12-14-1979 o o i:? r) CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD 'December 14~ ~~79 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Siciliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL, CALL Mr. Siciliano Mrs. Mackie Mr. Gross Mr. Kane Mr. Jones Mrs. Massey Mr. Witzig Mrs. Brown Mr. Duby Present Present Late Present Excused Excused Present Present Present AP PROV AL 0 F' ~1I NUT E S Mr~ Brown made a motion to accept the minutes of November 1, 1979. Mrs. Mackie seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0. The letter from F.E.C. was read concerning the Railway's industrial tract. There was a lengthy discussion about what kind of business or residential district would be suited for that area. M r s. Mac k i e mad e a mot ion tom a kef rom 500 I to 1, ,0 0 0 I Wa\" 0 f the R ail R 0 a d tracks 1-1 Light Industry, adjacent to 1-1 would be Multi-Family zoned as a buffer zone, adjacent to Multi-Family would be Single-Family. Mr. Witzig seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 5-1. Mr. Gross voted NO. The Board agreed that:'a survey would have to be done to determine exactly what portion of land would be designated as 1-1, Multi-Family and Single-Family. This would depend on where the proposed access would be located. Mr. Gross made a motion that no Industrial road be put in close proximity to the school. Mrs. Brown' seconded the motion. The motion DID NOT CARRY 5-2. Mr. Duby and Mr. Gross voted yes. Mr. Gross stated that he is concerned with the safety of the children of Edgewater. Mrs. Brown stated that she would get with the Chief in January on the slide presentation for Edgewater. The questionnaire will be discussed on January 3rd. There will also be a discussion on Public Relations. 'M.,\"'. 'Wttzi.g.mad"e a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Mackie seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned Minutes submitted by Nancy Blazi Donna Prevatt ......