07-14-2003 - General Fund Budget Workshop C::\, ~"^\<- THE CITY OF ED GE WATER POST OFFICE BOX 100-EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 July 8, 2003 -PUBLIC NOTICE- The City Council of Edgewater will hold budget workshop sessions regarding the FY 2003/2004 General Fund at 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 14,2003, and Enterprise Funds at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, July 17,2003, in the Community Center, 104 N. Riverside Drive. Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of the proceedings and will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk Susan Wadsworth, 386-424-2407, prior to the meeting. :eJill F:\rneetingnotices\budgetwksp2003.04 THE CITY OF EDGE WATER POST OFFICE BOX 100-EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM EDGEW A TER, FLORIDA TO: FROM: C.M. NO: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor and City Council \, \ \ Ken Hooper, City Manage\\. ~ 2003-41 July 7,2003 FY 2003-2004 Budget Attached is the proposed City of Edgewater budget for the fiscal ye~r October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004. Staff is pleased to present a general fund budget that is balanced and is consistent with the Charter requirements concerning unrestricted reserve fund balance. Several assumptions and issues concerning this proposed budget should be described. 1. TAXABLE VALUE The area of the City of Edgewater is expanding through annexations. The City has experienced a growth rate of approximately 200 new housing units for FY 2002-2003. The City is also experiencing growth of commerciallindustrial development. The US 1 corridor is undergoing in-fill development and is expected to receive redevelopment pressure as the vacant property is developed. Upon completion of the widening of SR442, development pressure will greatly increase particularly around the 1-95/SR442 interchange. Taxable values for the City have'increased 12% during the current fiscal year. This is a significant increase in value. The City has averaged a 5% increase in taxable values during the period 1998-2003 and an average increase of 2% for the period 1992-1997. The increase in taxable values includes new construction and increased value to current properties/structures. New growth for the proposed budget is 250 new housing units and 20 acres of industrial property located at ParkTowne Industrial Center. (Note the 12% increase for FY2003/04 does not include any development or sales in ParkTowne Industrial Center as they will be included in next year's taxable value.) eM 2003-41 F:\memo\FY2003-04 Budget FY 2003-2004 Budget July 7,2003 Page 2 In summary, the City has invested in the infrastructure (Airpark Road, Dale Street, ParkTowne) and is witnessing the results in increased taxable value. This will continue to escalate as ParkTowne is developed. Based on improvements to the Land Development Code, the City is gaining taxable values in new subdivisions that are modern, self-supporting and paying their fair share for the cost of growth. 2. PROBLEM AREAS a. Pension Plans - The City has authorized four local-plan penSIOn plans for the employees. · Police Pension (Defined Benefit) · Fire Pension (Defined Benefit) · Genera Fund (Defined Benefit) · General Fund 401A (Defined Contribution) All Defined Benefit Plans are based on the principal that when an employee retires from City employment, the employee will be entitled to a retirement benefit package that is based on the number of years of service, a fixed multiplier and an average of the employee's most highly compensated salaried years. The funding necessary to maintain a functional benefit plan is derived from investment earning ofthe funds within the plan, a contribution by the participating member and the City provides the balance of the revenue to keep the plan funded. The more benefits (higher multiplier and shorter term for retirement) the higher the contribution of the employee. In theory, the earnings from investing the fund balance ofthe planes) should provide most of the funding with the employees contributing a range of 2.5 to 6% and the City contributing approximately 12%. This worked for several years until investment earnings dropped substantially. To keep the plan(s) fully funded, the City currently must contribute 24% of the annual salary to the defined benefit plans for police and general fund employees. The City must contribute 17% ofthe annual salary to the defined benefit plan for the firefighters. The defined contribution plan is not based on market (interest earnings) conditions. The City contributes 12% of the employees salary to the defined contribution plan and the employee can contribute based on their individual financial conditions. The employee also selects how their retirement funds are invested. The City's management team will be reviewing options to better control this escalating expense. Options include phasing out the general fund defined benefit plan and negotiating the transition to the defined contribution plan, early retirement agreements, and modifications to existing defined benefit plans. Staff is currently exploring options with input from other cities, labor attorney and investment pension plan experts. eM 2003-41 F:\memo\FY2003-04 Budget FY 2003-2004 Budget July 7,2003 Page 3 b. Investment Income - The City invests its funds in conservative/sound revenue producing accounts. During the recent "slow-down" of the economy since the 9-11 event, the rate of return has steadily dropped to approximately 1.5% or less. Prior to 9- 11, the City gained an earning of 6-8% on its investments. This is a substantial loss of annual revenue which effects the general fund. c. Insurance Rates - Health insurance for the employees and their spouses continue to rise. The annual increase for the proposed budget is 24%. This has a significant impact on the City's budget. 3. SPECIFIC BUDGET ISSUES Capi tal Ex pendi tures/Replacemen ts/Reserves · 1 bucket truck · 3 police vehicles · 1 fire engine · 2 mowing tractors · 1 animal control truck · 1 dump truck · $400,000 for purchase of City Hall · $500,000 for resurfacing · $1,500,000 for ParkTowne Phase 2 infrastructure · $500,000 for Hawks Park expansion · $1,800,000 for general fund reserve balance (17.59%) · $39,800 for software/hardware 4. REDUCTION OF STAFF A review of the organization indicates the City can reduce administrative and support function in the police department and personnel department. 