02-07-1980 Joint w/Planning Board & Zoning Board
February 7, 1980
Mr. Siciliano called the joing meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
at the Shuffleboard Clubhouse.
Industrial Development Board
~~r. Siciliano
Mr. Brogan
~1rs. Mackie
Mr. Richardson
hIr. I~ane
Mr. .Tones
Mrs. ~Iassey
Mr. Witzig
J,lrs. . Drown
~1r. Duby
Planning Board
Mr. Nolan
Mr. Macino
Mr. Griffith
tIrs. '\'ebber
Hr. Lodico
Mr. Cochran
Mrs. Siciliano
Mr. Wronial<
Mrs. Perozziello
l.!rs. Woodard
Mr. Hardock
Zoning Board
Mr. 1,Iackie
Mr. Siciliano
Mr. Engle
!'.1r. Opal
Mr. Wheeler
~Ir. Bowser
~lr. Troian
Also Present:
Mr. Eurley
j.lr. Webster
Ur. Castagnacci
Mr. Holohan
Mr. Corbett
Mr. Badgley
Mr. Rotundo
f,1r. II erget
Mr. Ledpetter
Chief Baugh
~\Iayor Christy
Mr. Gross
Mr. Siciliano stated that this meeting was called to have
Mr. Corbett, Florida East Coast Railway, present their
intentions on the land that they own in the Korthwest corner
of Edgewater.
Mr. Corbett gave his presentation. They want to develop this
area in a way that would be condusive to the area. They would
like to sell this to someone who has an interest in the area.
Looking at the map, there was discussion on the location of
the access street on this property. He explained that the
zoning of this area needs to be such that industry can come in,
and he will need to know this zoning in order to inform possible
buyers of the land.
Mr. Corbett stressed the word cooperate, if the City can zone
the property in such a manner that industry can come in, yet
a certain industry is not what is wanted in this area it will
be stopped. An industry has to have the cooperation of the
public or it won't profit. There was mention of the
bordering property being zoned commercial as a barrier between
the industry and residential. He explained that they want a
profitable busi,ness to locate in this area because they will
benefit from t~is and so will the City.
Mr. Corbett:st~ted that they will dedicate a right of way' and
they request that they be allowed to use the property for the
purpose they purchased it, which was to bring industry to the
Mr. Siciliano a,sked the people who have questions for Mr. Corbett
to raise their fands and they will be recognized.
Mr. Cochran stated that Mr. Corbett should have checked into the
zoning of this property when it was purchased so he would know
what he could have put on it. He asked what Mr. Corbett's
potential is for reselling this property. He added that the
garment industiy was brought up in the present,ation, and this
i~ not a pleas~t industry to live near. Also the class of
~eople that th~s will bring into Edgewater has to be taken
into consideration.
Mr. Corbett had no reply, he stated that this gentleman is
obviously against industry.
Mr. Walter Gross ,stated that the City of Edgewater is not against
growth. He spoke of the paint factory in this City and the fire
that occurred recently endangering the lives of the citizens and
also the fact that the elementery school is within a couple of
blocks of this factory. The people of Edgewater are just being
cautious, most of the citizens here are retired.
Mr. Lodico spoke that we should not hold this back, we need the
industry. Even the retired people living in Edgewater have to
go to New Smyrna to do all of their shopping, lets keep that
money in Edgewater.
Mr. Corbett stated that it is refreshing to see someone who is
willing to think of the future.
Mrs. Webber asked if there was any more thought of using the
May town spur and taking the main line out of the City of Edgewater.
Mr. Corbett stated that the decision was made a while back that
the May town spur was the most difficult to operate. He added
that the railroad is part of the economy of the City of Edgewater,
they would like to contribute to the community.
Mr. Griffith asked how they would handle the crossings and should
this be zoned industrial, how would they handle the spurs corning
in to the warehouses?
~lr. Corbett could not give a specific answer to this. He gave
SOJTle examples; such as Scotty's, to show how this has been done.
As far as the crossings are concerned, no crossing can be put in
without the lights and the bells and gates.
Mr. Opal asked what Mr. Corbett would like the rest of his property
zoned, with the exception of the property that he mentioned before
that he would like to have cornrnercial.
Mr. Corbett s~ated that they would like it to be the most
lenient' as ppssible, so that the industry can be beneficial.
There was disbusslon about the road that is to be deqicated ~o
the City. Mr. S~ciliano showed the map, trying to explain
exactly wherej this roacl will be. ~~
: J
Mr. RichardsQ~ asked if he intends to sell. 9r lease this property?
