06-07-2010 - Joint Special
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
June 7, 2010
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Monday, June 7, 2010
The Edgewater General Employees' and Police Officers' Pension Boards held a special meeting on
Monday, June 7, 2010 in the City Hall Council Chamber at the City of Edgewater, Florida.
Members Present (General):
Bobby Laramore
Tyna Hilton
Tim Sopko
Brenda Dewees
John Brackin
John McKinney
Gigi Bennington
Members Absent (General):
Members Present (police):
Dan Blazi
Gary Conroy
Lawrence Leaf
Ferd Heeb (for 9:30 portion only; in attendance at
4:00 p.m. portion of the meeting)
Kevin Seymour
H. Lee Dehner
Andrei Rado
Roland Riggs
Anita Kartalopoulos
Brad Heinrichs, Foster & Foster
Mike Welker, Jack Evatt, The Bogdahn Group
Sheila Hutcheson
Julie Christine, Personnel Department
Donna Looney, Personnel Director
Tracey Barlow, City Manager
Cathy Besh, Client Relationship Coordinator
Karen Brunscheen, Assistant Director
Don Koehler, Attorney
Mark Konrad, Attorney
Tonya Niday, Client Service Manager
Members Absent (police):
Plan Attorney:
Milberg Attorneys (via telephone):
Plan Actuary:
Performance Consultant:
Plan Administrator:
City Staff:
Principal (via telephone):
The special meeting of the General Employees' and Police Officers' Boards of Trustees was called to
order at 9:35 a.m. by Vice-Chairman Dewees and Chairman Blazi. Both Boards had a quorum.
Discussion: Principal contract termination issues (9:30 a.m.)
The Milberg firm's attorneys were in attendance via telephone and stated their preliminary analysis.
They think the approach with Principal later today should be fairly aggressive, stating that Principal
may have breached fiduciary responsibility in its representations to the Boards as to the benefit index
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
June 7, 2010
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and explaining its ramifications, especially the burden of contract termination. This raises the
issue of Principal proposing a contract that would inure to their benefit. Chairman Blazi asked
if any other plans are in this position besides Edgewater and the only plans that are for certain
are the Auburndale and Haines City plans that Attorney Dehner represents. This helps the
Boards' position and it is understood that there are more plans that are most likely in the same
position with Principal (such as a Jonesboro, Arkansas plan that Attorney Kartolopoulos had
discussed with Actuary Brad Heinrichs which she would like to have a meeting to further
discuss later). Ms. Kartalopoulos said taking an aggressive approach may result in Principal
agreeing to the Boards' position. Mr. Blazi then mentioned that Principal is disavowing that
Jack Ascherl was a representative of Principal and asked how this would affect the case. The
Milberg attorneys said this is an important issue: that Mr. Ascherl was paid by Principal and is
an agent for the company (clearly, he was not an independent analyst). Mr. Ascherl had a
financial interest in promoting Principal's product. Attorney Dehner said there is no question
that Mr. Ascherl was clearly a representative of Principal. The Milberg attorneys said they
would want to see minutes showing Mr. Ascherl's relationship to Principal and his
representations to the Boards. Chairman Blazi said that Mr. Ascherl was at every meeting and
represented Principal and always strived to present Principal's performance in a more
favorable light than the returns actually showed. Ms. Kartolopoulos said she was also
concerned about the over-concentration in Principal's equities based on ERISA provisions.
The Milberg firm has investigated Principal as a company and will continue to look into this.
Attorney Dehner stated that fraudulent inducement into an unconscionable contract and
fiduciary responsibility issues would be the basis of any litigation. Attorney Kartolopoulos
asked Mr. Dehner about the conferences with Principal regarding the Auburndale and Haines
City plans and he advised that the issues were the same as in Edgewater. Mr. Heinrichs,
Actuary, said he was also present at the other teleconferences and his role was to discuss that
the Actuary with Principal was in violation of actuarial standards in developing funding
requirements. Attorney Kartalopoulos asked if Mr. Heinrichs would make the same
arguments today and he said he would first consider the others' input. The Actuary mentioned
the client in Arkansas and that Principal told them that the company had never allowed a client
out of the benefit index, which was clearly untrue (based on action taken with the Auburndale
and Haines City plans). Ms. Kartolopoulos said that it was a good move by Attorney Dehner
to discuss filing a complaint with the Florida and Iowa Insurance Commissioners, as Principal
will be very concerned about this action. Attorney Rado said to emphasize the decision
Principal has already made with the other two plans and that the Boards will sue if necessary.
Mr. Dehner asked the Milberg attorneys about contingency fee arrangements and Milberg said
they would have to analyze what the contingency arrangement/fees would be based upon.
They did say that no expense was being incurred at this time. The Milberg attorneys stated
that the firm would like to also represent the General Employees' Board. Attorney Dehner
then advised Milberg that he had contacted two litigation firms and both had declined to take
the case on a contingency basis and said that this litigation could be lengthy and expensive.
Chairman Blazi asked Mr. Dehner if there was a holdharmless agreement in the resolution
with Haines City and Aubumdale and was told there was not. He then asked Attorney
Kartolopoulos if the Boards could continue to examine the impact of losses from Principal's
investment strategy if the contracts with Principal are just terminated. This was based on the
analysis by The Bogdahn Group demonstrating that had the changes the Boards wanted been
implemented, the funds would have had improved returns. The Milberg attorneys said that
could be considered too. Actuary Heinrichs asked about certain information in Principal's
December, 2009 letter with respect to the release of liability and Attorney Rado said he would
have to check more closely on that. Attorney Dehner asked Milberg to playa large part in the
conference with Principal later today, and said he would open by summarizing the past issues.
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
June 7, 2010
Page 3 of6
The Plan Administrator asked about the effect of termination of the contracts with Principal and then
filing suit. The attorneys said that would not be the optimal situation. Ms. Hutcheson expressed
concern about the ability to produce records under discovery if litigation is filed. The attorneys said
that the court can't penalize the City's good faith efforts to produce the records it has. Actuary Brad
Heinrichs said that if the approach taken is to ask if Principal is a fiduciary to the fund and they
respond that they are, he believes that Principal will maintain that their fiduciary role is limited to
investments and does not relate to the Boards' decisions on the benefit index. Principal will say the
Boards had their own experts in this regard. Attorney Dehner pointed out that the Boards did not, in
fact, have their own attorney or other consultants at the time the benefit index went into effect. The
Milberg attorneys said the strategy should be to say that Principal is a fiduciary to the Plans and it is
obvious that what is in the best interest of the Plans is to allow an avenue out of the benefit index. It
was also noted that it was Principal itself that recommended about ten years ago that the plans be
changed from benefit index to direct funding. Chairman Blazi said that the Police plan has only six
retirees who are subject to the benefit index and Principal wants to maintain that.
Attorney Kartolopoulos asked about Principal having said that the Insurance Commissioner doesn't
allow this release (for benefit index retirees) and suggested that we tell Principal that we will check
with the Insurance Commissioner, since this action was taken on the Haines City and Auburndale
Plans. Principal should be asked to explain why this is different now than with the other two plans.
Chairman Blazi stated that having the Milberg firm involved should provide an additional incentive to
Principal to settle this issue. Attorney Kartolopoulos said that the goal for the conference later today
with Principal is to have Principal say they will reconsider the Boards' position and engage in further
discussion shortly. Ms. Kartolopoulos will confer with Attorney Dehner at 3:30 p.m. today to discuss
further the approach for the 4:00 p.m. teleconference with Principal. Mike Welker, The Bogdahn
Group, said that FINRA.org shows that Jack Ascherl is a broker for Principal, which is contrary to
Principal's assertion in their letter to Attorney Dehner that he was not affiliated with Principal. Police
Trustee Gary Conroy advised the Boards that he had researched a public relations firm that will write
copy regarding these issues with Principal for nationwide distribution, if the Boards are interested.
The cost would be approximately $800.00, which could be split between both the Boards. It was
noted that if the Boards proceed in this regard, Attorney Dehner would review any information to be
published to ensure that no separate cause of action is created.
General Employees' Trustee Bobby Laramore asked Attorney Dehner to explain ERISA; Mr. Dehner
advised that most of the provisions in ERISA don't apply to public sector plans. Chairman Blazi said
he recommends that Milberg continue to examine the issues regardless of how the Boards proceed to
determine ifmonies can be recouped from Principal. General Employees' Trustee Tim Sopko asked if
Milberg's services are on a contingency basis and was advised that this is the fee arrangement. Mr.
Welker stated that he had previously prepared a ten-year retrospective of past losses based on a
passive benchmark; Principal's investment strategy had resulted in significant underperformance in
both Plans. The Actuary noted that from the Milberg Firm's standpoint the issues with Principal may
potentially be a large, class action suit. Attorney Dehner said that Police Members Conroy and Heeb
and General Employees' Member Hilton would best be able to provide historical information during
the teleconference later today with Principal.
The meeting recessed at 10:48 a.m. and it was noted that the meeting would be continued at 4:00 p.m.
Teleconference: Boards, Attorney, Consultants and Principal's Attorneys/staff (4:00 p.m.)
The meeting re-convened at 4:00 p.m. with Police Member Heeb in attendance (in addition to the
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
June 7, 20]0
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attendees from the first part of the meeting at 9:30 a.m.).
The call to Principal was placed by Tim Sopko. Attorney Dehner opened by asking that the parties
other than the Boards be noted for the record:
Attorneys Roland Riggs, Anita Kartalopoulos, and Andrei Rado participated in the call on behalf of
Milberg LLP; Attorneys Don Koehler and Mark Konrad, Karen Brunscheen, Cathy Besh, and Tonya
Niday participated in the call on behalf of Principal. The Boards' Actuary Brad Heinrichs, Foster &
Foster, and Consultant Mike Welker, The Bogdahn Group, were also present. Also in attendance
were City Manager Tracey Barlow and Personnel Department members Donna Looney and Julie
Attorney Dehner then began the discussion by asking Principal how the Edgewater plans' contracts are
any different than those in Auburndale and Haines City; Attorney Konrad responded that he could not
discuss other clients' agreements, but he said that the benefit index feature has been around since early
in the 1980's, with Principal having very few clients desirous of terminating the contracts and noted
that termination had occurred in only two cases. Principal has said to participants that these are
guaranteed benefits (under the benefit index) and, if Mr. Dehner does find contracts that are identical,
he should let Principal know. Attorney Dehner responded that, for today's purpose, only the
Edgewater Boards' agreements should be looked at and also the role of Jack Ascherl. Principal has
said (in its correspondence) that Mr. Ascherl is not an agent of Principal; Mr. Dehner referred to an
internet listing defining that Jack Ascherl is employed by PrinCorp Financial Services. Attorney
Dehner continued by saying that Mr. Ascherl presented the benefit index product to the Boards (who
did not have an attorney at that time), but never explained the onerous termination provisions. and he
later recommended changing to direct funding. These Boards should have the same relief as the other
two plans (Auburndale and Haines City). The discussion continued that both The Bogdahn Group and
Foster & Foster have issues as well. Mr. Dehner said the Boards are asking only that Principal release
the funds if the retirees under the benefit index execute releases, in the same manner as the other two
clients. The Principal attorney said he would review the documents with their senior management, as
he does not have authority to resolve this issue today. Mr. Dehner asked that he proceed to do so. He
continued by stating that the Boards' position is that there has been a breach of fiduciary responsibility
and a failure to disclose the burdensome termination provisions on the part of Principal. Mr. Dehner
then asked Board members who had personal recollections of these issues with Principal to share them
so that this could be relayed to Principal's senior management as they consider their decision. Police
Trustee Gary Conroy discussed the presentations on the benefit index by Mr. AscherI and Mr. Felts,
confirming that they did not explain the difficulty of termination of the agreement. It was also noted
that Mr. Ascherl later recommended to change from the benefit index to direct funding. Mr. Conroy
continued by stating that Mr. AscherI attended the Boards' meetings and presented the reports on
behalf of Principal. He said that it was only rarely that Principal would send another representative
besides Mr. AscherI and this was done only when requested by the Boards. Attorney Dehner said that
it was clear that Mr. Ascherl was viewed by all parties as the representative of Principal. General
Employees' Board Member Tyna Hilton emphasized that Jack Ascherl was always viewed as
Principal's representative to the Plans/Boards. Next, Consultant Mike Welker discussed that Principal
had said the firm would no longer be a named fiduciary to the Plans/funds, if The Bogdahn Group
specified an asset allocation, so the Boards didn't make a change in this regard. He also pointed out
that certain of Principal's current investments are in violation of Florida Statutes, Chapter 185 (for
Police) and Chapter 112 (for General), noting that Principal was not ensuring that investments were
made in accordance with statutory provisions. This was a breach of fiduciary responsibility by
Principal. Attorney Dehner next asked Attorney Andrei Rado, Milberg LLP, for his comments; Mr.
Rado said that Principal was acting as a fiduciary; Mr. Ascherl was certainly a representative of
Principal and was viewed as such by the Boards. He pointed out that the onerous termination
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
June 7, 2010
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prOVISIOns of the agreements were not disclosed to the Boards so they could make an informed
decision in this regard. Actuary Brad Heinrichs then discussed that the benefit index in the contract is
a proprietary calculation that isn't disclosed and is difficult to replicate. The benefit index is supposed
to provide for benefits for the retirees' /beneficiaries' lives, but it seems to Mr. Heinrichs that its cost is
arbitrarily high and does not reflect the annuity purchase cost/amount. He also stated that the purchase
of annuities has a low interest rate and costs more than what is actually required to pay these benefits
from the ongoing trust. The City would, therefore, incur higher contribution costs due to forced
annuity purchases. If this had been disclosed prior to a decision being made, the Boards would not
have chosen the benefit index option. Client Relationship Coordinator Cathy Besh said there was a
floor arrangement in place prior to the benefit index, so she opined that there was nothing unusual
about the Boards going into the benefit index. Actuary Heinrichs said that the Boards made the
decision based on Mr. Ascher!'s representations and recommendations. He continued that no
municipality in Florida would need the benefit index as Florida statutes require that cities fund their
pension plans to ensure actuarial soundness for the payment of all benefits. If the provisions of the
benefit index had been adequately explained, there would have been no reason for the Boards to enter
into this arrangement. The provisions are adverse to the Plans and not in their best interests. It was
again pointed out that it was Mr. Ascher! who later recommended discontinuing the benefit index in
favor of direct funding. Attorney Rado asked for Principal's response. Principal Attorney Don
Koehler said that Jack Ascher! was not necessarily a representative of Principal; Attorney Dehner
reiterated that he was certainly viewed as Principal's representative by the Boards and he asked if
Principal paid Mr. Ascher! and/or if he received a commission from Principal. Mr. Rado said the
courts would look at how the Boards viewed Mr. Ascher! in determining if he was Principal's
representative. Police Chairman Blazi said that Principal's other representatives, when they did
attend any meetings, always came with Mr. Ascher! and any reasonable person would conclude that
Jack Ascherl was Principal's representative to the Boards. Attorney Dehner said that the Boards will
file complaints with the Insurance Commissioner in both Florida and Iowa if this issue is not resolved
and will file litigation, which is why Milberg LLP is in attendance today. Ms. Besh asked what would
be done in the case of any retirees under the benefit index who decided not to sign releases; Mr.
Dehner said that the Boards understand that annuities would have to be purchased for those retirees.
Milberg Attorney Anita Kartalopoulos said that she would like to reconvene in a week to further
discuss this matter after the Principal attendees have conferred with their senior management. She
said that she would coordinate with Attorney Dehner so that the attorneys/consultants could have a
teleconference among themselves. Attorney Konrad said he would call Mr. Denher next week to
advise him of Principal's decision. The teleconference ended at this point.
Police Chairman Blazi asked about the timing of the retiree releases and Attorney Dehner said to wait
until Principal's decision is known. He will notifY the Administrator of the outcome of his follow-up
call from Principal. Both Boards concurred with the decision to proceed to terminate the contracts
and, if Mr. Dehner is successful in this regard, he will submit the settlement agreement for approval by
the Boards and by the City of Edgewater as the plan sponsor.
It was noted that the General Employees' Board may wish to consider retaining Milberg LLP, as the
Police Board has done. Attorney Dehner pointed out that the Police Board's contract with Milberg is
for securities monitoring at no cost (contingency basis). If there is litigation, Milberg then receives a
contingency fee. It was the General Employees' Board's decision to consider this item when it is
included on a meeting agenda. General Employees' Board Vice-Chairman Dewees asked how the
Police Board found out about Milberg's services and was advised that the firm was at an FPPT A
conference and then made a presentation to the Police Board.
General Employees' and Police Pension Boards of Trustees
Minutes - Joint Special Meeting
June 7, 2010
Page 6 of6
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m. for both Boards.
Respectfully Submitted:
Sheila Hutcheson
Plan Administrator
olice Officers' Pension Board