5. INCREASE OF STAFF As described in the rate analysis concerning the solid waste enterprise fund, there is a need to expand the garbage pick-up by the addition of another route. This will require the addition of I driver and 2 pick-up personnel. This addition of a new route will require a new garbage truck. As described in the rate analysis, the monthly rate should increase from $17.00 to $18.00 per month per house. 6. WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND This fund suffers similar problems (insurance, pension funding, investment income) as the general fund. As depicted in the proposed budget, the expenses exceed the revenues for this fund. The water and sewer enterprise fund can only be balanced by using the reserve fund balance to avoid a deficit. eM 2003-41 F:\memo\FY2003-04 Budget FY 2003-2004 Budget July 7,2003 Page 4 The water and sewer rates have not been adjusted since 1993/94. System revenues have grown due to the addition of new customers but expenses have increased at a faster rate due to increases in salaries, power, oil, chemicals, benefit expenses and others. The reclaimed rates are a flat fee of $5.00 per month and does not cover the cost of operation and maintenance of the reclaimed system. Last year the reclaimed system was expanded and the City decided to wait until the improvements to the reclaimed system were demonstrated. The reclaimed system works much better and the City should implement an increase in the monthly rate and implement a volumetric charge to promote conservation of the reclaimed system as a resource. All components ofthe water and sewer fee system should be reviewed and updated. This includes monthly rates, impact fees, late charges, deposits and meter-set fees. Due to lower interest rates, it is suggested that the City evaluate the feasibility of refinancing the outstanding 1991 and 1993 bond issue. If the annual debt service remained the same and the period of debt extended, money would be available to fund needed capital projects such as two (2) new wells, sludge digestion, expansion of the reclaimed system, booster pump station and increased conservation by using more stormwater in the reclaimed system. 7. STORMW ATER ENTERPRISE BUDGET Based on annual revenues and expenses, this fund is also programmed to be a deficit and will require the use of reserves to balance the funds. Currently 50% of the stormwater utility fee is dedicated to the debt service for drainage improvements within the Florida Shores subdivision. 50% of the stormwater utility fee is used for the stormwater maintenance program. The City will complete its Master Stormwater Plan this year but without an increase in revenue, no funds will be available to implement the master plan. Where benefits to regional stormwater problems can be demonstrated, the SJRWMD and FIND offer matching grant funds. The City is currently using a SJRWMD grant to fund the completion of the Master Stormwater Plan. Additional funds for capital stormwater infrastructure projects are available with matching funds. City staff will recommend an increase in monthly stormwater rates to be affective October 1,2003. The revenue will be pledged to capital projects identified in the Stormwater Master Plan. The increased revenue can be bonded to provide funds for immediate projects or can be used to seek grant funding requiring a local match. In summary, the proposed general fund budget is sound and we have proposed reimplementing programs (resurfacing and vehicle replacements, funded reserve balance) that were eliminated or reduced during the FY 2002-2003 budget due to the tax increase. I recommend another year at the current millage (6.95 mill) and predict that revenue will continue to increase during FY 2003-2004 allowing the option of a reduced millage rate for FY 2004-2005. This will enable the City to implement a roll-back rate to encourage a voter-approved referendum. eM 2003-41 F:\memo\FY20Q3-04 Budget FY 2003-2004 Budget July 7,2003 Page 5 I recommend a rate increase of $1.00 per month for solid waste effective October 1, 2003, and the reclaimed water rate be increased to $10.00 per month with a volumetric charge of 40 cents per 1,000 gallons up to 12,000 gallons and 80 cents per 1,000 gallons for consumption above 12,000 gallons per month. This will encourage conservation of potable water and reclaimed water. This should be effective October 1,2003. I recommend the water and sewer capital charges (impact fees) and other user fees such as meter-set fees, late charges and turn-on/off charges be increased by October 1, 2003. Monthly water and sewer charges should be reviewed further and implemented at a later date. KRH:ejm eM 2003-41 F:\memo\FY20Q3.04 Budget - - o ~ ~ ns a.. 'to- o ~ o ns In ns - ....... c: o U c: o -- In c: (1) a.. 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COMPLEX (LEISURE SERVICE) (FRDAP) 28) KENNEDY PARK (PORT AUTHORITYIFIND GRANT) 29) 442 PLANT IMPROVMENTS (FOOT GRANT) 30) KENNEDY PARK (ECHO GRANT) 41) NEW CITY HALL 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 39) $ 39,000 $ 31,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 3,000 $ 2,595 $ 1,200 $ 3,500 $ 24,000 $ 7,000 $ 6,000 $ 5,500 $ 2,200 $ 5,644 $ 112,500 $ 121,770 $ 100,000 $ 386,790 $ 400,000 REPLACEiv1ENTS: 2) FIRE APPARATUS (FIRE DEPT) 3 YEAR LEASE 3) BUCKET TRUCK (5 YR LEASE LEISURElPUBLIC WORKS) 5) TWO MOWING TRACTORS (REPLACING 1981 & 1984 TRACTOR) 6) ANIMAL CONTROL TRUCK (FIRE) 7) 3 FORD CROWN VICTORIA (pOLICE DEPT) 11) REPLACEMENT TANK W/PUMP FOR BRUSH TRUCK (FIRE) 15) THREE STRUCTURAL FIREFIGHTING GEAR (FIRE) 17) BREATHING AIR COMPRESSOR (FIRE) 31) VHFfUHF RADIO (REPLACEMENT E-55) (FIRE) 32) TWO MOWER DECKS (PUBLIC WORKS) 20) WELDER (PUBLIC WORKS) 21) PLASMA CUTTER (PUBLIC WORKS) 22) TWO 800 MHZ RADIOS (PUBLIC WORKS) 33) PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR ROTARY PARK (LEISURE SERVICE) 34) PITCHING MACHINE (LEISURE SERVICE) 35) 72" REEL