08-06-1981 .. 9 o CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD August 6, 1981 / CALL TO ORDER Mr. Siciliano called to order the regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board on August 6, 1981 at 7:00PM. ROLL CALL Sebastian Siciliano Harold Breuilly Victor Macino Robert Zigmund Clarence Grau Doris Massey Edmund Duby Doug Molster Al Landry Tom Sawyer Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present (Arrived Late) Present Present (Arrived Late) Present Mr. Siciliano introduced himself to the new Board Members. He also asked the members to do the same. APPROVAL OF MINUTES .:-<<. Mrs~ Massey made a motion to approve the minutes of April 2, 1981 meeting. Mr. Zigmund seconded it. Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Siciliano explained the object of the Industrial Board was to attract good clean industry to the area. He stated that the Board had acquired the FEC Property thru the PID (Planned Industrial Development). He asked for copies of the PIO and a Zoning map for each Board Member. He explained we need people with different aspects of Edgewater to work toward getting prospective clients. Mr. Siciliano asked members to come up with advertise- ment ideas for the next meeting. Mr. Gnau asked about the budget. Mr. Siciliano explained we had $4000.00 last year and used $491.00. The rest of the money was taken back by the City however we wouYd receive about the same amount next year. Tom Sawyer asked about flow charts. Mr. Siciliano stated he had a chart and needed names for positions. He explained what each position entailed. Mr. Landry asked where information on the Industrial Area was. Mrs. Massey explained how the Board dug out infor- mation by calling businesses etc. There was a discussion on this matter. Mr. Macino expressed the concern of the citizens as to what kind of Industry would come into the area. There was a discussion on the water and sewer possible shortage. Mrs. Massey introduced data sheet on the area to the Board Members and stated they were compiled by the Chamber of Commerce. ~ 9 o There was a question and some discussion concerning the growth of the City. , , Mr.' Siciliano explained what an Industry must do before coming into the City. He said the City needs two wells before an Industry can build even tho' the Zoning Board has been passing their plans. ADVERTISING There was a discussion on advertising and ways to do so. Mr. Siciliano asked for ideas on brochures. Mr. Gnau suggested sending flyers to Utilities. There was mention of an Industrial book which could be used to contact large businesses. NEW BUSINESS It was discussed as to whether or not the meeting night should be changed. Several members had previous commitments on another day discussed so it was decided to keep the first Thursday of the month as their reg- ular meeting night. Mr. Duby brought up the question of financial disclosures. There was quite a discussion as to whether or not they should fill: them out. Mr. Sicili1no asked each member if there was anything they wanted to discuss. As there was not, a motion was made to adjourn and seconded. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Dolly Bloss