10-18-2004 - Regular
OCTOBER 18, 2004
7:00 P.M.
Vice Mayor Lichter called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the Community Center.
Mayor Donald Schmidt
Councilman James Brown
Councilman Dennis Vincenzi
Councilwoman Harriet Rhodes
Vice Mayor Judith Lichter
City Manager Kenneth Hooper
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Paralegal Robin Matusick
There was a silent invocation and pledge of allegiance to the
There were no minutes to be approved at this time.
A. Recognition of appointed/reappointed Board/Committee
Vice Mayor Lichter recognized Pat Card for being appointed to the
Planning and Zoning Board.
The following citizens spoke:
Dave Tavlor, 4641 Shady Oak Lane, spoke of leaving September 3rd
and when he came back he noticed the trees had being taken down
at Burger King. City Manager Hooper explained during that time
frame several trees that maybe not appeared to have damage
probably did, some branches so forth were removed. There was a
period in there that permit fees were waived and you still needed
a permit depending on the size of the trees. He agreed to look
into this. Mr. Taylor stated he already spoke to the permit
department and no permits have been pulled for that address.
There were six trees taken out.
City Manager Hooper agreed to further look into this. Vice Mayor
Lichter informed Mr. Taylor he would get in touch with him and
asked him to provide his phone number to the City Clerk.
~ke Visconti, 316 Pine Breeze Drive, stated Election Day is only
13 days away. He doesn't think the citizens of Edgewater know
the importance of purchasing Regions Bank for the new City Hall.
He would like to get a copy of the sample ballot or see it in the
City newsletter. City Clerk Wadsworth informed him it would be
included in the next newsletter.
Mr. Visconti feels the bank purchase and renovation cost is very
reasonable in comparison to building a new facility. He feels
the City cannot afford to lose it this time. He offered to do
whatever it takes to make this a reality. He encouraged the
voters to go to the polls and to vote yes to purchase Regions
Bank for a new City Hall.
Vice Mayor Lichter commented on the number of people
participating in the early voting.
Dick Jones, 1530 Sabal Palm Drive, commented on having poor water
pressure. He asked if the City has any plan for improving the
water pressure.
City Manager Hooper explained the City is looking to add storage
and increase pressure with booster pumps but he doesn't think
that is the answer. He rarely receives pressure complaints and
offered to have Director of Environmental Services Terry
Wadsworth and Mr. Jones talk to go over some options. Mr. Jones
stated he would give Mr. Wadsworth a call.
Mr. Visconti spoke of the old Walgreens sign in the Publix
Shopping Center being a safety hazard.
John Cordeiro, 1515 Pine Tree Drive, stated his water bill went
up $13 this month and asked if there is a reason for that. City
Manager Hooper stated nothing has changed. He spoke of having to
do some averaging due to not being able to get to some meters
over the last three months on water bills but there hasn't been a
change in rates. He agreed to have someone look at his previous
bill. Page -2-
Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Mr. Cordeiro spoke of having the recycled water shut off for
three weeks during the hurricanes and there not being any
adjustment for that. City Manager Hooper explained the recycled
water was turned off because there was damage to the facility and
there was debris piled up and people couldn't get to the recycled
Dominic Capria, 606 Topside Circle, stated his water bill also
went up $13 and they are very conservative. They are going to
come out some time this week and check it out for him.
Mr. Capria stated he got up for two things. One is the cleaning
up of the debris, which he had mentioned at last month's meeting
before Council voted to approve the millage rate. He asked a
question about FEMA the state the Government put together and
what would happen if it was approved. Low and behold it was
approved except for 5% and we're not sure of that yet.
Mr. Capria stated we had $600,000 for the clean up of the debris
and according to the papers it has changed to $800,000 or maybe a
million. If we are only going to pay 5% and we aren't sure of
that yet, that means we would get $570,000. For $800,000 we
would only pay $40,000 and $50,000 on a million. He asked at the
last meeting what happens if this is approved, can the Council go
back and go back to the rolled back rate. The answer was no
because the deadline was October 1st. He isn't really sure about
that. He has to do further checking on that. If the
reimbursement is being paid by FEMA, the government and the
state, where will those dollars go.
