03-11-2010 ,. Charter Review Committee March 11, 2010 City Hall Conference Room 9:00 a.m. MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lott called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in Edgewater Council Chambers. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were, Pat Card, Ferd Heeb, Bob Lott and Bob McIntosh, Scott Brown was absent. Also present were Assistant City Attorney Mike Ciocchetti and City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 5,2010 Mr. Heeb moved to approve the minutes of March 5, 2010, second by Mr. McIntosh. MOTION CARRIED 4-0 4. DISCUSSION REGARDING POTENTIAL CHARTER AMENDMENTS Chairman Lott stated the previous review of the Charter was very thorough, and didn't feel much needed to be done as far as changes. Mr. Card moved to direct the attorney to prepare language to remove the 35-foot height limit for residential property from the Charter, second by Mr. McIntosh. Mr. Heeb asked to discuss the issue prior to voting. Chairman Lott suggested using the previous language as a template, but make it more evident what they are trying to do. Mr. Heeb was concerned the language was discriminating, as all parcels are not created equal. Assistant City Attorney Mike Ciocchetti stated he was hesitant to state the language is discriminatory, there is no judicial resolution. Chairman Lott stated they needed to stick with the core reason; the language does not belong in the Charter. Further discussion ensued regarding the height limit and educating the public. Mr. Card amended his motion to adopt the language read by Mr. McIntosh. Assistant City Attorney added that they direct him to bring a draft of the lant?;uat?;e. MOTION DIED DUE TO LACK OF SECOND. ORIGINAL MOTION BY MR. CARD CARRIED 4-0 Mr. Card brought up requiring a super majority to approve all Charter Amendments. Mr. Heeb stated the height limit was the most ominous subject at this time, if both questions were on the ballot and the height amendment did not pass then a super majority would be needed in the future. He suggested leaving that alone right now. Mr. Card stated the height amendment should be looked at every time. The Charter has significant affects on the community and did not feel 200 people should be making the decisions, although he did agree the timing was wrong. He felt this should be left for the next committee. Chairman Lott suggested leaving this for the next committee, possibly creating a schedule based on population. Discussion ensued on how to bring the matters to the next committee. F:\20 1 0 Chal1er Review Committee\M inutes\03-11-1 0 minutes.docx 1 .' Charter Review Committee March 11, 2010 City Hall Conference Room 9:00 a.m. MINUTES Mr. Heeb discussed redistricting and the need for this to be discussed in the future. There was discussion on how this could be accomplished. Chairman Lott suggested bringing it up at the next meeting, that it might behoove them to put something in to redistrict based on population. They need to come up with the mechanics. Mr. Card suggested tabling until next time. Mr. Heeb stated he was in favor of keeping four districts, but having seven Council people. Assistant City Attorney Ciocchetti suggested direction on a population trigger and time period, possibly looking at the districts every five years based on updated information. Mr. Card stated if you forced the review every five years you would not need a population trigger to review. Mr. Heeb stated the every five years would be to review if there were any problems caused by changes in the City. Chairman Lott stated Council compensation should be looked at every five years, there should be reasonable compensation for them. It was determined that City Clerk Wenzel would provide the annual salary and benefits of each Council member for the next meeting. Mr. Heeb stated he would like to hear from City Manager Barlow and City Clerk Wenzel regarding the Charter at the next meeting. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie Wenzel, City Clerk F:\2010 Charter Review Committee\Minutes\03-11-10 minutes.docx 2