08-07-1980 '-> o ~tJvc"-\ "J"'~ crN OF EDGEWATER INDUS'IRIAL DEVEIDPMENT ADVISORY BOARD August 7, 1980 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Siciliano called the meeting to order at 7:05 E.M. in the Edgew~ter City Hall. ROLL ClUL Mr. Siciliano Mr. Brogan Mrs. Mackie Mr. Richardson Mr. Kane Mr. Jones Mrs. Massey Mr. Witzig Mrs. Brown Mr. Duby Present Present Present Present Absent Present Absent Present Absent Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Richardson made a rrotion to approve the minutes of June 5, 1980. Mr . Jones seconded the motion. The motion CAR~IED 7-0. CORREsroNDENCE Tne Board Secretary read two letters fran Peter Carter of the Chamber of Carrnerce dated May 22, and .July 17, 1980. There was a brief discussion on the letter pertaining to an inquiry from Optical Lens Manufacture requesting information on industrial locations in the area. ... Mr. Siciliano will get intouch with the Optical firm in ab0ut thirty days. This would give the Chamber of Ctmnerce the opportunity to send information fia:'st before any follow up is done. BOARD COMMENT Mr. Siciliano made a cannent that Mr. Hurley would like the Industrial Board to meet '.'lith the Planning Board to talk over the P. LD. Mr. Witzig volu..'1teered to take transparent pictures for the advertising next year, the Board manbers gave suggestions where pictures should be taken. Mr. P.ichardson made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Mackie seconded the motion. ADJOORN Minutes submitted by: l\fancy Blazi Janice Burnell