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OCTOBER 18, 1982
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Invocation, Salute to the Flag
2. Minutes of September 28 Special Meeting, October 4 Regular
Meeting, and October 7 Special Meeting
3. Bills and Accounts
4. Communications
A. City Attorney
B. City Manager
C. Volusia County Council on Aging
D. Kenny Cl inton
5. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. 82-R-57 Water Management Agreement (City-School-Contractor)
B. 82-R-45 Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
6. Unfinished Business
A. Parks & Recreation Board Incorporation
7. New Business
A. Award of Bids - New Pol ice Cars
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8. M i sce 11 aneous
9. Adjourn to November 1, 1982 *
* PLEASE NOTE: Meeting to certify election returns
4: 00 P. M. Wed., Oc tobe r 20, 1982,
Community Center.
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OCTOBER 18, 1982
3. Bills and Accounts
Due to the illness of Karen Rickelman, and the impact of this on the
accounting workload, the accounts payable 1 ist will not be ready for
the October 18 meeting.
4. Communications
C. Volusia County Council on Aging
The Council on Aging is planning to submit an appl ication to the
Federal Highway Administration for funds to operate a rural trans-
portation system. They would 1 ike a recommendation for or against.
D. Kenny Cl inton
See attached.
5. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. 82-R-57 Water Management Agreement
This is the agreement tabled at last meeting pending a report from the
engineers as to disposition of storm water. A report should be ready
by the time of the meeting. I wish to point out again, however, that
the agreement only PERMITS the solving of this problem, and failure to
approve it will prevent the developer from solving the problem and will
cause serious road erosion. If the council is concerned as to the
workabil ity of the system, it has the power to withhold c/o1s and
further building permits--for these reasons I urge you to approve the
agreement as presented.
B. 82-R-45 Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
The possibil ity of the County or the State ever taking over maintenance
of the traffic signal at Park Avenue and U.S. 1 is remote. While such
would be desirable, we need to have a firm agreement as to maintenance
until such time as the transfer takes place, if ever, and again I urge
the counc i 1 to approve the agreement as' presented.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Parks and Recreation Board Incorporation
There appears to be disagreement between councilmen as to how fund
raising for recreation is to be handled, so one councilman has asked
that the matter be put back on the agenda.
7. New Business
A. Award of Bids - New Pol ice Cars
The council approved the replacement of two pol ice cars in the 1983
Federal Revenue Sharing budget. The sum of $16,532. was set aside
for this purpose. Since the Clerk set Friday as bid opening, we
cannot get you the bid summary until Monday. Bids for the salvage
of four cars will be obtained once the del ivery date of the two new
cars is known.