Does FloridajEast;!Coast have any perimeter~,on rrcinimum or maximum
tonage befor1ithe~ sell? ~
Mr. Corbett ~iate~ that they will sell or lease, and they cannot
require a ce~tain:~onage. ~They do. evaluate the_products as to
how r::uch wil~4 be shipped by:orai}, and whai;,-:type of material Will' .
go, either lityUid~';or Wood,~:e.t~,:~' ,._,,~'~:.~ ;-"~ '-.:.. :;",,:.>.'.:'./'.:..
Mr. lii tzig a~~ed ~f they ptan=-~o -put:~up::tiiiTdings ""or is thiEtt.O:,::':'::: .::.:....
be just a 1 aIi{l. salce. c.. .-==0 . :~- ~"" ~""I~ . <'-:-'</"'-
il ,~. - .. ~~.." .~~ ~.., .:';., .
Mr. Corbett ~tated that they -will be selling the property fo~.,a... .<~ .,,::
specific meaq~.Once this is zoned they will-start putting in ~.~. '.
line of cite~j ...'. :..... ';. .'
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There was discussion about howO;long it would be that this area..:' ""~:"'.'-: . . .
. would have t~t act=Ual industry after the properties were sold. " ." _
Mr. John Gros~ stated that he feels that we should knock out the
road~ay idea:~ He went on to explain that we have a new school.
going up in ~l].is area. He feels that a light industry should be..
considered here with a residential area also. Perhaps a special
ordinance could be written up to protect everyone involved.
f i.
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Mr. liolan asked Mr. Corbett if he was familiar with the Comprehen-
sive Plans that the Cities in the County are now working on.
Mr. Corbett stated that he is aware of this but not in detail.
Mr. Kolan explained that the area directly of this right of way
that is proposed falls in line with the concept of the plan as
far as light industry. The area west of this does not. comply
witb this. He explained that the plan of the City of Edgewater
is based on controlled growth, which will enhance the. life style
and economy -in the City. The Industrial Board will see that all
industry will be synonimous to the needs of the community. The
concern is about the area west of this right of way; this is now
zoned agricultural. He feels that this should be discussed more
in detail.
There was discussion with Mr. Corbett about this, and then also
discussion about the road.
Mr. Siciliano used the map and explained the reason for choosing
this road; this is the only way the railroad can get into Park
. Ave~ue without going to New Smyrna Deach.
Mr. Gross stated that he would like to point out that it is not
necessary for the road to be there. He added that he is going
to fight the heavy industry.
Mr. Griffith asked if the zoning problem was solved, how soon
could a person plan to put industry in there?
Mr. Corbett answered that it would take approximately thirty days.
Mr. Cochran spoke on the access roads to this property.
It v.as explained that the County intends to extend Tenth Street
- i-
.i'" _~
, ~
as an arterial road through Mission Road to Highway 44. This is
one way out of ~ here:. ,~ " ___~_ ~ -""- _ _
-.;,. ~
There was discussio-n about the -'b'ridge in this area . Mayor Christy
~1 . - ~ .3. ~ - .
explained thatjthe County wil1..._Ilp:t"..take, any responsibility as far
as this bridge~on Tenth Street ~iE;"'concer'ned~;'~~'
..1 -"'.: :~
~r. Nolan went50ver the map poin~ing out the entire area that is
in discussion &xplalning the~zon~ng?the ~roposedroad and the
requested rezo~ing.' lie adde~ that what they are asking is con-
dusive to the Gomprehensive ~lan~ He also stated that the Plan-
ning Board is gpposed to heayy'~}ndus!ry."~,~;.?~, "
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Mr. Gross aSke~ a f~w other ':~ue~l tb.ns~~' =...:_~;~~ -- ""- : -~ -, ';< . .-.:~'~'....
It was explained that the Council has. ordlIfances whichwill.':"r~9't~ict '
certain types df industry in~:ce:rtain areas.~.There- is a m,~th~d:,'O'.f.. '
..1 ~~ ---+,;....:...:-. ~%:.1_.......;.... _ -:. ."' ...... .
control.:l _, - . . _, . '. '.<<;~: .',
:l __ _:_~~~-:.; ~~~~:-T~~~~~~~~~::~;~~~;: _ - .-- ..-; ".:.-.