MOWING UNIT (LEISURE SERVICE) 36) 37) 38) 40) 42) $ 100,000 $ 16,236 $ 30,000 $ 20,000 $ 64,409 $ 14,000 $ 3,600 $ 31,000 $ 2,800 $ 3,000 $ 2,400 $ 1,700 $ 2,200 $ 32,000 $ 2,010 $ 9,400 $ 3,092,454 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITYOFEDGEWATER LIST OF CAPITAL NEEDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 WATER AND SEWER: NEW: BREAK ROOMIMAINTENANCE BUILDING TWO COMPUTERS METERS AND METER CONNECTIONS $ 40,000 $ 1,700 $ 45,000 REPLACEMENT: FOUR WELL METERS @ WESTERN WELLFIELD SIX INCH WATER METER BACKWASH RECOVERY AND CONNECTION TO PLC PH METER D.O. METER LAB REFRIGERATOR MOTION CONTROL $ 8,000 $ 6,000 $ 2,150 $ 1,530 $ 2,187 $ 2,528 $ 22,395 STORMWATER, NEW: LASER $ 1,100 TRAILER FOR MENZI $ 8,200 COMPACT PICKUP TRUCK $ 13,000 REPLACEMENT: LASER $ 1,100 TWO RADIOS $ 2,200 BACKHOE $ 43,000 $ 68,600 REFUSE COLLECTION FUND: NEW: REFUSE TRUCK (NEW ROUTE) $ 82,000 REPLACEMENT: TWO REFUSE TRUCK $ 82,000 TRACTOR, SEMI $ 70,000 REFUSE TRAILER $ 45,000 TRASH TRUCK $ 35,000 $ 314,000 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITY OF EDGEW ATER t GENERAL FUND OVERVIEW OF FUND BALANCE FY04 ESTIMATED REVENUES (INCLUDES CASH CARRYFORWARD) EXPENDITURES (INCLUDES CAPITAL EXPENDITURES) SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE 9/30/02 ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE 9/30/03 13,331,867 13,327,865 4,002 748,029 1,633,944 RESERVE ACCOUNT- CHARTER17.5% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1,791,197 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITY OF EDGEWATER I GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACI1JAL ACI1JAL ACI1JAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED TAXES: 31110 AD VALOREM TAXES 2.367,778 2,548,053 2,693,351 3,364,842 3,285,269 3,827,428 31120 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 8,635 51,275 11,357 12,000 10,550 13,000 31242 LOCAL ALT. FUEL USER TAX 31310 FRANCHISE FEES I ELECTRIC 545,034 627,332 640,505 640,000 660,540 767,000 31320 FRANCHISE FEES I TELEPHONE 23,934 25,432 2,254 31330 FRANCHISE FEES I REFUSE 2,547 2,362 2,341 2,400 31340 FRANCHISE FEES I GAS 9,221 21,679 15,344 16,000 16,624 17,000 31350 SIMPLIFIED COMM. TAX RA TElCABLE 74,379 112,503 641,170 637,337 696,50 I 688,616 31410 UTILITY TAXI ELECTRIC 815,307 841,634 849,615 860,000 894,940 957,000 31420 UTILITY TAXI TELECOMMUNICA nONS 384,638 432,550 41,032 31430 UTILITY TAXI WATER 196,534 201,620 207,340 210,000 205,494 213,500 31440 UTILITY TAXI GAS 31,529 29,311 26,165 31,000 43,379 43,000 TOTAL 4,459,536 4,893,751 5,130,474 5,773,579 5,813,296 6,526,544 LICENSES AND PERMITS: 32120 CITY OCCUP A nONAL UCENSES 62,808 65,565 71,894 72,000 68,000 78,800 32130 DELINQUENT OCC. UCENSES 2,482 2,455 3,684 3,500 4,130 3,800 32210 BUILDING PERMITS 166,880 188,849 199,690 290,000 257,813 271,000 32211 ELECTRIC PERMITS 14,017 15,903 16,261 20,000 20,063 22,000 32212 PLUMBING PERMITS 10,077 11,371 10,294 13,000 13,785 17,000 32213 MECHA}UCALPERMITS 6,111 7,432 7,349 9,000 12,410 15,000 32214 CUL VERT-DRIVEWAY PERMIT 7,577 9,270 8,815 9,000 11,280 13,000 32910 OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS 4,877 6,288 8,806 10,100 5,406 7,000 TOTAL 274,829 307,133 326,793 426,600 392,887 427,600 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: 33120 COPS FAST GRANT 39,607 33121 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BL.GRANT 35,620 32,966 33122 GYM GRANT 277,500 33123 EDWARD BYRNE ANTI DRUG GRANT 23,385 27,435 12,227 27,435 33450 STATE DlASTER RELIEF $ 750 306,626 13,169 33470 FL DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES 80,516 262,500 112,500 33480 FL. DEPT. OF TRANSPORT A nON GRANT 100,000 33490 OTHER STATE GRANTS 17,336 121,770 121,770 33511 2-CENT CIGARETTE TAX 45,612 33512 STATE REVENUE SHARING 436,300 455,046 465,253 485,730 480,874 538,500 33514 MOBILE HOME LICENSE TAX 22,045 36,595 33,387 36,000 36,250 37,000 33515 ALCOHOUC BEVERAGE LICENSES 6,873 6,708 10,490 10,500 7,000 10,000 33518 HALF-CENT SALES TAX 842,835 881,565 958,845 1,031,669 985,875 1,081,728 33519 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 346,320 414,244 395,426 415,000 393,502 410,000 33523 FIREFIGHTERS SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION 3,120 3,820 4,920 3,690 5,220 4,000 33541 MOTOR FUEL TAX REBATES 2,577 9,843 9,000 10,742 10,000 33549 OTHER TRANSPORTATION (DOT) 14,570 15,760 15,903 15,769 3,028 21,000 33722 EMS TRUST FUND AWARD 2,566 33771 COUNTY OF VOLUSIA LIBRARY 33772 CDBG FUNDS 197,812 105,000 33775 FIND 111,952 453,390 280,000 1,213 ,200 33778 VOLUS1A COUNTY ECHO GRANT 386,790 33811 COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 21,858 20,019 20,955 22,000 21,923 23,000 33814 SCHOOL & ROAD IMPACT FEES 37,000 TOTAL 1,852,235 2,651,872 2,566,811 2,721,063 3,183,011 3,025,723 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITY OF EDGEWATER I GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED CHARGES FOR SERVICES: 34120 ZONlNG FEES 4,462 9,924 8,714 59,100 35,426 36,000 34130 SALES OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 456 743 524 1,000 258 600 34191 APPLICA TlONfDELINQUENT FEES 880 5,000 4,760 6,000 34192 REINSTATEMENT FEES 30 100 720 1,000 34210 POLICE SERVICES 5,184 1,704 1,225 2,500 1,164 3,000 34211 POLICE SERVICES (ALARM) 225 250 375 1,000 250 2,000 34213 FIRFJRESCUE FEES 1,035 1,060 2,955 3,000 5,000 5,500 34215 FIRE IMPACT FEES 38,026 34216 POLICE IMPACT FEES 5,840 34193 ADMIN FEE FOR IMPACT FEE COLLE 12,000 12,000 34222 CPR CLASS SERVICE FEES 445 1,785 3,595 300 3,330 3,500 34250 FIRE INSPECTION FEES 6,461 5,000 5,240 6,000 34391 LOT MOWING AND CLEARING 2,048 828 1,373 1,000 960 1,000 34490 OTHER TRANSPORTATION 34721 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 47,724 40,598 31,006 45,000 30,522 45,000 34729 PARKS & RECREATION FEE 70,775 95,955 TOTAL 132,354 196,713 57,137 135,000 87,630 121,600 FINES AND FORFEITS: 35110 COURT FINES - CLERK OF COURT 62,178 102,413 66,544 80,000 128,117 130,000 35130 POLICE EDUCATION 302 324 306 2,000 4,964 5,000 35140 OTHER COURT FINES 14,289 12,036 1,617 15,000 1,696 2,500 35405 CODE ENFORCEMENT FlNES/FORECL 8,500 5,100 35410 PARKING FINES 890 835 540 1,000 994 3,000 35420 ANIMAL FINES 291 1,800 530 