Councilwoman Rhodes stated in order to have enough money to
accommodate our budget, we needed a rate of 6.45. That was the
millage rate we needed. In order to roll that back then and now,
we would have had to cut capital projects out of our budget. We
were reluctant to do that because we might have had to pay extra
for the hurricanes, in which case we would have had to cut things
out of our budget anyway to make up for that money. We are going
to be able, if we recover 100% from FEMA, she doesn't think we
are. She doesn't see it happening, certainly not before Election
Day. If we received 100% compensation, then we will be able to
accommodate our current budget and our reserve fund.
Mr. Capria stated according to the papers it has all been
approved except the 5%. Vice Mayor Lichter asked City Manager
Hooper if we have the check.
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October 18, 2004
City Manager Hooper stated we haven't received a penny. By the
time you get through and how much you write checks to get all the
debris that was picked up and the things that qualify, they are
telling you you get 90% back of things that qualify. The issue
is what does qualify. They have spent the last two and a half
months arguing with FEMA over what does and what doesn't. The
City's cost are fixed. We had to pay the outside companies to
come in and pick up. There is about $6 million of expenses that
have gone out the door. Hopefully we will get most of it back.
If it comes back, it will go back into the budget into the
reserves and they will be able to deal with roll back next year.
It will add to the reserve fund and replace what has been spent
out of the reserve fund. If there is additional dollars in the
reserve fund that will be brought to Council and they will decide
to do roll back next year or some other function with it.
Mr. Capria brought up Regions Bank and staff recommending
approval of purchase and sale agreement between Regions Bank and
the City of Edgewater. He questioned putting the cart before the
horse. City Manager Hooper stated they are taking it off tonight
and not have the contract on until the ballot language is voted
yes or no.
Councilman Brown spoke on the benefit for Al Ward, a City
employee, who is need of help and assistance and the turnout
being tremendous.
Councilwoman Rhodes had nothing at this time.
Vice Mayor Lichter stated she got a call about dumping in a
residential area. The debris was not from the home or business
that was located there but persons were seen dumping over the
weekend. She spoke of putting up no dumping signs.
Vice Mayor Lichter stated she was to a meeting Saturday morning
at the Library and the Librarian called her over to see the
parking lot. There are a couple of grates in the parking lot,
that is caddy corner to the Library, which have literally sunken
in the ground. Before the three hurricanes it was down a bit and
now it is down a lot. She feels the contractor may still be
responsible and we better do something about it. City Manager
Hooper agreed to look into this.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
A. Public Hearing, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, 132 W.
Park Avenue, requesting a Special Activity permit for
Biketoberfest with outdoor music, to be held October
21-23, 2004, and consider waiving the application fee
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation. Staff recommends
Mike Brown, Vice President, Fraternal Order of Eagles, explained
that half of the donations are going to their regular donation
funds and the other half is going toward hurricane disaster
relief people needing assistance.
Councilwoman Rhodes asked what the cost of processing this
application is. City Manager Hooper explained the true cost is
advertising. Councilwoman Rhodes didn't have a problem waiving
the fee but would like to recoup our cost of processing the
application. City Manager Hooper suggested they waive it minus
the City's cost. Mr. Brown stated they would agree to that.
Councilwoman Rhodes move to approve the Special Activitv permit
for Biketoberfest with outdoor music, to be held October 21-23,
2004 and waive the $200 per day fee less the City's cost, second
bv Councilman Brown.
B. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-32, Glenn Storch, agent
for Massey Enterprises and John S. Massey, Trustee,
requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map to include 173.41~ acres of
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-32 into the record.
Glenn Storch, Storch & Morris, representing Forte McCauley and
Massey Enterprises, described the land use and zoning issues.
Mike Evans, President, Forte McCauley, was also present.
Vice Mayor Lichter expressed concern with the lakes filling to
capacity and where the water will go. Mr. Storch elaborated on
her concerns.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Vice Mayor Lichter opened the public hearing.
