03-22-1976 - Agenda Session : ~ , - .} \". ,-,.. ".~'. AGENDA SESSION MARCH 22, 1976 Mayor Dana T. Armstrong stated that we are starting this meeting a half an hour early. Mayor Dana T. Armstrong called the agenda meeting to order at 7:00 March 22, 1976. ROLL CALL Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber Councilman Wm. H. Carnie Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Calvin R. Deitz City Attorney Joseph E. Weaver City Clerk Sue Blackwell Police Chief Earl D. Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present ~layor Armstrong stated that this pre arranged meeting to start at 7:00 he does not know the order of business that the City Council has planned. Planning Board, Zoning Board was invited to meet with the council. Councilman Deitz stated that he thinks that the reason for this meeting is to get 11 members for the Planning Board. To draw from the other boards such as the zoning board and the board of adjustments members. This will be on a volunteer basis. We need to get this board organized. Councilwoman Webber stated that she has tried to get a hold of Mr. Logan, Mr.Walls. She did ask Mr. Simpson he is now on the Board of Adjustments. He would like very much to be on the Planning Board. Mayor Armstrong asked Mrs. Blackwell how many do we have on the Planning Board at the present. She stated 4 members. We need 7 more. Mayor Armstrong asked if we had a Ordinance changing the number of members on the Planning Board. Mrs. Blackwell stated that we do not. Councilman Deitz stated that the By-Laws that the Board has come up with states that they have 11 members. It will be up to the COuncil to accept these By-Laws. Councilman Deitz went on to explain why the Board needs the additional members. Mayor Armstrong asked the City Attorney if this would be in violation of the Sunshine Law to add these members to the Planning Board. Councilman Deitz stated that he thinks that the members that the Council assigns to a board be voted on by each member of the COuncil instead of just being assigned as a group. Councilman Deitz stated that he thought it would be a good idea to see if there are any members on either the ZOhingBoard or the Board of Adjustments if they would like to serve on the Planning Board rather than the boards they are on now. Councilwoman Webber stated that she thought it would be a good idea to ask people that have served on these boards before if they would be intecsted in serving on the Planning Board. Mayor Armstrong stated that he thinks that we should make a point that these positions are empty and people should make application for them. Mrs. Woodward stated that she was on the Board of adjustments and she would like very much to be put on the Planning Board. Mrs. Woodard is volunteer number 1. Mrs. Murphy asked that the Council outline the duties of these positions. Chairman Wharton from the Planning Board is present and Councilman Deitz stated that it would be a good idea if he explained why they need these additional members. He explained that there were 11 elements that need to have work on and we need more people to give this a good study. Mr. Wolfe asked a few question concerning the Sunshine Law. 'Mr~ Opal stated that he sas meet with the Planning Board several times he went on to discuss the way the board has been going about getting these elements worked on. Counciman Deitz stated that he had some volunteers he would like to present to the Council. He gave their names and a brief outline of their qualifications. The names are as follows: Councilman Sikes stated instead of Councilman Deitz giving their names that these people contact Mrs. Blackwell the City CLerk. Then we can all go over these names and go from there. Mrs. Turner stated that she thought if the COuncil votes on these volunteers that it might scare them aware from volunteering. Councilman Carnie stated that after we gets these members appointed that we get some one from Bruce Briggs office down here to explain to all the memrners what exactly is going on. and what they want. It will be for a small cost. Mayor Armstrong stated that we send someone to a County meeting and see what they are doing. GENERAL FUND City of Edgewater WW & SS Engel's South Fla. Natural Gas Co. Vol usia League of Municipalities Southern Bell Florida Power & Light Co. Packwood Pl ace Barbara Montesano Carmen Montesano Denver Fleming N. S. Commercial Printing Standard Oil Co. Hughes Supply Inc. Xerox Case Power & Equipment Safeguard Business Systems National Chemsearch Taylor Brothers Tires Industrial Office Outfitters Lanier Business Products Ropp's Automotive Electric R. E. Morri s Pratts Radiator Repair Diversified Electronics Glenn H. Dohle Robert H. Christy City of Edgewater WATER AND SEWER City of Edgewater WW & SS Florida Power & Light Co. I Sentinel Star Southern Bell Dobbs Armature & Pump National Chemsearch All State Pipe Supply Co. Hughes Supply Inc. I (.) o BILLS AND ACCOUNTS MARCH 25, 1976 City Hall, F.D., C. C., Shufflebrd. P.O. Com. C. Council misc. Fire, Street Street, Street lites, traffic lite Council misc. Witness fee (P.O.) Witness fee (P.O.) Witness fee (P.O.) P.O. Street P.O. Misc. Street, Landfill City Hall Garb. P.O. City Ha 11 Council & Misc Boards Street Street P.O. P.O., Street, F.D. F. D. C.D. Petty Cash 41.95 250.50 46.00 25.00 92.88 2 , 11 0 . 44 28.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 16.00 2,342.64 8.94 184.30 255.63 28.20 177 . 