Regular Meeting
July 26, 1979
Chairman Sebastian Siciliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
in Edgewater City Hall.
Mr. Siciliano
~1r. Bro\<Jn
~~r. Kane
Mrs. Mackie
Mr. Gross
~1r. Glaser
tlrs. Massey
Mr. \4itzig
Mrs. Brown
Absent (Arrived Late)
Approval of Minutes - July 12, 1979.
Mr. Gross made a motion to approve the minutes of July 12, 1979.
Mrs. Mackie seconded the motion.
Mr. Siciliano said that he would like the minutes chanqed to read
that Mr. Brown was absent from the last meeting not excused.
The Board voted 8-0 to accept the minutes as amended.
The Industrial Board discussed a proposed budget for 1979-80.
The following amounts were suggested for Public Relations.
Travel $
Stamps/Tel. ,etc.
These figures were discussed by the Board members.
Mr. Siciliano sa~d that he had fiaured but that if the Board used a
secretary for approximately one day a week plus Board meetings and
include social security, and benefits,it would be charged by the
City to the Board account and would probably run close to $2500 for
a year. He added that he felt we should request $5,000 for grants.
This would be like money in the bank if the Board did not use it
the Council could use it for other grants. The original suggestions
amount to 10,000 but a request for additional 9rant monies would raise
this considerably. He attended a meeting of the industrial board in
New Smyrna Beach and their budget was naturally considerably higher
then what the Ednewater Board would need. Also if we do not soend
each line item as originally budgeted, it is possible to change line
items as lonq as the bottom line of the account remains the same.
Therefore, if we spent more money on stamps, for example then we did
on travel, we could adjust the budget accordinqly as long as we did
not exceed the total amount budgeted.
Mrs. Brown said that $500 for printing did not seem like enough money.
Mr. Siciliano said that he was hopin9 that some of the grant money
could be used to match funds for advertising,
Mr. Gross said that he believed the telephone costs would be greater
than travel costs. It is often better to contact people by phone
rather than spend a lot of time and money trying to 90 see someone
to try and talk them into moving their business into this area.
Mr. Witzig asked if anyone had found out how much the City would be
able to appropriate to the Board?
Mr. Siciliano said that he would talk to the Councilmen to try and
get some idea of what they would be willinq to qive to the Board.
The Board discussed the proposed industrial development area and the
possible access road.
Mr, Siciliano said that most of the land in the 1-3 area north of Park
Ave. is held by Southeast Bank of Miami.
There was a discussion concernin~ the best way to contact the bank
to present the proposal of an access road into the area,
Mr, Gross said he felt they should call the bank and talk to them
about this proposal,
Mr, Siciliano said that oerhaos a letter exolainina the Board's Dosition
and desire to open up this area for development might be more effective.
The Board studied the map of the area and briefly discussed the
possibility of having a ri9ht of way donated. This would be beneficial
to both the City and the property owners in that area.
Mr. Brown made a motion that the Board contact Mr. Walter at Southeast
Bank in New Smyrna Beach and find out the best person to write to
at the bank in Miami. Mr. Witzig seconded the motion. The motion
There was a rather lengthy discussion about a phone ca.ll versus a
Mr. Kane made a motion that the Board should leave this up to the
Chairman, Mr, Siciliano, Mr. Witzig seconded the motion. The motion
Board Comments.
Mr. Siciliano said that he had spoken to Bill Dodd on revenue bonds.
Mr. Dodd has been appointed to the Authority. The bonds are 7 to 8%
and it is one way that the City could' pick UP money if they can purchase
these bonds. Mr. Dodd was going to let him know if the bond~ would
be available to cities.
Mr. Witzig asked if there was any other land that the City could develop
for industrial purposes.
Mr. Siciliano said that much of the land to the west of the City was
swamp land. The best land for industrial development would be south of
the City.
Mr. Siciliano told the Board that the Board of Adjustment has discussed
with the City Attorney the problem of buffer zones between commercial
and residential areas, The Board of Adjustment is very interested in
having this problem resolved in order to improve the appearance of the
City and give the residents some relief from the unsightly back yards
of some of the businesses in town.