Gina Holt, 1798 Hideaway Lane, commented on the water that falls
on this property being contained. She expressed concern with the
water that flows being interrupted. She moved to Hideaway Lane
in February and water was standing all around her property. Over
the summer it dried up but with all of the hurricanes that water
came back and is still standing. It doesn't seem possible to her
that a project like this will not interrupt the flow of that
Ms. Holt also expressed concern with bringing such a high density
project into this very rural type area. She feels a precedent is
being set. There is a lot of undeveloped property in this area
and questioned which project the Council will say no to. If they
allow something like this to happen, you won't be able to say no
to the next guy down the line. She commented on this changing
the character of that area.
Mr. Storch elaborated on Ms. Holt's concerns. They are not
legally able to divert stormwater in any manner and divert it on
someone else's property. They have designed around that. They
will maintain more stormwater on site then is presently there.
It is one of the requirements under St. John's. Mr. Storch then
commented on creating a precedent.
Vice Mayor Lichter stated very often what a developer plans on In
reality is not what happens. st. John's is very strict and
becoming more so.
Vice Mayor Lichter commented on the impact fees that the City has
recently put on new development and development paying for itself
in terms of the road in front of it, the impact on the
environment, schools, Fire and Police. She further commented on
Planned Unit Developments being a good way to use land so things
won't happen like developments with hundreds of houses that don't
have paved roads and all access onto a main street.
Councilman Brown asked the amount of homes per acre. Mr. Storch
informed him between four and five. Councilman Brown then asked
the average. City Manager Hooper commented on this being medium
density and there being between five and eight. This is the low
side of medium density. The number on this one is about 4 ~
units to the acre, a total of 750 units on 173 or so acres. He
further commented on clustering.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Vice Mayor Lichter closed the public hearing.
Councilman Brown moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-32, Glenn Storch,
aaent for Massev EnterPrises and John S. Massev, Trustee,
reauestina an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use
Map to include 173.41+ acres of property, second by Councilwoman
C. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-33, Glenn Storch, agent
for Massey Enterprises and John S. Massey, Trustee,
requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to
include 173.41~ acres of property located near Old
Mission Road and Park Avenue as RPUD (Residential
Planned Unit Development)
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-33 into the record.
city Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Mr. Storch informed Council this is not Coral Trace, it is Oak
Leaf Preserve.
At the request of Vice Mayor Lichter, Mr. Storch commented on
what the zoning was in the County.
Councilman Brown questioned if anyone has checked to see if there
are any gopher turtles or scrub jays living on this property.
City Manager Hooper explained that will come at a later date.
Due to there being no comments, Vice Mayor Lichter opened and
closed the public hearing.
Councilwoman Rhodes moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-33, Glenn
Storch, aaent for Massey EnterPrises and John S. Massey, Trustee,
reauestina an amendment to the Official Zonina Map to include
173.41+ acres of property located near Old M2ssion Road and Park
Avenue as RPUD (Residential Planned Unit Development), second by
Councilman Brown.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
D. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-34, Miranda Fitzgerald,
agent for Oak Hill Land, LLC; Edgewater Partners, LLC;
the Southeast Volusia Hospital District and Dixie
Highway, LLC; requesting annexation of 68.79~ acres of
property located west of US 1 and northwest of 4115 S.
US 1
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-34 into the record.
city Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Due to there being no comments, Vice Mayor Lichter opened and
closed the public hearing.
Councilman Brown moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-34, ~randa
Fitzaerald, aaent for Oak Hill Land, LLC; Edaewater Partners,
LLC; the Southeast Volusia Hospital District and Dixie Hiahwav,
LLC; reauestina annexation of 68.79+ acres of property located
west of US 1 and northwest of 4115 S. US 1, second bv
Councilwoman Rhodes.
There was a ten-minute recess at this time. The meeting recessed
at 7:55 p.m. and reconvened at 8:05 p.m.
E. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-35, Miranda Fitzgerald,
agent for Oak Hill Land, LLC; Edgewater Partners, LLC;
the Southeast Volusia Hospital District and Dixie
Highway, LLC; requesting an amendment to the Official
Zoning Map to include 68.79~ acres of property located
west of US1 and northwest of 4115 S. US1 as
Public/Semi-Public with Conservation Overlay
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-35 into the record.
