10-15-1984 o o Voting Order: Councilman Asting Councilman Spencer Councilman Wargo Councilwoman Bennington Mayor Ledbetter AGENDA CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER OCTOBER 15, 1984 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Invocation, Salute to the Flag 2. Approval of Minutes A. Special Meeting & Workshop of September 26, 1984 B. Special Meeting of September 27, 1984 C. Regular Meeting of October I, 1984 D. Special Meeting & Workshop of October 3, 1984 E. Special Meeting & Workshop of October 5, 1984 3. Bills and Accounts 4. Miscellaneous 5. Council/Officers Reports, Boards and Committees A. City Council Reports B. City Attorney Reports C. City Clerk Reports D. Pol ice Department 1) Request for patrolman to attend field training officers' school 2) Request to add two patrol officers E. Data Processing Dept. request to purchase new printer F. Building Code Board(Board of Adjustments & Appeals) 1) Resignation of Paul Monaco 2) Appointment to fill vacancy 6. Communications None 7. Ordinances and Resolutions A. Ord. 84-0-20 (Rewritten) Amending Art.VI I ,Sect. 700.01 re: off-street parking requirements B. Ord. 84-0-24 Amending the budget by transferring a portion of unexpended FY 1984 balance of Parks & Recreation to FY 1985 C. Ord. 84-0-25 Repeal ing Ord. 82-0-24A re: stormwater management D. Ord. 84-0-26 Amending Sect. 9.5-56 to reinstate single family & duplex residences as exemptions re: stor~~ater management E. Ord. 84-0-27 Amending Sect.15-4 by adding (b) re: driveways crossing swales or ditches 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business "PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 286. F.S.. IF AN INDIVIDUAL DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CON- SIDERED AT A MEETING OR HEARING. THAT INDIVIDUAL WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND WILL NEED 10 INSURE THA 1 A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE." 10. Adjourn.