2,000 TOTAL 77,659 115,608 69,298 108,300 136,301 147,600 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES: 36110 INTEREST EARNlNGS 212,579 84,678 13,114 85,000 53,681 53,000 36120 CASH OVER/SHORT (308) (10) (449) 173 (500) 36170 INTEREST INCOME ASSESSMENT 631 525 496 600 490 500 36210 COMMUNITY CENTER 1,031 1,092 678 750 820 1,000 36220 CITY HALL 1,650 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 36310 ASSESSMENTS REVENUE 3,291 14,000 36442 INSURANCE PROCEEDS 294 1,974 36510 SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT 8,942 38,000 40,000 36520 SALE OF INDUSTRIAL PARK PROPERTY 600,000 1,000,000 1,300,000 36610 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 440 8,665 500 36690 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS & DON. 182 12 876 36930 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR EXP 36990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 86,415 187,642 46,735 40,000 31,608 32,000 36991 INTERNET REVENUE TOTAL 305,471 290,473 82,832 766,150 1,089,073 1,427,800 OTHER SOURCES: 38140 TRANSFER FROM WATER/SEWER 279,981 400,000 712,000 500,000 500,000 1,150,000 38147 TRANSFER FROM REFUSE FUND 131,200 150,000 154,500 200,000 200,000 200,000 38148 TRANSFER FROM STORMW A TER 48,545 50,000 51,500 55,000 55,000 55,000 38992 REIMBURSEMENT FROM YMCA 55,753 38993 AIR PARK ROWIPARK AVE ROW CR. 250,000 250,000 38401 PROCEEDS FROM L T DEBT 890,000 TOTAL 459,726 600,000 1,863,753 1,005,000 755,000 1,655,000 TOTAL REVENUES A V AILABLE 7,561,810 9,055,550 10,097,098 10,935,692 10,685,692 13,331,867 APPROPRIATION FROM FUND BALANCE 1 ,802,765 893,452 (335,365) (410,299) 125,128 (4,002) TOTAL REVENUES A V AILABLE AND APPROPRIATION FROM FUND BALANCE 9,364,575 9,949,002 9,761,733 10,525,393 10,810,820 13,327,865 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2 CITY OF EDGEWATER I GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED DEDUCT EXPENDITURES: GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES, CITY COUNCIL 58,745 53,196 64,056 54,549 53,558 57,080 CITY MANAGER 151,172 289,577 300,249 276,512 246,883 285,916 FINANCE 274,460 403,031 459,266 510,457 505,473 508,306 PLANNING AND ZONING 204,611 227,440 213,698 168,136 162,952 192,399 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD 633 23,324 16,633 9,000 9,000 9,963 PERSONNEL 145,838 172,998 174,464 180,061 164,457 187,386 CITY CLERK 206,152 205,0 I 9 222,621 223,357 208,428 255,721 OTHER GOVERNMENT SERVICES 334,995 773,480 467,299 1,403,734 2,275,414 3,479,835 PUBLIC SAFETY, POLICE 2,776,891 2,791,215 3,272,270 3,225,850 3,137,518 2,715,356 FIRE 1,377,800 1,721,843 1,722,372 1,580,057 1,655,561 1,905,929 BUILDING 228,977 204,580 198,239 216,532 198,680 294,669 CIVIL DEFENSE 20,873 14,176 5,099 CODE ENFORCEMENT 94,021 155,537 166,557 101,866 181,979 TRANSPORTATION: PUBLIC WORKS 741,883 994,390 952,755 402,357 330,112 847,500 PARKS AND RECREATION RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS 2,488, I 16 1,627,282 1,183,748 1,754,806 1,407,490 2,052,397 NONEXPENDITURE DISBURSEMENTS: DEBT SERVICE / STORMWATER 353,429 353,429 353,429 353,429 353,429 353,429 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,364,575 9,949,002 9,761,733 10,525,393 10,810,820 13,327,865 SURPLUS (DEFICIl) FOR FISCAL YEAR (1,802,765) (893,452) 335,365 410,299 (125,128) 4,002 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 3 ~ '" o o '" "U ;0 m r- ~ Z ~ ;0 -< to C o Gl m --i ~ ~~ ~~ ~ !iJ~ 8~ .. 0 .. Cl .. ~ ~~ ~~ e; ~~ ~@ ~ ~~ ~~ =G gjO m'T1 trl ~o ()() o ~~ ~~ ~ f}l~ ~!iJ en . ()() ~ < Om () m() o <0 () Cl SZ ~ ~ ~~~. ~ < :3 p ?2 0 ><: Vi Z 1:l s: ~ () () ~ @ ~ t:I 0 2: ::;;r;; '" :;j ~t:Jj \0 fil ~8 ~ ~ Cl i ~ ?; ><: tll 8 Cl t:l 1:l?J~~;s::()en~<m~en<< en ~ mog>0E::~800 i~ ~~ ~ > ~ ~ o~~ ~ 5 ~ 1:lg ~ tnC! ><00 f}l@~....,~. s: 'T1~ Zz irlmmCl t:I ~~~~~2l~ri~~~2:@:'< ~a ~m~~' ~~CCl~g ~ 8 E::f;;filen ~()~ 0.... o ~ x~ ~S:o Z 1:5 en ol:ll ::lZ gj ~ g ~ ~ ~ it~ ~ >.., en mtn () ::l)': ent:l f}l 0...., en'Tl z() -<: enx ~ o ~ ~ ~ ::to.: :::l ~ t;,S. ~ ~ ::0 ~ ~ b:l ~ ~ ~ Q l'-< ~ ::0 ~ t;,S Q t'-< ~ ~ ~ <::> ~ : I I I Va VlV,O -:- 8 0 gg;, 0 ~ \ " FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 4 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: CITY MANAGER J- LINE ITEM DETAIL r].,J~ k C'r1 M~' 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 29,339 69,703 76,591 92,774 94,822 95,663 51140 OVERTIME 116 1,976 1,205 1,530 1,500 51210 F.I.C.A. 2,180 5,425 5,884 7,097 7,371 7,433 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 3,613 9,216 11,207 21,431 11,199 23,139 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 3,589 7,403 8,629 9,048 10,318 12,432 51240 WORKERS COMPENSA nON 183 226 309 527 577 584 51250 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSA nON TOTAL 39,020 93,949 103,826 130,877 125,816 140,751 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 523 10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100,567 140,269 87,008 60,000 50,319 60,000 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 46,311 99,850 80,000 66,667 80,000 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM II 953 1,947 500 126 250 53410 COMMUNICA nONS 1,401 2,813 3,049 3,420 2,675 3,420 53420 TRANSPORTATION 374 75 100 100 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 593 623 211 53450 INSURANCE 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 151 115 60 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 31 28 37 30 40 30 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGA nONS 2,000 507 578 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,177 576 672 585 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 670 2,357 1,401 1,000 1,024 1,365 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 727 1,121 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 5 3 5 TOTAL 106,008 195,628 196,423 145,635 121,067 145,165 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 6,144 TOTAL 6,144 TOTAL COST 151,172 289,577 300,249 276,512 246,883 285,916 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 5 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES ,- PROGRAM: CITY MANAGER J MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 CITY MANAGER (CONTRACT) ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER PARALEGAL TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ***NO CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED THIS YEAR*** 1'Y2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 6 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: FINANCE ~ LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 156,299 259,988 300,953 334,438 336,863 316,454 51140 OVERTIME 2,135 6,332 7,031 2,500 6,212 5,000 51210 F.I.C.A. 11,973 20,180 23,218 25,986 25,680 24,094 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 18,925 33,215 40,510 56,058 41,380 56,996 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 11,113 21,123 36,243 38,412 42,470 44,664 51240 WORKERS COMPENSATION 282 1,000 1,481 2,003 2,219 2,048 TOTAL 200,727 341,838 409,436 459,397 454,824 449,256 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52310 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,144 5,150 52320 ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING 10,790 8,760 9,855 11,260 8,760 12,450 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,794 294 5,000 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 1,539 2,594 1,105 1,500 414 1,500 53410 COMMUNICATIONS 11,475 18,797 3,828 3,000 2,424 4,000 53420 TRANSPORTATION 318 423 582 450 486 500 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 509 631 550 420 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2,136 2,286 766 1,500 508 1,000 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 2,434 6,414 7,483 6,500 8,959 9,000 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 16,723 1,087 5,911 6,000 9,654 6,000 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 139 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,328 5,282 5,654 12,000 12,716 18,000 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 1,700 2,420 1,280 1,000 2,497 2,500 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2,160 1,617 1,800 3,211 3,500 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 1,953 667 607 500 601 600 TOTAL 59,679 61,193 39,613 51,060 50,650 59,050 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 14,054 10,217 TOTAL 14,054 10,217 TOTAL COST 274,460 403,031 459,266 510,457 505,473 508,306 "'Effective with fiscal year 2001, salaries which were previously budgeted through the Enterprise Funds have been moved to the Finance Department to better reflect the chain of command. FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 7 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: FINANCE J MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 FINANCE DIRECTOR I I I I ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR 0 0 I 0 ACCOUNTANT I I 0 0 CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR I I I I UTILITY BILLING COORDINATOR 0 0 0 I UTILITY BILLING CLERK 1 I I I ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST I I I 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 3 3 3 2 MIS TECHNICIAN I I I I PURCHASING AGENT 1 I I I TOTAL 10 10 10 9 CAPITAL OUTLAY ***NO CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED THIS YEAR*** FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 8 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: PLANNING AND ZONING --- LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 95,594 118,308 144,153 104,467 100,240 108,894 51140 OVERTIME 3,435 54 1,000 1,000 51210 F.1.C.A. 7,316 9,050 10,896 8,072 7,437 8,407 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 13,710 15,385 19,077 12,662 20,069 13,187 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 8,357 14,362 17,131 11,796 19,233 16,368 51240 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,727 422 565 623 689 715 TOTAL 130,139 157,581 191,823 138,620 147,668 148,571 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52310 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51,128 29,450 2,931 4,500 8,000 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 132 19,632 2,145 3,500 132 5,000 53360 VEHICLE REPAIRS 5 126 53370 GAS OIL AND DIESEL EXPENSE 192 13 75 75 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 514 269 339 400 1,124 1,300 53410 COMMUNICATIONS 2,812 2,229 2,178 1,858 1,463 1,950 53420 TRANSPORTATION 30 253 162 200 154 200 53430 UTILITY SERVICES 2,610 3,220 2,463 2,494 1,845 2,600 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 2,084 3,706 1,894 2,050 1,851 2,500 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 3,020 1,239 857 713 580 900 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 544 4,129 4,666 5,134 3,214 5,100 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 1,727 2,380 4,778 5,184 3,309 5,100 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 150 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,399 1,887 893 1,000 106 7,900 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 1,466 684 434 365 20 450 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 390 199 1,240 470 1,950 53550 MISCELLANEOUS III 10 64 86 TOTAL 67,924 69,491 21,073 28,713 14,481 43,025 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56620 BUILDING 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 6,179 TOTAL 6,179 DEBT SERVICE 57710 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 295 295 701 701 727 774 57720 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST 74 73 102 102 76 29 TOTAL 369 368 803 803 803 803 TOTAL COST 204,611 227,440 213,698 168,136 162,952 192,399 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 9 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: PLANNING AND ZONING J MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I I 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 CAPITAL OUTLAY PLANNING DEPT. DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY CHIEF PLANNER PLANNING TECHNICIAN TOTAL ***NO CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED*** 10 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 11 FY2004 PREUMlNARY BUDGET 12 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: PERSONNEL J MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRA TIVE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY I I 0.5 TOTAL 3 2.5 3 3 CAPITAL OUTLAY ***NO CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED*** 