03-05-2010 u o C) \ Charter Review Committee March 5, 2010 City Hall Conference Room 9:00 a.m. MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lott called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. 2. ROLL CALL Members present were, Pat Card, Ferd Heeb, Bob Lott and Bob McIntosh. Also present were Assistant City Attorney Mike Ciocchetti, City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel and City Manager Tracey Barlow. 3. APPROV AL OF MINUTES - None at this time 4. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr. Lott nominated Pat Card as Chairman, who respectfully declined and nominated Robert Lott. There being no discussion Mr. Card called for a vote of acclamation. Mr. Card so moved, second bv Mr. Heeb, motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Heeb moved to nominate Robert McIntosh as Vice-Chair, second bv Mr. Card, motion CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 5. SETTING MEETING DATES/TIMES Chairman Lott suggested each Friday at 9:00 a.m. until the end of the month. Mr. Heeb stated there was an issue from 5 years ago that probably should be deferred again as a carry-over issue for the next committee. Chairman Lott stated a carry-over issue would typically be put in the minutes of the last meeting and provided to the next committee. Chairman Lott suggested going over the Committee Goals at this time then going back to scheduling meeting times. 6. COMMITTEE GOALS Mr. Heeb stated eventually the issue of districts and the number of City Council members would have to be addressed and felt it should be looked at in 5 years. Assistant City Attorney stated they could have this issue as a long-term discussion and have an outline of long-term goals for future committees to look at. City Manager Barlow suggested the possibility of reviewing the Charter more often and having goals. Chairman Lott stated City Council can request a review of the Charter at any time. Mr. Heeb stated the Charter is not a fluid document and it should be treated as if it was written in stone, unless there is a serious issue. Chairman Lott agreed that the height limitation does not belong in the Charter. Chairman Lott suggested each member speak with their appointing Council person to discuss any issues they may have. He also wanted to hear from City Manager Barlow and each individual member. Mr. Heeb stated he wanted to hear from each Department Head to see if anything in the Charter creates any administrative problems for them. Chairman Lott stated it was the City Manager's responsibility to bring the F:\20 10 Charter Review Committee\03-05-1 0 minutes.docx u Q '-.) t Charter Review Committee March 5, 2010 City Hall Conference Room 9:00 a.m. MINUTES issues to light. City Manager Barlow stated they were good points and he would meet with each Department Head and bring recommendation back to the Committee. Mr. Card wanted to discuss the height limit again. Chairman Lott stated they only make a recommendation to Council and that at least the Mayor would not agree to put the height limit on the ballot again. Chairman Lott did however agree that the height limit did not belong in the Charter. Mr. Card also wanted to consider requiring a super-majority for amending the Charter. Mr. Heeb stated that his position was to put the height limit on the ballot every time. Chairman Lott requested each member review the Charter and speak with their elected officials. Chairman Lott stated the Committee would look at the height limitation; super-majority vote for Charter amendments; and future redistricting. The committee agreed to the following meeting dates with more to come if necessary: March 11, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.; March 15,2010 at 9:00 a.m. and March 26, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. Discussion ensued regarding the 5th member of the Committee who was unable to attend the meeting. City Manager Barlow suggested City Clerk Wenzel follow up with Mr. Brown, let him know the upcoming meeting dates to see if he can attend. If not, Councilwoman Bennington can appoint a new member and announce it at a Council Meeting. Mr. Heeb suggested leaving Mr. Brown on the committee as it would be to difficult for someone new to get up to speed in the short time-frame they have to work with. Chairman Lott requested City Clerk Wenzel give him the dates and times of the scheduled meetings. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: APPROVED: Bonnie Wenzel, City Clerk Robert Lott, Chairman F:\20 I 0 Charter Review Committee\03-05-1 0 minutes.docx 2