00 128.95 223.25 224.37 21.90 10.32 22.50 186.50 75.00 13.44 60.72 6,589.93 Water Water and Sewer Water Water Water Water Water Water 5.50 1,253.22 32.94 53.73 10.00 93.00 40.50 162.92 1,651.81 u o Mr. Opal stated that the Planning Board has already submitted four names of people that are willing to work on this board. He would like to see what happened to those four names. This will be brought up again Thursday night. If anyone is inte~sted to contact Mrs. Blackwell. We would also like to have a background on these people. City Clerk Sue Blackwell read the Bill and Accounts Bills And Accounts General Fund Councilwoman Webber asked about the bill from Glenn H. Doh1e for $75.00. It was for a door at the Fire House. City Clerk Blackwell stated that there is a correction on South Florida Natural Gas it will be 44.13 instead of 46.00. Councilman Carnie no questions. Councilman Sikes no questions. Councilman Deitz no questions. Councilman Sikes asked that when we pay a witness is that not paid out of court cost. Mayor Armstrong stated that it was paid out of court cost however it has to go through general government. Mayor Armstrong asked what was the Case Power & Equipment that was repairs on the tractor. . WATER & SEWER City Clerk Blackwell stated that there was a bill for the City of Oak Hill that will have to be added to the Bills and accounts. $28.50 Councilman Sikes asked what that covered. City Clerk stated that it covered the dinners. City Clerk stated that there will be the following at the Meeting for Thursday night. Minutes Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution of garbage First reading on an ordinance increasing Mayor and Council IS salary Ordinance amending section 5 of the charter of the City of Edgewater approving the recommendations of the Board of Adjustments Water Works & Sewer Systems 201 Plan amending the contract with Briley Wild authorizing Briley Wild to participate in the plan of study authorizing Briley Wild to draw up specifications for collection and disposal There was some discussion on this amending section 5 of the Charter City Attorney Weaver was asked to check on this and report back to the COuncil on THursday night. Revenue Report Water & Sewer Systems o & M Report Clerks Cash Statement General Fund Budget Report Board of Governors By laws Planning Board By Laws Proclimation Spring Thing 3 Edgewater School Councilman Carnie stated that we always gets these reports but we never discuss them, he feels that they should be discussed. The Council went over these reports. There was much discussion on this. City Clerk Blackwell stated that she has advertised in several papers for this Class C. Certification. o u The Council discussed the General Fund Budget. Mr. Taylor asked what the number stood for. City Clerk Blackwell explained. They went on to discuss this budget. The COuncil ~discussed the Clerk Cash statement. There was some discussion on the inventory. There was some discussion on the pay increase for the Judge also how many past due bills he has collected. There was some discussion on the unemployment. Also the workman compo There was some discussion on the I.N.A. Insurance. Councilman Sikes told the Council what he had found out about the I.N.A. Insurance. Mr. Grossstated that he thought we should get someone down here and tell us exactly what we have here. City Clerk Blackwell stated that all of you have a copy of the letter from Public Employees Relations Commission on a Public Hearing. Mayor Armstrong talked about the P.B.A. and he stated that for a manner of record that the City of Edgewater is not soliciting in the City of Edgewater. They have not to his knowledge made application to solicit in the City of Edgewater. Mrs. Rich made a complaint on someone calling her asking her if she would buy tickets. City Clerk Blackwell read a letter from Mr. D. Travis Chairman of the Board of Governors. This letter was to invite the members of the COuncil to come to their regular meetings. 1st Thursday of every month. A request that when the Council acts on a motion that it be returned to them in written form. City Clerk read on about the Basket Ball courts be moved to the shuffle board court the request that this be do at this time and a fence be put up. The dead palm tress be removed from the east side of the hand ball courts and be replaced with benches. Also the baseball feild needs repair. City clerk Blackwell read a letter from the Volusia County council of Governors. Mr. Robert Jordon. This was on the drinking water in Edgewater. Mrs. Webber discussed this letter. There was some discussion on the reading of meters. It was sUggested that we get someone part time to read the meters. Mr. Deitz stated that we should put on the agenda to get someone part time to read the meters. There was also some discussion on bill being hand delivered. It was also discussed that we send bills out once every two months.This will be placed on the agenda for Thursday night. There was some discussion on the By Laws from the Planning Board Councilman Deitz stated'that he did not agree with the section on membership he feels that these people should be appointed from year to year. He sees no advanage to appointing anyone to a three year appointment Councilman Sikes stated that he liked the way that this is for appiontment he likes the three year appointment. There was more discussion on this. If you want to amend this Thursday night then we can amend it stated Mayor