03-27-2001 - Advanced WeatherproofingT.R.C. Comments
SP -0103 —Advanced Weatherproofing
March 27, 2001 — 10:00 a.m.
The following were present:
Lynne Plaskett — Planning Director
Darren Lear — Planning Technician
Jill Landreville — Fire Marshall
Dennis Fisher — Building Director
Hans Wolfer, P.E. — City Engineer
Terry Wadsworth — Environmental Services Director
Robin Matusick — Legal Assistant
Ricky Schrader — New Smyrna Beach Construction
John Amaral, P.E.
Planning Department — Lynne Plaskett, Director
1. Provide a separate site plan not using Dan Cory's legend and certification format
(bottom of sheet #I).
Will take Cory's legend off.
2. Site Data Notes on sheet 1 are illegible. Correct.
Will fix.
Indicate what the purpose of the bay doors on the west side of the building will be
used for, as they open onto a swale area used for stormwater.
Most likely for ventilation.
4. Show what sections of the existing wood fence will be removed on the site plan.
Will show.
5. Overflow to drainage ditch on John Street will require an easement. At this time
John Street is privately owned.
Will fix drainage so not to go on John Street.
6. All new development projects shall connect to the City =s water and sewer
system, per Section 21- 52.02(c) of the L.D.C.
Will fix.
7. Show overall height of the building on sheet #4.
Will add.
8. Chain link fence detail (sheet #2) shows gate at 7 feet (7') and overall height of
fence at 6 feet (6'). Correct. Will fix.
9. Park Ave. is a collector roadway. The driveway shall not be located closer than
330 feet to an intersection (John Street), per Section 21- 52.02(1) of the Land
Development Code. Therefore, the existing nonconforming driveway should be
widened to the east and used for access to the property.
Will relocate driveway to existing.
10. A Volusia County Use Permit will be required for the expansion of the driveway
on Park Ave. This will be used for both phases.
Will get County permit.
11. As shown, space #5 must be fifteen feet (15') deep and have a minimum fifteen -
foot (15') turning radius for back -up maneuvering. Suggest parking spaces # 4 -8
on the north end of the lot should be shifted so that they are directly across from
the four spaces in front of the building
Will relocated parking stalls.
12. Remove AGrass Overflow Parking@ note from site plan. All parking areas shall
be hard surfaced.
Will remove "Grass parking"
13. Show landscape buffer dimensions on plan. Ten feet (10') is required on Park
Ave. and five feet (5') adjacent to parking stalls not abutting sidewalks and five
feet (5') perimeter per section 21- 54.03(a)(c).
Will show 10' buffer and 5' adjacent to stalls.
14. Indicate on plan, size, type, and location of existing trees to remain and those to
be removed.
Will provide on new landscape plans, will have to increase "phase One"
dimensions to meet where the driveway will be.
15. Revise notes on landscape plan that all plant materials shall be Florida grade #1,
as established, and periodically revised, by the Florida Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Affairs.
Will provide.
16. A total of 16 trees and 208 shrubs are required for this project. Note that
replacement trees shall be a minimum of 2.5 inches in diameter, measured six
inches (6 ") above the soil line and the shrubs will be a minimum of one foot (1')
high at planting, spaced three feet (3') on center.
17. Revise the planting schedule. Provide the number of trees and shrubs to be saved
and to be planted, including the sizes, and types (common and botanical names);
and indicate the total tabulations for each. Also provide symbols for each.
18. Add a note to the landscaping plan that all swales and retention areas and Right -
of -Ways will be sodded per Section 21- 54.02(g) of the L.D.C.
19. Wheel stops or curbing must be provided to protect landscaped areas. Revise
landscaping and site plan.
Environmental Services Department — Terry Wadsworth, Director
Irrigation Meter
Due to the City's inclining block usage rate for water consumption and the
additional impact fee charges for irrigation meters, an alternative means for
landscape irrigation is suggested in the financial interest of the site development.
Will use as a well.
2. A reduced pressure backflow device is required for this site. A list of approved
devices is available from the Environmental Services Department at 115 East
Park Avenue.
3. The location of the trash pad will make it impossible for the City's garbage trucks
to pick up refuse form that point. The owner can either carry the garbage to
curbside or contract with a commercial refuse company for dumpster service.
Will rearrange parking area.
4. Due to neighboring development projects and the City's efforts to encourage the
responsible development of the Park Avenue corridor, connection to the 12" force
main on the south side of Park Avenue via a pumping unit is recommended. The
City will coordinate this effort with the project engineer.
Will have to cross Park to tie to sewer, may use injector, after Terry sees his
plans. Terry will provide calculations to John Amaral on the force main
Fire Department — Jill Landreville, Fire Marshall
The required fire flow for this project is 750 gallons per minute.
While every effort is made to assure that projects reviewed by the Fire
Department comply with all applicable codes and standards, we do not certify or
guarantee that they do. It is the responsibility of the applicant to assure
compliance with all applicable codes and standards prior to being issued a
certificate of occupancy. OK.
Building Department — Dennis Fisher, Director
1. The project consists of an office and garage storage areas. The office is 1,452
square feet and the garage storage area is 1,533 square feet separated by a one -
hour firewall. The construction is type V unprotected and unsprinkled.
Will fiat.
2. The attic between the office and the garage storage area must also have the one -
hour fire separation. The area above the masonry wall just under the valley set
will need to have 5/8 -inch drywall installed on each side of a knee wall.
Will fix.
3. The air handler unit is in the garage storage area. The ducts must pass threw the
firewall to enter the office area. The ducts must have fire dampers and install a
fire -a -stat in the return air.
Will fix.
4. Emergency lights must be installed in the garage storage area and exit light.
5. The plans need to show the size of the electrical service and a riser diagram.
6. Truss #T I does not show the number of nails needed, please specify.
7. Truss hold down MTS 20 should be MTSM 20 to make the 1000 pounds of uplift.
City Engineer — Hans Wolfer, P.E.
1. The proposed floor elevation must be one foot above the existing road (Park Ave.)
per City Ordinance. Therefore, the proposed floor elevation must be 12.1 or
Will fix.
2. TR 55 computations must be revised. How can virgin land create more runoff
then the fully developed site? Therefore, the runoff volumes leaving the site must
be revised as well.
3. The vertical and horizontal permeability rate is too slow. Therefore, dry retention
is not possible. A control structure with a bleed off to the canal must be designed
and shown on the plans.
Will fix.
4. The bottom elevation of the RA is below the High Ground Water (HGW)
elevation; therefore, the bottom elevation must be raised to elevation 6.0, which is
the projected HGW elevation.
5. The storage volume of the Retention Area is 3,600 c.f. —not 8,000 c.f. as shown
on the plans.
OK. Might change with new parking lot.
6. The proposed drainage swales are not deep enough to accommodate the required
drainage flow. Also, the bottom elevations of the swales must be sloped to
indicate a flow direction, and the bottom elevations must be shown on the plans.
Will fix.
7. Oleanders are planned for the centerline of the proposed drainage swale on the
north side. This is not allowed because it will retard the drainage flow.
Will relocate on new site plan.
8. The western proposed drainage swale would be difficult to construct around the
existing large oak trees. This must be corrected.
Will correct.
A response letter that addresses all of the TRC comments by department is required.