07-08-2010 - Joint Special
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
July 8, 2010
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Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Edgewater General Employees' and Police Officers' Pension Boards held a special meeting on
Thursday, July 8, 2010 in the City Hall Council Chamber at the City of Edgewater, Florida.
Members Present (General):
Bobby Laramore
Tyna Hilton
Brenda Dewees
John Brackin
Gigi Bennington
Tim Sopko
John McKinney
Dan Blazi
Gary Conroy
Lawrence Leaf
Ferd Heeb
Kevin Seymour
H. Lee Dehner
Andrei Rado
Roland Riggs
Anita Kartalopoulos
Ariana Tadler
Aaron Wolfe
Jack Evatt, The Bogdahn Group
Sheila Hutcheson
Julie Christine, Personnel Department
Donna Looney, Personnel Director
Tracey Barlow, City Manager
Members Absent (General):
Members Present (police):
Members Absent (police):
Plan Attorney:
Milberg Attorneys (via telephone):
City Attorney:
Performance Consultant:
Plan Administrator:
City Staff:
The special meeting of the General Employees' and Police Officers' Boards of Trustees was called to
order at 10:02 a.m. by Chairman Bennington and Chairman Blazi. Both Boards had a quorum.
Discussion: Consideration of action with respect to the Principal contracts (based on outcome of
Attorneys' teleconference on June 22, 2010)
Attorney Lee Dehner and Administrator Sheila Hutcheson opened the meeting with a summary of the
recent teleconference with Principal's attorneys that resulted in Principal stating that they would not
agree to the Boards' position/requests. Mr. Dehner then recounted his (and Milberg's) various
conversations with Principal's in-house attorneys and their litigation attorneys. Principal's position is
that any termination would have to be pursuant to the contracts and that a lawsuit by the Boards would
be the resolution if the Boards disagree with Principal's position. Chairman Blazi asked about the
dollar amounts of the benefit index retirees in Haines City and Auburndale, plans which Principal had
agreed to terminate in the manner proposed by Attorney Dehner; the amounts were about the same as
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
July 8, 2010
Page 2 of3
in the Edgewater plans. Chairman Blazi also asked when the Boards could meet in executive session
regarding litigation and was told this could occur only after litigation has been filed. The
Administrator stated the criteria for executive session meetings, which include the requirement for a
court reporter for the record of the meeting, the cost of transcription, and that the transcript must be
made public once the litigation is concluded. Ms. Hutcheson also discussed the impact of litigation on
the City staff and noted that two firms had declined to take the case on a contingency basis due to the
anticipated time frame, fees, and costs that would be incurred in relation to the possible recovery
(costlbenefit analysis). Attorney Dehner said that the two firms had also concluded that it would not
be cost effective for the Board to proceed on a basis of payment of incurred costs/fees.
Discussion continued with Chairman Blazi reporting his conversations with Milberg at the recent
FPPT A Conference during which the Milberg attorneys said they would conduct a review of the
pension plans' records to ascertain the feasibility of litigation. This review would be at no cost, and
would be followed by the presentation of a report to the Boards regarding the findings. Then the
Boards would decide whether or not to proceed (assuming litigation was recommended). Member
Conroy asked if the Boards should file complaints with the Florida and Iowa insurance commissioners
and retain the public relations firm that he had presented information about at the June 7, 20 I 0 special
meeting. Attorney Dehner said that these actions should not be taken until the report from Milberg
was completed. If Milberg determines that litigation is not cost effective to file a lawsuit, then the
Boards would proceed to terminate the contracts, with Principal retaining the benefit index monies.
The Administrator said that the City would have to make all the records available for Milberg's
review, and also expressed concern as to the continued underperformance by Principal throughout the
period of litigation, if the contracts were continued during this process. Member Heeb asked if the
contracts could be terminated prior to litigation in order to avoid the ongoing losses and Attorney
Dehner said that the Boards could certainly terminate the contracts and still have a cause of action, but
that Milberg would have to evaluate this approach. City Manager Barlow asked if there was any merit
to having Attorney Dehner approach Principal one more time after Milberg's review is completed.
Chairman Blazi said this had been discussed (while at the conference) and Milberg said that it would
be appropriate once the review was concluded to present the findings to Principal to provide one last
opportunity for settlement in lieu of litigation. Mr. Barlow said the City would be able to work with
Milberg in the late September/early October time frame for the review of the records, due to staff
limitations during the budget cycle.
The Boards then placed the call to Milberg. Milberg Attorney Anita Kartalopoulos opened the
discussion by saying the firm would send Attorney Roland Riggs for the on-site records review in
order for the attorneys to make a determination of the feasibility of litigation and also to see if
arbitration is required. Milberg would also meet with Foster and Foster to review the investments that
may be in violation of Florida statutes and any other statutory issues that may exist. Attorney
Kartalopoulos would also confer further with Attorney Dehner regarding his discussions with
Principal. She continued by stating that compliance with Florida's records retention laws would have
to be maintained. Attorney Riggs would also bring have an IT firm with him to review the records.
Attorney Ariana Tadler discussed this aspect of the review. After the conclusion of the review (if
litigation is recommended by Milberg and approved by the Boards), a retention agreement would be
submitted for consideration. The City Manager advised that the staff would be available for the
review in late September/early October, but Ms. Kartalopoulos said the review should be conducted
sooner if possible. The City Manager advised that certain records are on-site and some are archived
off-site in Orlando, Florida. Milberg said the firm could send one representative to work with the
City Clerk's office to begin to review the records; the Administrator will coordinate a schedule
between Milberg and City Clerk's office. Milberg suggested that it might expedite the process if they
could accompany staff to the off-site storage; the City Manger said he would see if this could be
accommodated. Attorney Kartalopoulos said she would advise the Administrator of some dates that
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
July 8, 2010
Page 3 of3
Milberg's team could conduct the review and Ms. Hutcheson said she would coordinate this with the
City Manager to set up the schedule with the City Clerk's office. Attorney Andrei Rado asked about
the benefit index option and how it was selected; i.e., whether it was by the Boards or by the
individual plan members and was advised that the Boards made the decision. Chairman Blazi stated,
however, that he thought there was a form that had several options for signature/choice by the
employee upon separation as a retiree, including the benefit index. There was some discussion in this
regard as to whether the options on the form related to the benefit index or to the retirement option
selected (such as retiree's lifetime, survivor options, etc.). Mr. Blazi suggested checking former
employees' retirement forms to see what was included. Personnel Director Donna Looney said she
would check the files of the six benefit index Police retirees to see what forms they completed.
Milberg then asked the number of benefit index retirees in the General Plan and Ms. Hutcheson said
she would email this information. They also asked when the direct funding change occurred for both
Plans and this would also be provided. At this point, the call with Milberg ended and Board discussion
continued. Member Laramore said that he has some pension records; the City Manager and Attorney
Dehner said that any records in the custody of trustees should be provided to the City Clerk.
Police Member Conroy made a motion for adjournment, which was seconded by Member Leaf; the
motion passed unanimously. The Police meeting adjourned at 11 :07 a.m. Chairman Bennington
adjourned the General Employees' Board meeting at II :08 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Sheila Hutcheson
Plan Administrator