1'Y2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 13 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: CITY CLERK ~ LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 82,003 85,494 90,096 97,286 92,176 100,378 51140 OVERTIME 1,832 1,950 547 1,000 94 1,000 51210 F.I.C.A. 6,399 6,629 6,929 7,522 7,007 7,755 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 9,939 13,182 16,037 22,600 16,029 24,211 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 528 570 570 624 795 624 51240 WORKERS COMPENSA nON 127 336 438 582 644 660 TOTAL 100,828 108,161 114,616 129,614 116,745 134,628 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 11,149 8,799 14,109 12,288 12,729 32,702 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 3,884 2,138 1,570 1,340 715 1,340 53410 COMMUNICA nONS 1,522 1,551 1,838 2,160 1,227 2,160 53420 TRANSPORTATION 19,815 19,105 24,832 23,600 25,331 23,600 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 1,964 450 890 175 682 236 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 1,779 2,637 882 1,225 1,484 1,225 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 22,549 16,807 11,647 I 5,400 8,226 15,400 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 13,786 13,248 22,346 8,755 11,607 13,630 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20,180 26,718 23,614 23,000 25,747 25,000 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,273 3,190 2,883 3,000 2,096 3,000 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 1,821 1,590 2,344 2,100 1,514 2,100 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 550 915 500 280 500 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 136 75 134 200 45 200 "-. TOTAL 1 02,858 96,858 1 08,004 93,743 91,683 121,093 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 2,450 TOTAL 2,450 DEBT SERVICE 57710 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 16 57720 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST TOTAL 16 TOTAL COST 206,152 205,019 222,621 223,357 208,428 255,721 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 14 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: CITY CLERK J MANPOWER ANAL YSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 CITY CLERK DEPUTY CITY CLERK TOTAL 2 2 2 2 CAPITAL OUTLAY ***NO CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED THIS YEAR*** FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 15 OTHER 59991 OPERATING CONTINGENCY 41,200 4,925 467,299 TOTAL COST 334,995 773,480 **NOTE: DEBT PAYMENTS INCLUDE 254,000 TO BANK OF AMERICA AND $490,000 TO FIND FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGBT 16 11 ,500 10,000 3,479,835 1,403,734 2,275,414 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES PROGRAM: OTHER GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIMEIPART-TIME PERSONNEL .**NOTE: NO EMPLOYEES ARE BUDGETED TO THIS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND: I TON DUMP BODY (LEISURE SERVICES) 3 FORD CROWN VICTORIA (pOLICE DEPT) FIRE APPARATUS (FIRE DEPT) 3 YEAR LEASE BUCKET TRUCK (5 YR LEASE LEISUREIPUBLIC WORKS) TWO MOWING TRACTORS (REPLACING 1981 & 1984 TRACTOR) ANIMAL CONTROL TRUCK (FIRE) $ 31,000 64,409 100,000 16,236 30,000 20,000 $ 261,645 COMPUTER PURCHASE FUND: MISC SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE FLEET MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE 2 LAPTOP COMPUTERS (FIRE DEPT) $ 39,000 2,000 4,000 $ 45,000 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 17 FY2004 PREUMlNARY BUDGET 18 PUBLIC SAFETY . PROGRAM: POLICE MANPOWER ANALYSIS POSITION 2002 NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL 2004 200] POLICE CHIEF POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE SERGEANTS POLICE OFFICERS RECORDS SUPERVISOR RECORDS CLERK EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY I 2 5 26 I 3 o I I I 5 29 I 3 o 2 2003 I I 5 28 I I I 2 I o 5 27 I I I 2 TOTAL 39 42 40 38 ***NOTE: IN FISCAL YEAR 2003, ALL TELECOMMUNICATORS ARE COMBINED INTO CIA CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT STROBE PACKAGE FOR MOTORCYCLE RADAR UNIT FOR MOTORCYCLE FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 19 $ $ $ 3,000 2,595 5,595 21 FY2004 PREUMJNARY BUDGET 21 FY2004 PREUMlNARY BUDGET PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: FIRE J MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 FIRE CHIEF 1 1 1 1 OPERATIONS/COMM. SERVICES CAPTAIN 1 2 2 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 1 1 1 PART TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 1 1 1 LIEUTENANT 5 4 4 6 DRIVER/OPERATOR 4 4 4 5 FIREFIGHTER 8 8 11 8 FIRE RESERVES 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 23 23 26 26 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: REPLACEMENT TANK WIPUMP FOR BRUSH TRUCK THREE SMOKELESS EXHAUST SYSTEMS THREE STRUCTURAL FIREFIGHTING GEAR BREATHING AIR COMPRESSOR VHFIUHF RADIO (REPLACEMENT E-55) 800 MHZNHF COMM LINK SOFTWARE TO ALLOW EKG IMPORT OSSI REPORTING $ 14,000 24,000 3,600 31,000 2,800 3,500 1,200 $ 80,100 FY2004 PREUMINARY BUDGET 22 PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: CODE ENFORCEMENT ~ LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 54,496 71,552 88,038 56,714 90,701 51140 OVERTIME 1,619 5,558 2,000 4,655 2,000 51210 F.I.C.A. 4,346 5,808 6,895 4,518 7,092 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 8,818 15,429 14,385 13,360 15,097 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 5,571 627 12,792 17,088 51240 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5,380 9,633 12,847 14,249 12,811 51250 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 4,516 TOTAL 84,746 108,607 136,957 93,496 144,789 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52310 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 225 615 2,000 1,800 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,615 16,000 14,500 53370 GAS OIL AND DIESEL EXPENSE 33 500 500 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 80 800 1,502 800 53410 COMMUNICA nONS 817 1,358 2,160 1,600 3,000 53420 TRANSPORT AnON 120 309 200 20 150 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 234 344 200 180 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 452 201 200 