Armstrong. This will be placed on the agenda.Councilman Deitz stated that we should go along with the motion that we have already made to table this until the full 11 members are appointed to the board then the By-Laws be passed back to them and make sure that all members agree and then we can act on this. City Clerk Blackwell stated that at the last meeting the COuncil requested a comdatation for Office Page. This will be on the Agenda. City Clerk stated that this is the things that we have left. Closing of the City Dump. Rescue, Dog Forces, Annexation, sick leave and the Chamber of Commerce to use the Youth Room. Councilman Deitz wants to start with the Chamber of Commerce. The Youth room is only used in the night. Mr. Bibbington stated that they were only intrested in using the room from12:00 in the afternoon to 4:00 this is for the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Christy stated that the Chamber of Commerce had agreed that the Civil Defense could share a room with them. He went on to discuss this. . o \) Councilman Deitz stated that to simplify this why don't we sent a letter to the Board of Governors stating that the Council concurs with utlizing this front room Councilman Deitz asked the City Clerk to bring the Ordinance that is authorizing the Mayor to be in charge of things that go on in the City such as having the back room at City Hall worked on without consent of the City COuncil. This will be placed on the agenda. City Clerk Blackwell stated that Mr. Bandy is here and would like to discuss a problem. There was some discussion on the City Dump. The Mayor went on to say that the City Dump is closed until such time as the Council wishes. Councilman Deitz stated the reasons why the dump is closed and if we want to open it we will have tohire a man and put him out there full time. Mayor Armstrong stated that when the canal is completed and there is only on way to get in we can put a gate out there between the hours of 8:00 and 3:00 unpon presentation of your drivers license or something showing you are an Edgewaterresidence and what you are bring to the City Dump is trash from your property then the Council can amend the Ordinance. There was some discussion on distributing the water from these canals at the dump. There was a man that lives on Old County road. He is complanJgg ,on tee. condition of the roads. Also of the trees that have been cut down and they have no place to take them. Mayor Armstrong stated that he will try to do something for him on the trees. Mr. Bevel was there to discuss the Rescue Program Ordinance. Councilman Sikes asked Mr. Bevel what type of rescues does the rescue squad take care of. Mr. Sikes gave an example of a man getting into a hole and can't get out. Mr. Bevel stated that the rescae does any type of rescue now our problem is getting people. There was some discussionwith the attorney on this ordinance. Councilman Deitz asked if this had anything to do with Civil Defense. Mr. Bevel stated taht it did not. Councilman Carnie asked if they were permitted to transport people to the hospital. Mr. Bevel stated no. Mayor Armstrong asked Mr. Bevel to stop by his office and see what the qualification of the people are on the rescue unit. This is a County report. And then type a complete report. Mr. Bevel also stated that he has turned in the By Laws of the Rescue Unit. He went on to say that he did not think the City has had a chance to go over them yet. Mayor Armstrong stated that he has had three calls this afternoon on speeding traffic on Kumquat in Florida Shores. He went on to discuss these calls. He stated that he would bring it to the attention of the Police Chief. Councilman Deitz stated that he was coming up Park Avenue and saw a sign that said the City of Edgewater and right after that he saw a real estate sign he wondered if it was in the City. Mayor Armstrong stated that it is not in the City but the ingress egress. Councilman Deitz asked if the City will be forced to put water and sewer or is the County. Mayor Armstrong stated that the County. They went on to discuss this. City Clerk Blackwell stated that Mr. Weaver would like to talk on Corbett Smith Case. Also think about three things for the workshop annixation, of the South of our City, Complaining on dogs. What constutes a kennel? Garbage men have refused to pick up the garbage 29 & 30 on Juniper on account of dogs. Something must be done about this. Councilman Sikes got a call Saturday about two dogs he thinks at the same address. City Clerk stated that Miss Straubb came in and complained on people that had five dogs. She asked what constutes a kennel. City Clerk Blackwell stated that we could use a dog catcher for about a month If you have a dog at home and he is confined that does not mean he does not have to have a license. If everyone would have to buy shots and tags for these dogs that would defleet the population. Councilman Sikes asked if it was illegal for a person to ride a horse in the City. Mayor Armstrong stated that it was not. He stated that one of our Police~an stopped her and said that it was illegal. Councilman Sikes stated that we could write a letter to our County Councilman requesting that they assist us in some type of paving program in the Florida Shores area. Mayor Armstrong stated the Mr. Buddy Evans passed away he was a long time standing Seputy Sherriff of Southeast Volusia COunty, also a school crossing gaurd here in Edgewater. ADJOURN