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Au 9 us t'9 " 1979
. The Chairman, Mr. Siciliano, call the reqular meeting of the Industrial
Board to order at 7:00 P.M. in Edqewater City Hall.
~,1r. Siciliano
Mr. !'1 i t z i q
Mrs. tv!assey
Mr. Jones
~~r. Kane
~1r. Glaser
Mrs. Mackie
~1rs. Brown
~1r. Gross
~1 r. B r 0 I^! n
~r. Kane made a motion tha~ the Board approve the minutes of July 26, 1979.
Mr. Witzi~ seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 7-0.
Mr. Siciliano passed around a copy of the letter that was sent to
the Southeast Bank concerning the property zoned 1-3 in the northwest
section of the City. Most of this property is held by Southeast Bank.
There are approximately 309 acres and at the oresent time this area
is virtually landlocked. This is the best property for industrial
Mr. Jones~ a new member, was brought up to date on the proposal of
the Industrial Board to open up this land for industrial development.
Mr.Siciliano said that the City Attorney has contacted the FEC to
find out about access over the railroad tracks into the proposed
industrial area.
Mr. Witzig asked if a phone call had also been made to Southeast Bank.
Mr. Siciliano said that there had been no phone call as far as he knew.
Mr. Gross did not aet in touch with him concerninq this phone call.
Mr. Witzia said that the proposed road had been mentioned at a Council
Mr. Siciliano said that this was brought up by a member of the audience.
Unfortunately, most of the information he gave was not factual. This
proposal has not been formally presented to the Council. The qentleman
who brou~ht this up also indicated that Mayor Musson and Mr. Bolt of
New Smyrna were somehow connected with the property. It is the Southeast
Bank of Miami that holds most of this property which was formerly
owned by Maule Industries. The same qentleman was at the last Plannina
Board meetin~ objecting to annexing certain property into the City.
He made statements at that meetinn concerninn water and sewer installa-
tion that were also not factual.
Mr. Witziq said that he was under the impression that the City would
brinq water and sewer up to a subdivision and then the developers of
the subdivision would run the lines into the subdivision.
Mr. Siciliano said that subdividers are required to put in all the mains,
all the sewer and~water lines in the subdivision and then run it, within
a reasonable distance to the City main. If there are not existing lines
within a reasonahle distance, the ordinance states the developer must put
in a sewaqe disposal system and turn it over to the City.
The Board returned to a brief discussion about the letter to Southeast
Bank. The Board cannot consider other methods for development of
this area until they have found out if Southeast Bank is interested
in any development of this area at this time.
Mr. Siciliano said that in view of the fact that the work of the
Board is limited until the industrial area can be opened up for
development he would like to suggest that the Board meet only once
a month. A Special Meeting could always be called, if necessary.
He also wanted the Board members to come up with some ideas on
ways to contact prospective companies.
Mr. Witzig said we should decide on what type of industries we are
interested in bringing into Edgewater.
The Board aqreed that meeting once a month on the second Thursday
would be agreeable.
Mr~ Siciliano also mentioned the new mall that is proposed for Edgewater.
This is of interest to the Industrial Board because they should promote
any development of this type that would mean jobs for more people.
We should not get so involved in industrial development that we lose
sight of the fact that any business development in Edgewater will be
beneficial to the entire City.
The Board discussed the proposed budget,
Travel $1500
Stamps, Tel. etc. 500
Printing 500
Secretary 2500
Grants 5000
Mr. WitziD made a motion that the Board aoprove the budq~t of $10 000
for the Industrial Development Board. Mrs. Mackie seconded the m~tion.
The motion CARRIED 7-0.
The Board discussed the questionnaire concernina a job skills bank.
The Chamber of Commerce may be sending out simi;ar questionnaires.
Mr, Siciliano said that he did not believe that the Emolovment Office
had all the information that the Board needed. It miqht be a qood
idea for us still to send out our own questionnaire. - -
Mrs. Mackie said that she would stop by the Chamber office and find
out about a questionnaire.
The Board also discussed the flow chart aqain and the various
responsibilities of each Board member.
Mr~ Siciliano called attention to the different grants that are
available. The Board has received a printout from Tallahassee listing
some of the grants that the City might qualify for.
Mr. Siciliano also called attention
the City is presently filling out.
to the data bank in Tallahassee for
industrial developers.
to the Data information that
This information will be sent
use by possible prospective
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The Board then discussed the issue of the road through the industrial area.
Mr. Siciliano explained that the reason this has not been discussed sooner
is that the land is privately owned, and that they would have to
talk to the owners first. He then said they would have to wait and see
what the Southeast Bank comes up with first.
Mr. Witzig made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Glaser seconded the motion.
The motion CARRIED 7-0.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by
Nancy Blazi
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