01-19-1976 - Agenda Session
JANUARY 19, 1976
Mayor ARmstrong called the agenda session to order, Monday, January 19, 1976 at
7:30 P.M.
Mayor Dana T. Armstrong
Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber
Councilman William H. Cairnie
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Calvin R. Dietz
City Attorney Joseph E. Weaver
City Clerk Sue Blackwell
Acting Chief Norman Mc Call
Mayor Armstrong stated that we directed our engineers to make an inspection of the
Water Department cholorine system. He stated that the investigation was completed
and the floor was given to Mr. Fernandez to explain.
Mr. Fernandez stated that the investigation was made on January 12. He explained
several things to the Council in regard to the situation at the Water Plant.
He went through the report which was written in regard to prevent the leak~.
He stated that the fact that we have had leaks recently has caused some maJor
damage to some of the electrical conduits and so forth. He made several sug~
gestions for future systems to go to. He explained a cholorine booster statlon,
which is a state requirement. This could be placed in Florida Shores.
Mr. Fernandez answered several questions from the Council about this chlorine
booster station, and the danger of the cholorine in the City.s water and so on.
Councilman Sikes asked if our employees are qualified to do the work on this
chlorinator and the equipment?
Mr. Fernandez stated that the parts of a chlorinator are not really that expensive
and there are only a few working parts. He stated that if Mr. Thomas was given
the opportunity to ,set up a maintenance and replacement program with the supplier
of the equipment they would be able to handle this.
Mayor Armstrong asked if Mr. Fernandez thinks that a copy of this report will
satisfy the state as a reasonable explanation.
Mr. Fernandez stated that yes it would together with the purchasing of the self
contained breathing apparatus.
Mr. Gross asked Mr. Fernandez if there was a possibility of having a valve outside
of the building in case of a leak, the valve could be shut off outside rather than
having to go inside?
Mr. Fernandez stated that it would not be possible, without being expensive.
There was discussion about the two leaks which were recently experienced.
Councilman Sikes stated that we should have some type of alarm installed in case
something like this happens in the future.
Mr. Fernandez stated that as far as a valve being installed outside of the building,
this would be more likely more dangerous because it would be subject to vandalism.
Councilwoman Webber asked if Mr.. Fernandez knew about what a booster station like
this would cost?
Mr. Fernandez stated that a station like this would cost about $10,000.00, however
this is just as a matter of information to .the Council so they could be thinking
about it.
Mayor Armstrong stated that the acceptance of the report from Briley, Wild and
Association should be placed on the agenda for Thursday night.
There was some discussion .in. regard to the masks which should be used.
Mr. Duane spoke on this.
The City Clerk began reading the bills and accounts.
The bill for State Tractor was explained as parts for the grader, which were ordered
about four months ago.
Councilwoman Webber questioned the bill from Vo1usia County charged to Civil Defense.
The City Clerk read the bill to the Council, stating that she does not know any
more than what the bill has on it.
Councilwoman Webber stated that we should hold up on this one until we find out
what it is for.
Mayor ARmstrong stated that we should find out what this is for before the regular
The Bill from Briley Wild was discussed, and explained that it is for a survey
which was directed by this Council to be made.
The City Clerk stated that there are two Resolutions for the meeting, the auditors
will be present at. the meeting. .She said that the Water and Sewer Revenue report
is ready, the General Fund budget report, C1erk's cash statement, minutes for the
January 8th meeting, Certification of posting.
She began readjng the communications:
A memorandum from the Zoning Board asking for a meeting with the City Council
as soon as possible; their next meeting, is February 3rd.
A memorandum from the Planning Board aSking for a written directive from the Council
giving them authority to imp1iment what ~he City is required to do in accordance
with this act House Bill 782.
Both of these communications were placed on the agenda.
A letter from Mr. Rene Martins resigning from the Board of Governors. His letter
stated that no one is attending the meetings and the board can not function properly.
Councilwoman Webber stated that she attended a Zoning Board meeting and there seems
to be a lack of correspondence. She stated that not one of the new members received
written notice that they were appointed to the board or when the first meeting was.
The next item was a letter from Mr. Walter, President of the Southeast Bank of New
Smyrna, inviting the Council to the bank's birthday celebration.
Councilman Sikes suggested that the City Clerk invite the lending institutions to
attend the meeting on February 2nd, in regard to Flood Control.
The City Clerk read this letter to the public and the Council.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this should be placed on the agenda for an appoint-
ment to be made at that time.
Vo1usia County Charter Review Commission notifying the City that intergovern-
mental relationships will be reviewed by this committee and participation is
Mayor Armstrong recommended that the Council review this subject.
There was more discussion on this and the lack of cooperation from the County.
