited the speakers to stay for the rest of the meeting, but
they asked to be excused. Mrs. Massey and the Board members thanked them
for coming.
Mrs. Massey introduced Harriet Hope, Executive Director of the New Smyrna
Beach/Edgewater Chamber of Commerce.
Mrs. Massey reported that she had sent out letters of thanks to Michael
Bobroff, Sharon Williams, the City of Edgewater and Mr. Schaub, with the
City, and circulated a copy of the newspaper article about the Seminar
which was held at the last meeting.
Mrs. Massey called attention to the public hearing scheduled for March 7
regarding the rezoning of land from I-I to R-S between Cheeta and Pearl Streets
on Old County Road, and asked for the Board comments.
Mr. Sawyer called attention to the paint factory in a residential area, and
feared this would create a similar type situation. Mr. Poland recommended
a strong written stand against the rezoning to Council. He noted that there
would be no way to change residential land back to industrial, and felt that
the more residential the City had intruding on industrial land, the less
chance the City would have in getting a business to establish itself there.
Mr. Schneider offered the suggestion that miniwarehouses in that location
would be a proper use, and would serve as a buffer between the residential
and the industrial park. He asked if anyone had a suggestion for a better
location for his property which would be financial feasible for the appli-
cant, and would not be in contradiction with a better plan for Edgewater.
Mrs. Massey said that the problem is that a development of this type must
have water and sewage and there are few locations in Edgewater which can
supply it.
Mr. Grueter recommended meeting with the Zoning Commission when a rezonlng
issue comes up to try to understand their reasoning and to glve them the
benefit of the Industrial Board's recommendations.
There was much discussion about how the Board should 'approach Council to voice
their opposition to this rezoning. Mr. Foleno motioned that all the Board
members be at the Council meeting on Monday night so that they can get up
and speak on it. Mr. Schneider said that was a tough motion to make, as
it may not be possible for all members to be there. Mr. Foleno withdrew
his motion. Mr. Schneider motioned that we, as a Board, draft a letter
stating our opinion that we've all discussed, opposing the rezoning, and
have one representative of the Board read that letter at the hearing. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Sawyer and UNANIMOUSLY passed. Mr. Sawyer ':~
suggested the letter state that this is contradictory to the Board's func-
tion because we have an on-going endeavor to bring industry into the area;
this really jeopardizes their position to function as a Board.
Mr. Sawyer asked to have a copy of the letter which was directed to Council
and the Zoning Commission asking that the Industrial Board be advised of
and requests for rezoning in the City. Mr. Poland asked to see a copy of
Council's response. Mr. Grueter said he would like to have a joint workshop
with the Zoning Commission to get acquainted. Mrs. Massey said she would
Industrial Development Board
March 3, 1983 meeting
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see what she could do about arranglng a workshop between the two boards.
She said perhaps they could be asked to be on the agenda for a regular
Zoning Commission meeting.
Referring again to the rezoning issue, Mr. Schneider said that he felt
R-5 zoning should be in close proximity to industrial, but not connect-
ing it, because that is your primary work force, but they did not want
to take away any industrial. Mr. Grueter agreed, saying that this rezoning
would be eating up the areas that would be providing jobs. They both
thought this point should be brought to the Zoning Board.
Mr. Grueter said he belonged to the Volusia County Manufacturing Association.
He had a questionaire concerning what people's attitude is toward business.
This will go in a report to the Governor. He asked each board member to
fill out the questionaire and turn it in to the secretary. He said that
his business cannot hire people with high technology because there is no
place for them to go tp further their education. He assured them that he
had received the permission of the Florida Manufacturers Association for
the Board to have the :questionnaire. This would give the State an idea
of what they should be doing about the situation and, possibly, what the
City should be doing about it.
On another matter, Mr. Schneider mentioned that the Planning for Growth
Seminar was very impressive, and had given him several ideas. Referring
to federal funds for industrial development, he thought a survey could
be done. He thought perhaps it would be advisable to consider a joint
project with New Smyrna Beach, as an industrial park in either City would
benefit the other. He suggested considering purchasing a portion of the
F.E.C. development and develop it and get it ready. He suggested looking
into federal funds for this purpose. He thought that over the next few
months they could get some input on this. He asked the members to give
this idea some thought.
Mr. Opal spoke about the Old County Road, stating that the actual -Old County
Road is 200 feet east, under Norwood's property and Hatfield's property.
Mrs. Massey noted that the Industrial Board has had almost perfect attendance
every month, and voiced her appreciation for such an active board.
Harriot Hope spoke to the Board, calling attention to the Chamber's Economic
Development Committee. She said they are there to help in any way that they
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor
Industrial Development Board
March 3, 1983 meeting
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