Animal Control Board - 10-05-2009
ARTICLE I: Official Name
The official name of this Board shall be the Animal Control Board of the city of
Edgewater, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "ACB".
ARTICLE II: Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of these By-Laws is to set forth a uniform set of procedures
whereby the City of Edgewater Animal Control Board may regulate the manner in which it elects
officers, conducts meetings, and otherwise carriers out its functions. A purpose of the Board is
to make recommendations to Staff on animal control issues. The By-Laws will serve as a
guideline in handling all affairs pertaining to the Edgewater Animal Control Board.
Section 5-6 of the City's Code of Ordinances also governs the Animal Control Board. In
the vent of a conflict between Section 5-6 and these By-Laws, Section 5-6 shall apply.
ARTICLE III: Membership
A. Voting Members and Appointments
1. The ACB shall have five (5) voting members. Whenever possible, the
membership shall include a licensed veterinarian, a member from the holding
or impounding facility currently owned or under contract with the city, a dog
owner, and a cat owner. No City employee shall be a member of the ACB.
Each member of the ACB shall be a resident of the city unless no qualified
resident candidate applies.
ACB members shall serve on no other city board or committee.
Members of the ACB shall be appointed by the city council for a term of three
(3) years without compensation but may receive travel and other necessary
expenses while on official business of the ACB.
A quorum shall consist of three (3) members. The affirmative vote of three
(3) members is required for any formal action of the ACB relating to appeals.
All recommendations and actions shall require an affirmative vote of a
majority of the members present.
Prior to appointment, prospective members shall submit a City application,
stating therein a brief synopsis of their education, experience and reason for
their interest in serving on the ACB.
The ACB shall provide a written recommendation to the City Council for the
appointment of a vacant seat or re-appointment of a Board member; all current
applications shall accompany the request.
B. Vacancies
During the term of appointment, should a member of the ACB change
residence, representation or ownership in a status required to the extent he or
she would not be eligible for appointment of the ACB, the member shall
forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant.
2. If a member of the ACB has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences at
regular meetings during any calendar year, said member shall forfeit the
office. The city council shall fill the office for the remainder of the unexpired
3. A member of the ACB may removed for cause by the city council at any time.
C. Voting Conflicts
I. No member of the ACB shall vote upon any matter which would inure to his
or her special private gain or loss, or any principle by whom he or she is
retained, or by any relative or business associate. The provisions of Chapter
112, Florida Statutes, shall apply.
2. No member of the ACB shall appear for or represent any person in any matter
before the ACB other than himself or herself.
3. No past member of the ACB shall appear before the ACB except when
representing himself or herself for a period of twelve (12) calendar months
after his or her service has ended.
A. Chairman
The Chairman shall serve as the presiding officer at all meetings and hearings
of the ACB and appoint any committees that are deemed necessary.
The Chairman shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership at the
regular meeting of the month of January and the term of office shall be one (1)
year. The Chairman shall be eligible for re-election.
B. Vice Chairman
1. The Vice Chairman shall be elected by the ACB from among its regular
members in the same manner as the Chairman and shall be eligible for re-
The Vice Chairman shall serve as acting Chairman in the absence of the
Chairman and at such times shall have the same powers and duties of the
C. Other Presiding Officers
The members of the ACB may select an additional member to preside over the meeting(s)
in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
D. Board Coordinator
1. The board coordinator shall be provided by the City and be a City employee.
2. The board coordinator shall prepare and distribute agendas, correspondence
and minutes and shall establish and maintain files to ensure they are properly
kept. All recorded meeting tapes shall be provided to the City Clerk for
Any correspondence prepared by a member of the ACB shall be provided to
the board coordinator for distribution to the ACB members.
E. Professional Support
The Animal Control Division and City Attorney shall provide the necessary professional
support to the ACB.
ARTICLE V. Meetine:slHearine:s
A. Regular Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings of the ACB shall be held semi-annually.
B. Special Meetings
Special meetings or hearings of the ACB may be called by the Chairman, Vice Chairman
or the Animal Control Officer.
C. Requirements
All meetings shall be open to the public, provide due public notice, follow Roberts Rules
of Order and the Florida Sunshine Laws.
ARTICLE VI. Powers and Duties
The ACB shall exercise the following powers and duties:
I. Hear appeals of the initial determination of an animal control officer
classifying a dog as dangerous pursuant to section 767.12, Florida Statutes.
2. Hear appeals regarding the confiscation of a dog for destruction pursuant to
Section 767.13, Florida Statutes.
3. To subpoena witnesses to its hearings. The subpoenas shall be served by the
Edgewater Police Department.
4. To take testimony under oath.
5. To issue orders having the force of law to command whatever steps are
necessary to address the appeal. Such order may require:
a. Obedience training for the animal in question.
b. Muzzling of an animal while off the property of the owner.
c. Confinement of an animal indoors.
d. Confinement of an animal in a secure enclosure.
e. Reduction of the number of animals kept in anyone location.
f. The sterilization of an animal.
Any other measure or sanction designed to protect the health and safety of the public.
ARTICLE VII: Amendments
The By-Laws may be amended at a regular or special meeting of the ACB, provided that
an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present is obtained and approved by City
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Adopted by the Board this
day of
&J1AuuJ/ j)ct{lI1l4ehairman
Donna M. Wamtr
~~cV1..P'-1\ 9.~ :Q Q Q.. Board Coordinator
B rbara Kowall