This was placed on the agenda.
The City Clerk continued:
A letter in regard to the annual conference from the Florida League of Cities.
The Next meeting of the Vo1usia League of Municipalities hosted by the City of Deland
January 22, 1976. Mayor Armstrong is on the nominating committee. Mayor Armstrong
stated that between now and then he will try to arange his vote and ask to be
excused so that he may attend the regular meeting of the City COuncil.
City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Bailey. From the Department of Assessments.
in reference to placing parcel numbers on building permits.
City Clerk read a letter from Charles A. Hall.
owners of Tommy's Lounge be allow to stay open
Armstrong stated that this should be reseached.
agenda for Thursday night.
Requesting that the Fico's
later till 4:00 A.M. Mayor
This will be placed on the
City Clerk read a letter from Carmen Montesano in regards to ..wrecker rotation.
Mr. Fredricks stated that it would be a good idea to have a set price for these
wreckers to go by.
The Mayor stated that Mr. Montesano asked the Council to review and study this
letter. and we will do just that.
City Clerk read a letter from Hadi Way Food Stores. In regards to a self service
gas station.
Mayor Armstrong stated that the City Clerk should contact DOT on the property that
is in question. Then get back to the COuncil. We will have no reason to give them
the permit if everything is in compliance with DOT.
Councilman Sikes also stated that while the City Clerk is talking with DOT that she
request a cross over at Rhode Island and Edgewater Ave.
City Clerk read a letter from Fla. Department of Commerce.
City Clerk requested that the COuncil raise the Meter Deposits to $30.00.
City Clerk BLackwell stated that it was time to reappoint auditors. This will be
pa1ced on the agenda.
City Clerk Blackwell brought up the subject of sick pay this was tabled to the
Feburary meeting.
City Clerk Blackwell has the three credit bureau rating on the three that have
applied for the Police Chief position.
Councilman Sikes asked if the City Clerk had send letter off to the state to see
if these man were certified. She stated that only one was certified. It will
be placed on the agenda to either reject all of the ones we have been considering
and start off with more.
. I "
Mr. Gross stated that no matter who the COuncil picks that he is a citizen of
Edgewater would like to see this Police Chief live in Edgewater.
City Clerk Blackwell read a letter from Mr. Eastman from the J.E. Tumblin Agency.
Concerning the Edgewater Rescue Unit. This will be placed on the Agenda.
There was some discussion on the Building Inspector.
Councilman Carnie stated that workshop session this is only a suggestion on his part.
at 4:00 until 5:30 P.M. on Mondays he asked Councilman Sikes if this was to be
the WOrkshop meeting would he be able to attend he stated yes. This would elimate
the night workshop meetings. The City Clerk will prepare a folder for each of the
Council everyones would be in the same order. This will cut out these long meetings.
The COuncil will operate the same as the County Council does. They will get the
agenda set up and the people of the audience will not interfere but when this is
all set up the audience can then say what they want. This was discussed at
Also it was brought up about the overtime.
There was alot of discussion on when a letter becomes public record.
Mr. Tommy Daune suggested that at the agenda meeting that you put the department
heads first on the agenda. He also stated that he would like to have the Council
put out on bid a new truck. He went on to explain why this was a need at this time.
He would like to have some letters sent out to the law enforcements and state that
we have a finicial problem and we need assistance on this. He went on to say that
there are volunteer fire departments we need one down south of Edgewater.
Councilwoman Webber went on to talk about the overtime in the Police Department.
She stated that we need another police (;office on the police force to get rid of
some of this over time. This will be placed on the agenda.
Mr. Opel requested that the Mayor be the City.s full time administrator. And he
suggested that he be paid for this work~ He went on to say that Mayor Armstrong
is the only one that knows enough about the City to be able to take this job. He
stated that this should be placed on the agenda for discussion. Mayor Armstrong
thanked Mr. Opel for the things that he said. He went on to say that now the
Mayors position has become a full time job and there is need to have the Mayor
on the job all day to take care of matters that are coming up~ that have not come
up in the past.
Mr. Gross also stated that he believed that the Mayor should be paid for his
services and he went on to agree with all the rest that Mr. Opel had to say.
Councilman Carnie also stated that the Mayor should be paid more than what he is
getting for the work and the time that he has put in for the City.
Mayor Armstrong commended the Police department for their work in cracking down
on the breakins in the Edgewater area..
City Clerk wanted to say thank you to Mr. Gross for saying what he said about the
Council. She stated that it was nice to know that you are appreciated.
Councilman Sikes stated that how can he come into City Hall if the Mayor is there
all the time. He stated that he has driven by City hall many times and did not
stop because he knew that the Mayor was there..
Councilman Sikes made a motion to adjourn