Due to there being no comments, Vice Mayor Lichter opened and
closed the public hearing.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Councilwoman Rhodes moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-35, Miranda
Fitzaerald, aaent for Oak Hill Land, LLC: Edaewater Partners,
LLC,. the Southeast Volusia Hospital District and Dixie Hiahwav,
LLC: reauestina an amendment to the Official Zonina Map to
include 68.79+ acres of property located west of US1 and
northwest of 4115 S. US1 as Public/Semi-Public with Conservation
Overlav, second bv Councilman Brown.
F. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-36, the City of Edgewater
requesting an amendment to the Official Future Land Use
Map to include 159.89~ acres of property located south
of SR 442 and west of Old Mission Road as Conservation
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-36 into the record.
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Vice Mayor Lichter opened the public hearing.
The following citizens spoke:
Pat Card, 3019 Willow Oak Drive, stated he wants to support this
very much. The Turnbull Hammock is a traditional hardwood
hammock, its not just a wetland. The less disturbance we do to
it, the better off we will be. He is glad to see this is
changing to non-developable.
Gina Holt, 1798 Hideaway Lane, stated this is news to her and she
is very happy to see it.
Vice Mayor Lichter closed the public hearing.
Councilman Brown moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-36, the City of
Edaewater reauestina an amendment to the Official Future Land Use
Map to include 159.89+ acres of property located south of SR 442
and west of Old Mission Road as Conservation, second bv
Councilwoman Rhodes.
G. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-37, Halstead Resources,
Inc., agent for Nohra Hohn and Thomas and Patricia
Sokol, requesting annexation of 2.3~ acres of property
located at 2203 S. Ridgewood Avenue
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-37 into the record.
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Vice Mayor Lichter opened the public hearing.
Brad Haynes, 1103 S. Riverside Drive, was available to answer any
Vice Mayor Lichter asked for a better idea of where the property
is. Mr. Haynes explained directly to the north is Friendly
Shores Mobile Home Park and to the south is Pelican Drive.
Councilman Brown questioned how wide the piece of property is.
Mr. Haines informed him it ranges at its widest to just under 100
on u.S. #1 and down by the river you are looking at about 80.
Vice Mayor Lichter closed the public hearing.
Councilwoman Rhodes moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-37, Halstead
Resources, Inc., aaent for Nohra Hohn and Thomas and Patricia
Sokol, reauestina annexation of 2.3+ acres of property located at
2203 S. Ridaewood Avenue, second bv Councilman Brown.
H. 1st Reading, Ord. No. 2004-0-38, the City of Edgewater
requesting an amendment to the Goals, Objectives and
Policies of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use
element adding Policy 1.5.9 pertaining to the
conversion of residential structures to professional
office uses, and amendment to Police 1.6.6 pertaining
to the SR 442 Corridor Overlay Zone
Paralegal Matusick read Ord. 2004-0-38 into the record.
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Councilman Brown asked about entrances off of SR 442. City
Manager Hooper explained you will have to come in off the side
streets. There will be no additional driveway cuts.
Vice Mayor Lichter asked about the facade and having uniformity.
City Manager Hooper commented on having architectural design
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Vice Mayor Lichter asked if the circle is still planned for
Riverside Drive and SR 442. City Manager Hooper informed her
Vice Mayor Lichter opened the public hearing.
The following citizen spoke:
Pat Card, 3019 Willow Oak Drive, asked if it would be reasonable
to say that what is being done is the Land Development Code and
Comprehensive Plan are being brought into compliance with one
another. City Manager Hooper informed him yes. Mr. Card feels
there is really no change here. This was approved at an earlier
Vice Mayor Lichter closed the public hearing.
Councilman Brown moved to approve Ord. 2004-0-38, the City of
Edqewater requestinq an amendment to the Goals, Obiectives and
Policies of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use element addinq
Policy 1.5.9 pertaininq to the conversion of residential
structures to professional office uses, and amendment to Police
1.6.6 pertaininq to the SR 442 Corridor Overlay Zone, second by
Councilwoman Rhodes.
