12-04-1980 . . ::-.. ~. 'J ~ _lJ 'W CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD December 4, 1980 CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Sebastian Siciliano, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Mr. Siciliano Mr. Brogan Mrs. Mackie Mr. Richardson Mr. Kane Mr. Jones l-1s. Massey Nr. Witzig Mr. Duby Present Absent (La te) Excused Present Present Absent Present Present Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Duby made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 6th meeting and Mr. Witzig seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0. COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS P.LD. Mr. Siciliano stated that the City Clerk and the City Attorney are still working on verifying the abutting property owners for the proposed P.I.D. area. When this has been completed the letters will go out by registered mail and a public hearing will be called. He said he had not been in contact with the F.E.C. Mr. Witzig stated the Board could do nothing more on the P.I.D. at this time. Advertising Nr. Siciliano distributed the rate schedule 'from Newsday, Long Island, NY which Mr. Witzig had obtained. Mr. Richardson questioned the amount the Board had been allotted in the budget this year. Mr. Siciliano stated this was approximately $4,000.00. Mr. Richardson questioned the cost of printing and mailing the proposed brochures. There was a discussion concerning the brochures, what should be included and if the Board felt this was the best way to attract new business for the City. Mr. Duby submitted magazines for review that Mr. Siciliano had requested from the previous meeting. . .~ . u Q ,. Mr. Siciliano asked Doris Massey if she had any information from the Chamber of Commerce Industrial Board concerning advertising. Ms. Massey said she had not received anything lately but would check on this and report back to the Board. There was a discussion regarding the availability of water for incoming businesses. It was questioned as to how much extra water and sewage is available at this time. Mr. Siciliano stated he would check with the Water Supervisor on the extra amount of water and sewage available and report back to the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Kane questioned tax breaks being given for incoming developers. It was stated some states do offer tax breaks, however Florida does not provide this as an incentive. Brochures were discussed and Mr. Siciliano requested a tentative brochure be designed at the next meeting since the Board unanimously agreed this is the best method of approaching new business potentials. Ms. Massey said she would try to pick up some brochures from other cities for comparison. Mr. Kane questioned the zoning restrictions and permitted uses specified in the P.I.D. report. It was requested that the secretary obtain copies of this report for the members of the Board to review. NEW BUSINESS Since the next meeting is scheduled to fall on New Years Day, a Holiday, suggestions were requested for a new meeting date. Mr. Kane made a motion to hold the meeting January 8, 1981, which was seconded by Mr. Duby. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0. BOARD COMMENTS Everyone was wished a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ADJOURN Mr. Duby made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Richardson seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Patsy L. McCann Industrial Dev. Board Meeting 12/4/80 -2-