The Board discussed this problem and also whether or not the Industrial
Board should become involved.
Mr, Gross made a motion that the Industrial Board should not become
involved in this problem. Mrs. Brown seconded the motion. The motion
CARRIED 7-0. Mr. Harold Brown said he would abstain from voting.
Mr. Brown told the Board that the Chamber of Commerce Welcoming Committee~
had been formed to establish a group to qo around with prospective
developers and show them what is available in the area.
He wanted to know if the Industrial Board felt there was any conflict
if a member of the Edgewater Industrial Board served on this committee.
Jean Brown is also on this committee.
Mrs. Brown said that they both are on the Industrial committee of
the Chamber of Commerce,
Mr. Siciliano said that he was sorry that the Edgewater Chamber of
Commerce merged with New Smyrna Beach.
Mr, Kane said that the more Edqewater people we could have on the
Chamber the better off we would be,
Mr, Siciliano asked how the selection was made as to where the
prospective industrial developers are shown property.
Mr. Brown said that the Chamber had a list of people and they decided
who should show them around and where they should show them property.
Mr. Gross said that the Chamber was not going to show much property
in Edgewater.
Mrs, Brown said that it was the New Smyrna Beach - Edgewater Chamber
of Commerce. Until there are enough people interested to have an active
Edgewater Chamber of Commerce the joint organization can be helpful
to all of us,
It was the consensus of the Board that there was no conflict in
having members serve on the Chamber.
The Board discussed-mailing out a questionnaire concerning the working
skills available in the Edgewate~ area. It has been suggested that
such a form could be sent to residents in the City to determine what
kind of work force might be available,' .
Mrs. Brown said this could be sent on a bulk mail permit.
Mr. Brown said that he thought a similar questionnaire had been sent
by the Chamber,
Mrs. Brown said that this was referred to as a skills bank.
Mr. Siciliano said that we should table this until Mr. Brown finds
out if this has already been done.
Mr. Kane said that we seem to have the same oeoole doing most everything
in the City. We have about 6,000 residents ~nd' it appears as if less
than 50 people are involved in the Boards and City activities. If we
wanted to start our own Chamber of Commerce we would probably end up
with the same people doin9 that work too.
Mr. Glaser asked if the Board was going to try and encourage industrial
development in the other industrial areas within the City,
Mr, Siciliano said he did not think there was enough area in other
parts of the City zoned industrially to open up an industrial park.
Mr. Glaser said he did not necessarily mean another industrial park,
he just wanted to know if the Board wished to get more industry into
those other areas,
Mr, Siciliano said that it was his understandina that the Planninq Board
in their comprehensive plan had indicated that this area should not
be increased. They would like to see industrial development out of the
present City limits,
Mr, Glaser asked if the Board would want to discourage development
in certain industrial areas by perhaps not recommending roads, or
improvements? Maybe the Board should discuss this at some future time.
There was some discussion about Dossible conflict of interest if
Board members were to contact individual develooers on their own so
that there miqht be a auestion as to whether a Board member profited
- ,
from this development.
Mr. Siciliano said that he did not believe anyone on the Board
had objections to someone making a living. The Board is composed
of many business people and as long as any action by an individual
Board member is carried out above board and everyone knows about it.
He added, however, that the Board should resoect a certain amount
of confidentiality if it requested.
Mrs. Brown said that it should be clarified as to what areas the
Zonina Bd. or the Planninq Bd. wish developed in Edgewater for
industrial use, -
Mr. Siciliano said that as a member of the Zoninn Board he would
say that any area presently zoned industrially should be developed
but that the Planning Board has reservations about having certain areas
within the City developed for industrial and commercial use.
Mrs. Brown said that we should have maps that show these areas more
clearly. We also need larger and better maps to work with.
Mr. Siciliano said that the Council has authorized an official map
to be prepared by Dan Cory and hopefully this will be a much more
legible map.
Mr. Witzig made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gross seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi