09-13-1979 r'~ f'-' ~ ~ .u ;. q (!'- { .... CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD September 13, 1979 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Siciliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL ALSO PRESENT Mr. Siciliano Mr. \~ i t z i g. ~1rs. Mas sey r~r. Jones Mr. Kane Mr. Glaser r~ r s. Mac k i e Mrs. Brown r~r. Gross Mr. Brown Present Present Excused Excused Present Excused Present Present Present Present ~1r. Diamond Mr. Siciliano introduced Mr. Richard Diamond as the new City Planner. Mr. Witzig made a motion to accept the minutes of August 9th. Mr. Brown seconded the motion. ~ Mr. Siciliano asked Mrs. Mackie about the Chamber questionnaires? Mrs. Mackie said she went by twice and they were closed, the next week she called them and they said there was no such questionnaire, but in the next few weeks they would issue booklets about all the different businesses in town. Mrs. Brown said that it would be like a skill bank, you'd send a brochure out and anyone that's living in the Edgewater, New Smyrna area would fill it out and let us know what they are qualified to do and who is available. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0. Mr. Siciliano said the next thing was the budget. For the next meeting hewould like for the Board to bring in ideas for advertizing by letters o r mag a z i n e 0 r w hat eve r the'y t h ink be st. vi e w ill sub m i t the m toM r. G r 0 s s and Mrs. Brown, as they are our budget coordinators. Mr. Gross said that. he felt that check out the industries that we would want in this town and send out brochures. Mr. Diamond said that some information would be comming from FHA. Mr. Siciliano stated that on August 7th he wrote a letter to the Southeast Bank in Miami. Mr. Walters tried to get in contact with them and there has been no word back from them at this time. We need more industry here in Edgewater and we would like to open up this land for industrial uses. If we cannot get this land, we w~ll just have to abandon this, unless we can come up with another approach. Mrs. Brown said that we need to get more businesses in Edgewater. - 1 - r-~ .J ~ r ; r o o Mr. Siciliano said he spoke with a representative from the railroad and the representative said he saw no problem with getting across the railroad. There was a general discussion at this time.on industrial developments. The Board decided that they would meet on the 1st Thursday of the month. Mr. Siciliano asked the Board to remember to be ready to discuss the advertising. It's possible we may not be able to open up an industrial park and suggestions should be geared to advertize in other areas of the City for possible industrial and or commercial development. There were no further comments or business before the Board. Mrs. Mackie made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Brown seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 7-0. Minutes submitted by Donna Prevatt - 2 -