A. General Employees Pension Board (5) - affirming City
Manager's appointments of Brenda Johnson, Jon Williams,
Robert DeLoach, Tyna Hilton, and Christi Moeller to
serve three (3) year terms
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Councilwoman Rhodes moved to approve the appointment of Brenda
Johnson, Jon Williams, Robert DeLoach, Tyna Hilton, and Christi
Moeller to the General Employees Pension Board to serve three (3)
year terms, second by Councilman Brown.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
B. Economic Development Board - nomination by Councilwoman
Rhodes to fill the remaining term of Joe Martin due to
his resignation
Councilwoman Rhodes moved to appoint Eric Caplan to the Economic
Development board, second by Councilman Brown.
Councilwoman Rhodes thanked Mr. Balmer.
There were no items to be discussed on the Consent Agenda at this
A. Final Plat - Coral Trace, LLC requesting Final Plat
approval for a 200-unit single family residential
subdivision located north of SR 442 and west of Lybrand
Avenue to be known as Coral Trace
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Vice Mayor Lichter asked if they have been through the hoops and
get all of their permitting. City Manager Hooper informed her
Due to there being no comments, Vice Mayor Lichter opened and
closed the public hearing.
Councilman Brown moved to approve the Final Plat - Coral Trace,
LLC reauestinq Final Plat approval for a 200-unit sinqle family
residential subdivision located north of SR 442 and west of
Lybrand Avenue to be known as Coral Trace, second by Councilwoman
B. Regions Bank - staff recommending approval of a
Purchase and Sale Agreement between Regions Bank and
the City of Edgewater
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
City Manager Hooper asked that this item be pulled from the
agenda. He further explained they had a conference call with the
bank with our attorney and their attorneys and the consensus was
instead of going through all the gyrations that it takes to do
this prior to the referendum, let's let the referendum dictate
what process we are on and bring it back.
C. Water/Wastewater Chemical Bids - staff recommending
notice to award bid to Global stone Tenn Luttrel
Company for high calcium quicklime for an estimated
annual cost of $91,066.30, and to Air Liquide L.P. for
liquide carbon dioxide for an estimated annual cost of
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation. staff recommends
approval to the low bidders.
Councilwoman Rhodes moved to approve the notice to award bid to
Global stone Tenn Luttrel Company for hiqh calcium quicklime for
an estimated annual cost of $91,066.30, and to Air Liquide L.P.
for liquide carbon dioxide for an estimated annual cost of
$51,226.50, second bv Councilman Brown.
A. City Clerk Wadsworth reminded everyone there is early
voting at the New Smyrna Beach Regional Library on
Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
B. Paralegal Matusick had nothing at this time.
C. City Manager Hooper
City Manager Hooper commented on the 5600 acres the City had the
first reading on. He had a pretty productive meeting with the
County. They have agreed to develop an interlocal agreement
between the County and the City on how that can be used and that
will be brought back to Council in the very near future. He
needs to meet with the property owners and get their input.
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004
Vice Mayor Lichter asked what was going on with Oak Hill and the
boundary discussions. city Manager Hooper stated they have filed
their legal briefs. They have agreed to get rid of the non-
contiguous parcels. They are arguing with the County over those
that are creating enclaves. This will go the judge for a
stipulated settlement agreement, which will take some time. They
are still debating and he hasn't given up on the concept of
retaining and returning the legal costs it has cost, which are
about $40,000 to date.
Vice Mayor Lichter commented on enclaves within the City that are
County property. She got a call from the son of a resident who
asked if there is any impact fee for them to come into the City.
City Manager Hooper explained they only pay impact fees if they
build something different or something new.
There were no Citizen Comments/Correspondence at this time.
A. Tentative Agenda Items
There were no Tentative Agenda Items to be discussed.
There being no further business to discuss, Councilwoman Rhodes
moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Bloomer
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Council Regular Meeting
October 18, 2004