11-10-1975 - Workshop
November 10, 1975
Mayor Armstrong called the workshop meeting to order, November lB, 1975, at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Dana T. Armstrong
Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber
Councilman William H. Cairnie
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Calvin R. Dietz
City Manager N. Dale Bryant
City Attorney Joseph E. Weaver
City Clerk Sue Blackwell
Acting Chief Norman Mc Call
City Manager Bryant read the bills and accounts.
The City Clerk answered various questions in regard to certain bills.
City Manager Bryant answered some questions in regard to the new garage.
There was discussion about the bill from Foxboro.
Mr. Gross asked if we are going to have a report from the City Attorney in regard to
the meeting he attended on the 6th and what he did.
The City Attorney stated that he has no comment, however if he is directed by the
City Council to disclose this he will be glad to.
Mayor Armstrong stated that since this meeting was with the States Attorney's office,
this will have to remain a matter of confidence until they decide to make some de-
cision on what it was pertaining to.
Mr. Bryant read a request from Mrs. Helen Lovell and Mrs. Butterworth that they be
heard at the regular meeting in regard to Ordinance 766. This is in regard to
expenditures encurred against certain occupations.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this should be placed on the agenda.
Mr. Bryant stated that he has a request from Mr. Corbett Smith regarding some
land which he owns on West Marion Street in 1-2 Zoning District.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this have been to Councils in prior meetings and he
does not remember what the disposition was, however this can be put on the agenda.
Mr. Bryant read a request from the Edgewater Public Library in regard to matching
funds for an addition to the present library.
Mayor Armstrong stated4that this should be put on the agenda for discussion.
Mrs. Mackie spoke to the Council about this, stating that we are talking about
approximately 1,000 square feet.
Mayor Armstrong stated that there should be discussion on this at the meeting
before any decision can be made.
Councilman Cairnie stated that we should contact Mr. Kantor in regard to this.
Mr. Bryant read a letter from the Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department naming
their elected officers. He stated that he understands that the normal course
of action is to now appoint these officers by Resolution.
Mayor Armstrong stated that it has been customary to comply with the election
and appoint the officers by Resolution.
Mr. Bryant read a letter from the Parent Members of the Edgewater School Advisory
Committee, in regard to the road conditions near the school.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this should be placed on the agenda for the Council
to make some decision on.
Councilman Dietz suggested that the City Manager get us some type of appraisal
so that we can get an idea of how much it will cost.
There was discussion about this not being done until the building is constructed,
due to the heavy equipment which will have to travel over this road during such
Mr. Bryant read a letter from Mr. Mosher on Riverside Drive, commending the
garbage department of the City.
Mr. Bryant read a letter from the Federal Insurance Administration indicating
that detailed studies are going to take place in this area in regard to flood
hazards. They are asking for certain information which will help them in their
After discussion, Mayor Armstrong suggested that this be tabled until we get
the information which is needed and bring it up at that time.
Mr. Bryant stated that it was asked that the Interlocal Agreement for Mutual
Fire Fighting Aid be discussed.
Mr. Hansen spoke to the Council about this, asking that the Council discuss
where the Fire Department must go and where they can not go. There seems to
be some confusion in regard to what the Ordinance means.
Mr. Duane spoke to the Council in regard to the Fire Department1s views in
regard to this, ,and he explained the procedures which are followed when fighting
a fire and when mutual aid is needed.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this needs to be researched entirely before it
should be put on the agenda.
Mr. Bryant read a memorandum regarding the straw vote which was taken in the
Police Deparment concerning P.B.A. representation of that department.
Mayor Armstrong stated that there is no discussion necessary on this, it should
be placed on the agenda.
Mr. Bryant stated that there was a request made by the Merit Board asking per-
mission to proceed with the development of job descriptions, which was referred
to the November 13th meeting:
Mayor Armstrong stated that this should be put on the agenda for the regular
There was some dispute as to whether items should be discussed at the workshop
meeting before it can be discussed at the regular meeting.
Mr. Bryant read a letter from Malcolm K. Jones regarding the poling of the
Council in regard to the abolition of the Municipal Court system, which becomes
manditory in 1977 under Article V of the State Constitution.
This was also placed on the agenda.
Mr. Bryant read a memorandum concerning Ordinance 724, 889 and 477.
Councilman Dietz asked the attorney several questions, which he answered in
regard to previous Ordinances being conflict with newer ones.
The Equal Opportunity Act was discussed. The attorney explained that this
in no way conflicts with our Ordinance. He explained that Ordinance 724 can
be amended in order to keep Mr. Ohrwall working for the City.
Mayor Armstrong explained that at the time Ordinance 724 was passed, it was
speaking specifically of one person who was being a problem to the City.
Councilman Dietz stated that the facts should be looked into. The age is not
the only thing in question here.
Mayor Armstrong stated that there should be no further discussion about this,
we will put it on the agenda for the regular meeting.
Mr. Bryant announced the date of the next Volusia League of Municipalities
meeting is November 1, 1975 and it is a dinner meeting.
This was discussed among the members as to who wishes to attend and who
Mr. Bryant stated that Mr. Bill Eldridge from F.H.A. would like to meet
with the Mayor and City Council on November 19, 1975 at 10:00 at City Hall
in connection with the new application on the Water and Sewer expansion
Mayor Armstrong stated that this should be put on the agenda to discuss
at the regular meeting.
Mr. Bryant stated that the last thing that he would like to mention is that
we should advertise for the Police Chief's position.
The City Clerk stated that under Resolutions we will have one on the Fire
Department, one on the Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor.
Mayor Armstrong stated that prior to the oath of office being taken by the
new members of the Council, there was some pole made, however it was not dis-
cussed with Councilman Sikes at the time,it was mutually agreed that Mr. Cairnie
would be Vice Mayor. This was done at the counting of the absentee ballots.
There was discussion about this.
There was also discussion about the.public participation at the meetings.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this is subject to termination by the Mayor, and
he has no intent whatsoever in telling the public that they can not partici-
pate in the meeting as long as it is done in a mannerly way.
There was discussion about the agenda meeting and what it is called for and
whether there will be discussion at the agenda meeting.
Councilman Sikes questioned where we are going from the City Manager type of
Government. What type of Government are we going to.
Mayor Armstrong stated that this will be taken care of. and there was further
discussion in regard to this.
Mr. Garthwaite spoke to the Council that they should wait at least a month
to make a change like this, since the new members of the Council have not had
time to see just what the City Manager is doing.
Mayor Armstrong stated that they will wait until Thursday night.
.r ,. ..
Mr. Duane spoke to the Council, bringing them up to date on what the Fire
Department is doing presently, and their budget needs.
Mayor ARmstrong assured Mr. Duane that the City Council will cooperate with
the Fire Department as long as it is feasible and to the best interest of
the City of Edgewater.
r1r. Katez was placed on the agenda under miscellaneous.
Mrs Rich requested to be placed on the agenda also as the last item.
Mr. Sam Gross spoke to the Council about his property.
Mayor Armstrong told Mr. Gross if he will contact him they will work this out.
Mrs. Katez asked a question about all City records being available for the public
at all reasonable times.
Mayor ARmstrong answered her, that all records are available for the public at
all reasonable times.
This workshop meeting adjourned.