Mr. Nolan expl~inedc- that thei~:':-i.~~:an:.agreerrtent with New.smy'rha:;~,>'- ;::
on the boundar:lles, ~nd it was:~-ag~eed th-at v.;e ~wouTd' ':all '-SIt-down.. -_ .
and dicusss i t_ibefore any zoiring':.:ochanges =a:ffecting-'=these:'-a're::t:s.."; "'_
~ ' ' . . ". ..
takes place. ~i - ~"'-s~-_ ~ "-c_~.~~._?,' ',_ ::....",~'. '..
.:. . ....-;...
the boards 'wan~-tc),:-s~~";',
The boards should-"}()ok" _,.'
?ir. Mackie broJght up the fa(ft'-_a~ain:that
the proper bus~nesses come into the City.
into this in itis entirety.
. .
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- . . .
. -'
There was discussion again about the road right of way that"is'~: '.
proposed. Mr. Corbett stated that their proposal was that as':,.
a measure to enable the City' to ego ahead promptly with their -
access to this bigh school, we will give the'right of way as
a contribution with the expectations that the City will provide
their own road. The other condition being that the.property be
used for industry.
At this time Mr. Corbett thanked the board members for allowing
him to make this presentation.
~.!r. Siciliano asked all of the board members to remain for a
few minutes.
The first matter of business is the selection of the Sub-Committee;'
- .
},~r. Hurley explained that these committees are being formed t'c:>':""
review the existing Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision regulations:~
V:e already have some of these committees established, tonight we',".
Leed to get two members from the Planning Board and two members
from the Industrial Board to review the existing Zoning Ordinance.
t'e also need one member from the Planning Board to review the
Eubdivision regulations.
~!r. Richardson and Mr. Witzig volunteered from the Industrial Board
to review the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Cochran and Mr. Macino were appointed to review the Zoning
Ordinance, from the Planning Board.
Mrs. Siciliano was appointed as the Planning Board member to
review the Subdivision regulations.
The Industrial Board members were excused at this tiffie.
~r. Siciliano explained that the Zoning Board has reviewcid site
plans from Mr. Pilch and Mr. Webster
Mr. Nolan explained that the first site plan is Mr. Pilch's.
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-. ,.-:'=~~.' This is a site plan for a single family residence in a B-4
!:f ~L~ ~.:!:
::;':;,,:~ .~ ~ ,District. The building official has approved the plan and
l~ ~l:~gi-:~~,_ ,this. complies with the Ordinances of the City.
:..-, ....'l:,.~..- "_
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;,:';':-~F}~ .~~' The board members looked over the site plan.
~:'~''::! 'i.. _~.- Mr. Lodico stated
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S"--;:.:JL ~:_~..::~~~;; Mr..:;. Nqlan .stated that the Planning Board has a meeting this
~:L7.-r-:-;?-"':.c: week~'and he will make a statement at that time and he thinks
7' ;.::-:-"":;:r;;.. .;;,";:':., "- _. .. .
~;:~'7:.;--'" _'~ "..-that 1.t w111 clear th1s up.
~ ""1,. 'Jt.c;~,..... .;~;.._ ,. .'
~~~1~~#;~~~k~,to the site .plans.
~2i~:~ic;~~~~"'":Mrs~~'~fSrciliano made -a motion to approve the site plan for the
~~;~~.;::'- Cameron property (Pilch) being seconded by Mrs. Perozziello.
~.'"::"~'-4~\v ".;. tThe motion CARRIED 7-0.
-~ -:':'~~~' .~-:-=- -;.:
that he heard that when the special meeting
because someone in particular wanted to
members were not given this person's name.
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~ Mr. Webster presented his site plan.
; ~~-'~ ~...1~ ~
'~~~.~~~~- ~The'board members ~ooked this 'over and discussed it.
'~ -.- ~:
Mrs. Webber made a motion to table this until we find out if
we need a lift station. A certified engineer needs to decide
that, being seconded by Mr. Cochran. Said motion DIED 2-5.
.... ..
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Mr. Lodico made a motion that we go ahead and approve the site
~an with the condition that a qualified engineer check it and
certify that our sewer lines are adequate and also that the
contractor install street lights, being seconded by Mr. Cochran.
The motion CARRIED 6-1. Mrs. Webber voting No.
Mr. Orrell's site plan was presented.
Mr. Lodico made a motion to table this until the next meeting,
being seconded by Mr. Perozziello. The motion CARRIED 4-3.
Mr. Griffith made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by
Mr. Lodico. The motion CARRIED, meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Sigler