400 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 280 337 400 120 800 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGA nONS 1,004 12,367 1,400 1,143 1,400 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,252 5,559 5,000 2,686 4,460 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 473 423 240 180 180 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 500 940 2,200 53550 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 6,970 43,128 29,600 8,371 30,190 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56630 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING 3,802 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 2,305 7,000 TOTAL 2,305 3,802 7,000 TOT AL COST 94,021 155,537 166,557 101,866 181,979 FY2004 PREUMINARY BUDGET 27 PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: CODE ENFORCEMENT J MANPOWER ANAL YSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIMEIPART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER TOTAL o o o 2 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 CAPITAL OUTLAY DOG BOX $7,000 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 28 PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: BUILDING ~ LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 163,488 139,376 127,239 139,244 122,263 158,303 51140 OVERTIME 481 402 262 51210 F.l.C.A. 12,466 10,581 10,339 10,652 9,323 12,110 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 17,567 19,075 22,556 23,086 27,401 24,296 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 15,748 15,462 14,562 14,320 11,771 21,216 51240 WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,496 5,500 9,667 14,836 16,454 15,200 TOTAL 213,246 190,396 184,625 202,138 187,214 231,125 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 132 132 1,800 132 1,000 52310 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 46,400 53360 VEHICLE REPAIRS 100 147 150 53370 GAS OIL AND DIESEL EXPENSE 1,240 856 678 800 979 900 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 58 98 38 400 1,000 53410 COMMUNICATIONS 2,159 2,374 2,356 1,500 1,483 1,500 53420 TRANSPORTATION 149 149 24 53430 UTILITY SERVICES 2,360 3,220 2,463 2,500 1,845 2,000 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 1,493 1,658 2,021 1,500 1,918 1,950 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 1,116 1,930 841 1,000 455 1,000 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 1,272 1,487 1,262 1,400 1,421 1,400 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 1,148 72 483 200 658 400 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,771 934 1,878 2,000 1,450 1,800 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 1,139 256 430 250 280 250 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 314 380 250 3,000 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 10 67 5 100 TOTAL 15,037 13,490 12,920 13,700 10,772 62,850 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 57710 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 556 556 606 606 629 669 57720 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST 138 138 88 88 65 25 TOTAL 694 694 694 694 694 694 TOTAL COST 228,977 204,580 198,239 216,532 198,680 294,669 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 23 PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: BUILDING I MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 I I 0 0 I I 2 2 4 4 4 4 BUILDING DEPT. DIRECTOR PLANS EXAMINER COMBINATION INSPECTOR PLANSIPERMIT CLERK TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ***NO CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS BUDGETED IN BUILDING FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 24 PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: CIVIL DEFENSE ~ LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 53410 COMMUNICATIONS 53420 TRANSPORTATION 53430 UTILITY BILLS 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 53480 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 241 325 136 64 45 832 433 3,644 334 1,341 11 2,243 125 307 3,701 3 1,330 312 2,500 210 51 696 TOTAL 5,099 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 56642 CERT. GRANT EQUIPMENT TOTAL TOTAL COST FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 5,720 2,187 12,966 15,153 20,873 8,065 6,111 6,111 14,176 25 5,099 PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM: CIVIL DEFENSE J MANPOWER ANALYSIS ****NOTE: NO PERSONNEL POSITIONS BUDGETED IN THIS DEPT. IN FISCAL YEAR 2004, CIVIL DEFENSE WILL BE BUDGETED WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CAPIT AL OUTLAY -UNO CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGETED FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 26 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM: PUBLIC WORKS J- LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 186,635 148,669 178,407 108,724 98,906 110,883 51140 OVERTIME 6,578 1,903 1,455 1,500 1,067 1,500 51210 F.I.C.A. 14,240 11,072 13,759 8,438 7,052 8,597 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 20,691 20,920 23,226 16,027 24,244 16,599 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 24,920 30,164 37,260 25,140 27,089 29,688 51240 WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,496 9,103 15,017 11 ,097 12,308 12,452 51250 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1,212 TOTAL 256,560 223,043 269,124 170,926 170,666 179,719 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52310 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,385 452 1,000 1,000 11,220 1,000 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 100,238 315,162 400,000 63,000 2,145 576,500 53360 VEHICLE REPAIRS 133,959 128,926 105,000 20,000 8,646 20,000 53370 GAS OIL AND DIESEL EXPENSE 8,380 4,797 4,000 4,100 2,749 4,000 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 255 100 53410 COMMUNICATIONS 4,017 6,829 6,000 2,000 1,896 2,000 53420 TRANSPORTATION 1,755 471 800 500 256 400 53430 UTILITY SERVICES 3,352 3,329 3,000 3,000 2,564 3,000 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 1,016 1,153 800 1,000 716 1,000 53450 INSURANCE 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 23,503 53,265 8,000 8,000 3,106 26,000 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 117 