06-12-1989 - Workshop ~.--' ' U 7C Q <!titl1llf t;,bgewater POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32032 June 9, 1989 To All Members of the City Council: I hereby call a Workshop of Council for Monday, June 12, 1989, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall conference room for the purpose of interviewing Mr. Elly Johnson, an applicant for the City Manager's position. .---..,-) /;! /' ,/ ~~ // (. ~[}~;>;7~~ (.'7,';J. ACTING MAYOR /'?~ )' , . .;' ,:-.!- "7 t ATTEST: ;J I! Jh~~-" , '/<r(,.o~~----- y c- ~ ACTING CI~ MANAGER lsk