December 10, 1981
Chairman Siciliano called the regular meeting of the Industrial Develop-
ment Board to order on December 10, 1981 at 7:05PM.
Members present: Chairman Siciliano, Mr. Breuilly, Mr. Zigmund,
Mr. Gnau, Mr. Duby, Mr. MoIster.
Mrs. Massey and Mr. Landry were Excused; Mr. Sawyer was Absent.
Mr. Duby moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of November
5, 1981, seconded by Mr. Zigmund. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Chairman Siciliano read a letter from the Zoning and Planning Board
regarding the Board's rezoning request for the property located near
Industrial Road, Lot 4 Section 3, North of Marion adjacent to the FEC
railroad. The Zoning.land Planning Board tabled ,the requ~s~ until
Chairman Siciliano could be there to clarify the property.
Chairman Siciliano said that after looking at the property again he
felt that the Board should re-considere its request to rezone it to
R-4. He felt that it should be rezoned to I-I. There are already
some I-I businesses there now, and it does not look like multi-family
housing would do well there. The major reason for the rezoning would
be to keep heavy industry from moving into this area. After some
discussion the Board agreed.
Chairman Siciliano announced that FEe has their preliminary site plan
ready for the iridustrial park. He would like to see the Board members
attend the Zoning and Planning Board meeting when the site plan is
presented. The official name of the park will be the Edgewater
Industrial Center.
Mr. Zigmund brought in the price estimates he had received for a brochure.
For a full color brochure with pictures, it will cost approximately
$1000-$1200 to print 3,000-4,000 brochures. Color separation for each
picture will run approximately $100.00 per picture. There was some
discussion on this, and Mr. Zigmund pointed out that a black and white
or 2-color brochure would not be as .expensive. He agreed to find out
further prices. Mr. MoIster said he would visit Mutligraphics and
Chairman Siciliano said he would go to Barron's. There was also some
discussion about an accompanying letter to be sent out with the brochure.
After some discussion about the link between the Board and the Zoning
and Planning Board, Mr. Breuilly moved to invite the Chairman of the
Zoning and Planning Board to the next meeting to advise the Board of
any progression in regards to industry, seconded by Mr. MoIster.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Gnau moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Duby. The meeting
was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Cecelia Moore