283 200 100 27 100 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 1,900 1,776 2,000 2,500 1,852 2,000 53500 STREET LIGHTING EXPENSES 106,075 113,411 100,000 100,000 94,180 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,948 9,397 9,000 9,000 8,974 9,000 53522 STREET NAME SIGN PROGRAM 3,651 53530 ROAD MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6,103 86,634 10,000 12,000 10,500 12,000 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 179 500 500 250 1,544 500 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 30 17 50 8 TOTAL 410,865 726,402 650,450 226,450 150,384 657,500 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56630 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDG. 4,000 4,700 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 73,253 43,740 32,200 3,382 9,300 TOTAL 73,253 43,740 32,200 4,000 8,082 9,300 DEBT SERVICE 57710 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 965 965 857 856 888 945 57720 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST 240 240 124 124 92 36 TOTAL 1,205 1,205 981 981 981 981 TOTAL COST 741,883 994,390 952,755 402,357 330,112 847,500 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 29 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM: PUBLIC WORKS J POSITION NUMBER OF FULL-TIMEIPART-TIME PERSONNEL MANPOWER ANALYSIS HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SERVICE WORKER MECHANIC LEAD MECHANIC TOTAL MACHINERYANDEQU"MEN~ TWO MOWER DECKS (ATTACHED TO TRACTORS) WELDER PLASMA CUTTER TWO 800 MHZ RADIOS fY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2001 2002 2003 2004 I 0 I 1 4 5 3 3 0 0 I 1 2 2 0 0 I 1 0 0 8 8 5 5 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,000 2,400 1,700 2,200 9,300 30 RECREATION PROGRAM: PARKS AND RECREATION J- LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 51120 REGULAR SALARIES AND WAGES 320,035 444,193 472,629 548,695 545,296 611,198 51140 OVERTIME 14,339 11,296 9,921 14,500 15,107 14,500 51210 F.l.C.A. 25,250 33,793 35,847 43,139 41,194 47,866 51220 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 47,259 61,040 75,841 104,500 76,198 120,299 51230 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 43,432 61,391 78,253 93,288 85,549 119,304 51240 WORKERS COMPENSATION 7,289 27,083 33,609 48,887 54,215 54,839 TOTAL 457,604 638,796 706,100 853,009 817,560 968,006 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 52310 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,775 4,230 460 52340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 984 46,882 50,125 55,532 52,783 55,500 53360 VEHICLE REPAIRS 10,000 13,764 15,000 53370 GAS OIL AND DIESEL EXPENSE 9,040 7,640 14,513 7,150 9,303 8,000 53400 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 2,242 3,439 4,180 4,800 3,863 3,800 53410 COMMUNICATIONS 5,063 4,924 6,863 14,850 10,174 10,500 53420 TRANSPORTATION 1,092 1,197 808 1,000 1,335 1,000 53430 UTILITY SERVICES 51,853 60,105 59,025 64,571 41,194 56,000 53440 RENTALS AND LEASES 2,532 2,870 3,219 3,700 3,035 3,700 53460 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 72,085 74,199 69,490 70,000 47,396 77,000 53470 PRINTING AND BINDING 249 143 442 1,000 279 1,000 53480 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 61,571 44,200 52,344 48,000 41,631 38,000 53490 OTHER CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS 1,657 7,421 1,150 2,555 2,021 2,600 53510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 303 61 53520 OPERATING SUPPLIES 20,439 20,568 17,327 20,750 17,424 21,000 53522 STREET NAME SIGN PROGRAM 3,403 2,610 2,000 3,423 3,000 53540 BOOKS, PUBS, SUBS & MEMBERSHIPS 1,416 840 837 1,500 100 1,000 53544 EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 236 309 1,000 600 53550 MISCELLANEOUS 459 402 413 1,000 1,040 1,000 53551 BEAUTIFICA TION/DOT GRANT 38,571 6,947 9,259 100,000 53553 HISTORICAL SERVICES 3,189 2,000 204 1,000 53555 CULTURAL SERVICES 5,000 TOTAL 269,556 287,191 301,162 311,408 250,030 399,100 CAPITAL OUTLAYS: 56610 LAND 414,843 3,349 56620 BUILDING 1,645,673 146,734 56630 IMPROVEMENTS 18,340 7,772 48,071 183,253 180,522 43,500 56640 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 29,070 35,385 49,358 21,435 40,782 19,300 56660 RECREATIONAL TRUST EXPENSES 66,610 94,731 56665 PORT AUTHORITYIFIND GRANT 121,770 121,770 56670 FL DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES 400 74,276 262,500 117,166 112,500 56675 ECHO 386,790 TOTAL 1,759,693 699,865 175,055 588,958 338,470 683,860 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 32 RECREATION PROGRAM: PARKS AND RECREATION J. LINE ITEM DETAIL 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED DEBT SERVICE 57710 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 1,011 1,145 1,249 1,249 1,296 1,379 57720 DEBT SERVICE - INTEREST 252 285 182 182 135 52 TOTAL 1,263 1,430 1,430 1,431 1,430 1,431 TOTAL COST 2,488,116 1,627,282 1,183,748 1,754,806 1,407,490 2,052,397 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 32 RECREATION PROGRAM: PARKS AND RECREATION , MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIMEIPART-TIME PERSONNEL POSITION 2001 2002 2003 2004 DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION I I I I LEISURE SERVICES SUPERINTENDENT 2 2 2 2 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 1 1 CRA/GRANT ADMINISTRATOR 0 0 1 1 ACTIVITYIPROGRAMS COORDINATOR 2 2 2 2 CERTIFIED PARKS MAINT. WORKER 0 0 1 2 PARKS MAINT. WORKER 2 2 9 10 PARKS MAINT. WORKER II 5 5 0 0 PARKS MAINT. WORKER III 1 1 0 0 SEASONAL CONCESSION WORKER 1 1 1 0 PARKS/GROUNDS TEAM LEADER 2 2 2 2 MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 1 0 0 TOTAL 18 18 20 21 CAPITAL OUTLAY IMPROVEMENTS: PLAYGROUNDEQU~MENTFORROTARYPARK $ 32,000 IRRIGATION WELL FOR 442 IMPROVEMENTS 6,000 FOUNTAIN FOR 442 IMPROVEMENTS 5,500 $ 43,500 MACHINERYANDEQmPMEN~ E410 KURB EDGER COMBINATION PITCHING MACHINE MUL TISPREAD TOPDRESSER 72" REEL MOWING UNIT $ 2,200 2,010 $ 5,644 9,400 $ 19,254 FRDAP GRANT: HAWKS PARK REC. COMPLEX $ 112,500 PORT AUTHORITY/FIND GRANT: KENNEDY PARK $ 121,770 BEAUTIFICATlON/FDOT GRANT: 442 PLANT IMPROVEMENTS $ 100,000 VOL USIA COUNTY ECHO: HAWKS PARK REC. COMPLEX $ 386,790 FY2004 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 33