03-11-2008 o o o CITY OF EDGEWATER GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION BOARD Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2008 City Hall Conference Room 1:00 p.m. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harriet Rhodes cd1 ~L Pursuant to C11apter 286, F.S., if all il1d./vidual decides to ap~'il allY decision made witl1 respect to allY JlJatteu' consideu"ed at a JlJeet.ing 0.1' 11ea:1".1';lg, tl1at il1d.1'vidual will need a record of toe ~"Of....-e.edings and ~r.1'll need to insu.1'e. tiJat a ve.1-batim .1'e.CO.1"Ci of tiJe proceedil1gs is JlJade. ill a=roance witl1 toe Ame-..T'.1'cans witiJ Disabilities Act, persons 11eed.1';lg assistal1ce to partic.1'p3te ill any of tiJese p.1"OCeedings siJould COl1tact Cit.v Clerk Bomlie l'emzel, .'186-424-2400 Ext.J!' 1101, ~'.1'or to tiJe meetil1g. ROLL CALL: Harriet Rhodes Brenda Dewees Robert Polizzi Robin Matusick Tyna Hilton Mike Tenney T i.m Sopko APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: . Determine board responsibilities . Pension Unbund 1 i ng MISCELLANEOUS: ADJOURNMENT: