11-12-1974 #! .... .. o CITY OF EDGbWAT1!;R 0 Z.ONING & PLANNlNG BOAHD PHES~T: John Brittingham L. E. Harris Thomas Loveland David McCallister James Mackie William Nichols Haymond Shambora Hobert Wolfe NOV 12, 1914 AHSJ!li'r: William Glaser (Excused) David wiggins (Excused) ALSO A'l"l'.l!NDING: Sue Blackwell, Lillian Straub, Heta Webber, ..Phillis woodward, Mr & Mrs Turner, Hert Scroggs, and several others MINU'rES: Minutes of the Oct 1, 1914 meeting were read by Board members present. Motion by Mr Harris to accept as written. Second by Mr Brittingham. MotiDn carried 8-0. COHRES.pONDElol CE: 1. Letter from Florida .Planning & Zoning Association was read. Notice of Conference on Dec. 4,5,6 & 1. Passed around to members for general information. No action taken. 2. Letter from University of Florida, College of Husiness Admin. requesting questionaire be filled out was read. (New Business). 3. Notice of Variance request from James H. .Porta had been turned over to Board of Adjustments. REGULAlt BUSINESS: 1. Robert G~ - 'l'railer Park. Mr Gay failed to appear for meeting. Motion to table this matter made by Mr McVallister. Second made by Mr Loveland. Motion carried 8-0. 2. Sign Ordinance. Mr Hert Scroggs, representing the Edgewater Vivic Ass'n., .P.O.Hox 880, Edgewater, Fla. spoke to the Hoard about the Ass'n.'s membership be~g against the strictness of the Sign Ord. in regards to the painted, flashing and revolving signs. 'l"'hey dont think it is fair to penalize businesses that are already located here. He said it was alright with them if the Vity sets a date to start being effective but the existing businesses shouldn't have to co conform. Mr Loveland suggested we grandfather the existing signs into the Ord. Mr McCallister recommended that a committee of interested parties meet with this Board and come up with an idea of reasonable regulations. },(r Mackie suggested we hold special meetings with this group to settle the problem. Motion made by Mr Brittingham that we table this matter to another special or regular meeting and have this group bring in their recommendations at that meeting so we can solve this matter. Second made by Mr Harris. Vhairman Wolfe suggested a special meeting be held on Nov 26, 1914. This date was agreeable to all parties. Motion carried 8-0. " Mr. Shambora informed the Board about an Impact Fee that the 'l'own of .Melbourne Beach had under consideration on newly developed property. Mr McVallister said that with the present state of the economy being so bad we shouldn't consider any new fees for developers at this time. Chairman Wolfe suggested we wait until the F'la. Supreme Court rules on two cases presently before it concerning Impact ~ees. Mr Loveland informed Board of apparent abuses of Ord. # 849 whereby people are creating a new hardship by building or adding on to old homes and not having sufficient setbakk to allow parking of boats, cainpers, trailers, etc lb1 their back yards. No Action taken. ., o page 2 o 3. Subdivision Ordinanoe. Tabled till Board oan meet with the Attorney. NtW HUSINESS: 1. .l!:dgewater Eleotric- Fenoe in Florida Shores, oorner of Indian River Blvd. & Hibisous. Wishes to fenoe in part of the property for storage of merohandise. Ci ty Clerk referred to this Board to oheok fenoe requirements in new Zoning Ord. The Hoard disoussed this matter and determined that there is no restriotions on fensing other than required buffer zone along residential side or rear property line however ther ourrently is no permitted use for an eleotrioal oontraotor under the B-2 oatagory. Clerk informed Board that this business intended to move in wi thin next two weeks and probably weren t t aware of this laok of being a permitted use. The Board informed the l;lerk that the individual must submit a request to the Board asking for a speoial exoeption to the B-2 zoning for use as an Eleotrioal Contraotor in order to oomply with the new ~oning Ord. Mr Loveland moved that in order for him to move in and oomply with the intent of the Ord. we grant him a temporary permit as an eleotrioal oontraotor providing he oomplies with the Zoning Ordinanoe until Dec 3, 1974 or until our next meeting so he will have time to submit a request for a speoial exception in .B-2. Seoond made by Mr Harris. Mr Mol;allister recommended that we submit a list of speoial exoeptions to tha Vi ty Counoil. Motion oarried 7-1). Mr MoCallister abstained. 2. Mrs. woodard asked Board about the rezoning request for the .Hank property. Chairman Wolfe informed her that this matter would be dis- oussed at the .Public hearing on Nov 13, 1974. Mr Niohols said that tllle Board t s reoommendation should be given to the City Council prior to the rublio Hearing aooording to the Zoning Ord. He was informed that the Hearing on Nov 13 was oalled by this Board to obtain the publio input before our recommendation is made then the City l;ounoil would hold another publio hearing prior to th'ir decision on the matter. A 10 minute reoess was oalled at this time. After the reoess l;hairman wolfe informed the Board and the audienoe of the prooedure to be followed at the public hearing. There being no further business Mr Mackie made motion to adjourn. Second made by Mr Brittingham. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 .PM. Hespectf'ul1:r SUb~~~, / ,~~ Haymond ~. ~hambora Secretary , I I I . ) o 0 ~~ jw, ~. ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD MEETING ~ )&OJ-.e/ NOVEMBER 12. 1974 - A -~ or- ~ . ROLL CALL lY\y-. Brittingham .. Glaser Absent Harris Loveland Mc Calister Mackie Nichols Shambora . Wiggins Absent Wol'fe APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Harris made a motion to accept the minutes of^last meeting. being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Upon vote said motion CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Wolfe read a letter from the Florida PlanningQ~d Zoning Association. For those interested. their annual conference will be December 4. 5. 6 & 7. Mr. Wolfe read a letter from the COllege Susiness AdministrationJ University of Florida. they are assessing the relationship existing between differential rates of populatioft growth within selected areas in Florida and the planning policies of those areas. A questionaire was enclosed to be filled out. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Harris made a motion to table the Robert Gates Trailer Park discussion because the man was not present with the needed information. ? There was some discussion in regard to the matter of Mr. 60~ ~'0-l-f ~elling his two lots to be built on. Mr. Scroggs. a representative from the Edgewater Civic Association spoke on the Sign Ordinance being descriminatroy to businessmen. It was suggested to grandfather in those signs that are already up. and are not violating in any dangerous manner. It was suggested to m~ up a committee to research arid get definite ideas on this. Mr. N\~t\\-\\,~~~~~ made a motion to table this matter until a special meeting can be held. requesting this organization to bring in their recommendations. that we may sit down and go over what they have in accordance, with wh~t we have and come to a decision. being seconded by ",,~II'YNd.. . Said motion CARRIED. It was agreed to 1974 at 7:30P.M. )Y\('. lvonA R- '~~l~ -$,emeoRe asked a question referring to the' Ordinance on parking trailers or campers on residen~ial property. CJn case of hard- ships this could be overlooked.) Does the hardship mean a hard- ship caused when this ordinance was passed. or what? ~~CJ have ~meeting on this matter November 26. The Subdivision Ordinance discussion was tabled for Mr. Weaver to get the bond figures. o o NEW BUSINESS r~r. Holfe read a request from Mr.-MOt1~ N.ete......- who wants to kno\'1 if he can build a 6 foot high chain link fence on his property. This property is zoned B-2. ~ere was much discussion on this matter. Mr. Loveland ma~e a motion to grant this man a temporary permit to operate as electric .contractor (no manufacturing) for thirty , days or our next meeting at which time he must apply for a license. ( being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Motion CARRIED. . - Mrs. Woodard was given the floor. ~~ -She turned~a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Turner opposing thp new bank to the board. There was some discussion at this point. Mr. Nichols suggested that" the board members read the Application for Rezoning section of the Zoning Ordinance. At thi~time the board recessed for 5 minutes. Mr. W~lfe described the area to be rezoned for the buildinn of the bank. He also expl~ned that if this spot zoning is done s~ that the bank can be built there. and they have not begun within one year. it can be cancelled, and the zoning ~ go back to how it was. ~n Mr. and Mrs. Leo Turner spoke to the board. oppesing the bank. They questioned it being necessary at all to rezone, because the bank will not require all that property, and unless they need added parking space, they will not have to go into residential property at all. It was explained that if the bank. has to exparid it will have to come up then for rezoning anyway. Mrs. Woodard asked if a Conflict of Interest form was available to be filed with the State? The City Clerk answered her yes, .she can get one at the City ~all. Mr. Mackie made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Adjourned ikx 9:35