11-05-1981 o o CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD November 5, 1981 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Siciliano called to order the regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board on November 5, 1981 at 7:10PM. ROLL CALL Seabastian Siciliano Harold Breuilly Victor Macino Robert Zigmund Clarence Gnau Present Absent Excused Present Present Doris Massey Edmund Duby Doug MoIster Al Landry Torn Sawyer Present Present Present Present Present Also present were the City Clerk, Nancy Blazi, and Mayor Robert Christy. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Siciliano noted that (as stated in the minutes) he had not yet written the letter to the Council recommending that the property east of the railroad zoned 1-2 be changed. He said that he would get it done. Mr. Gnau moved to accept the minutes of the October 1, 1981 meeting. Mr. MoIster seconded it. Motion carried 8-0. Mr. Siciliano introduced the new secretary, Cecelia Moore. The Board examined a new flow chart that shows the separate duties of each Board member. Mr. Duby volunteered to handle the Government and Taxes section. Mr. Sawyer moved to accept the organization chart. Mr. Landry seconded it. Motion carried 8-0. Mr. Siciliano reported that Magnuson presented a sketch plan to the Zoning and Planning Board for the new shopping center. The Board has approved the plan and decided that it basically meets the comprehensive plan. Mr. Siciliano suggested that the Board members take a look at the plan, which is in the Planning Office. There was some discussion about Magnuson and their connection with Florida Shores. Mr. Siciliano pointed out that before any building started they would have to sub- mit preliminary and final plans to the Zoning and Planning Board, and abide by the City ordinances. It was pointed out that Magnuson will keep control of the shopping center, and rent out the store space. There was some further disucssion about what stores would be in the shopping center. There was also discussion about the sign ordinance and some of the signs in present shopping centers. Mr. Siciliano suggested that the Board think about any changes they would like to see in the sign ordinance, how it pertains or affects the industrial park, and it would be discussed at the next meeting. Industrial Development Board Meeting 11/5/81 o o The Board discussed advertising. Mrs. Massey had a sample brochure to give the Board an idea of one type of advertising. The brochure could have pictures of different types of industry that are in the city. Mr. Siciliano suggested putting a layout of the Industrial Park in the brochure. The Secretary agreed to check into reducing the Industrial Park layout to a size that would fit in a brochure. Mr. Siciliano had looked into current industry in the City. There are approximately 20 industr~es in the area. He discussed several different ones. Mr. Sawyer suggested putting in the brochure some highlights of the industry in the City, the work force, etc. Mrs. Massey showed several publications that she felt would be a good place for the City to advertise their Industrial Park, including the Washington Review and Florida Trend Magazine. Mrs. Massey suggested that Florida Trend might run an article about the Park. Mr. Zigmund thought they might be able to run a small ad in the classifieds of trade journals. Mr. Siciliano pointed out that they had not really set any sort of advertising budget, and that he had no idea of how much money there would be. Mr. Zigmund said that since the business community would also benefit from this Industrial Park, the City could go to them for money. Mr. Siciliano suggested that the Board should set some kind of budget for advertising, and then go to the Council with it. After some discussion of what kind of brochure it could be -- color, black and white, etc., Mr. Zigmund agreed to get some estimates on the price of printing a brochure and he will present it at the next meeting. Mayor Christy reported from the County Council meeting. The County wants to raise the gas tax by one cent, which he feels will not help the City of Edgewater, or its industrial park. In addition, they want to raise the sales tax from 4 cents to 5 cents. He feels that if the municipalities would get the extra cent then the City should support it. Mr. Siciliano said that he had tried to get in touch with FEC but had not talked to them yet. He wanted to see if they had done any- thing new, because they had not corne in with their site plans yet. He said he would find out before the next meeting. Mr. Sawyer and Mrs. Massey said they would get together before the next meeting and work on additional ideas for the brochure. Mr. Zigmund wanted to know if he should collect catalogs from the different schools in the area, including the universities in Deland and Orlando. It was decided that he should and he will try to have them for the next meeting. Mrs. Massey moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Sawyer seconded it. Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Cecelia Moore Industrial Development Board Meeting 11/5/81 -2-