02-01-1996 w CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING February 1, 1996 6:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:39 p.m., Thursday, February 1, 1996 in the Conference Room of the Department of Community Development. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Philip Fong, John Browning, William Fair, and Karl Gerwe. Also present were Mike Visconte, member of the Beautification and Tree Committee and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. Randolph Churchill, Richard Jones, and Dr. Charles Gebelein were recorded absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There being no changes or corrections, Chairman Fong approved minutes of January 4, 1996 as presented. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Joint Meeting with the Beautification & Tree Committee (BTC) Chairman Fong asked Mike Visconte, BTC member, if he would like to address specific issues. Mr. Visconte informed the Board that the BTC is currently working on the placement of a fountain to be located at the intersection of US 1 and SR 442. He said for funding, the BTC was approaching banks within the City for donations, and that a plaque would be displayed with the names of the contributors. He then showed a photograph of the fountain. Mr. Visconte said the cost would be between $4,000 - $5,000, which would cover everything involved. Discussion followed on the placement of the fountain. Chairman Fong referred to an attachment to a memo from the BTC dated October 30, 1995, and asked Mr. Visconte to go over each item. In particular, Mr. Visconte highlighted cleaning up US 1, i.e. run -down buildings and fencing mobile home parks, beautifying the entrance from I -95 with trees and shrubs, and cleaning up the gas station of parked tractor trailers. In reference to the trucks parked at the gas station, Chairman Fong suggested a positive approach rather than code enforcement action. He suggested the BTC meet with the property owners of the gas station to share their vision of beautifying the entrance to the City, which would benefit everyone. ` 1 60 ti/ Economic Development Board Minutes - February 1, 1996 Page -2- In reference to beautifying the medians along US 1 and SR 442, Mr. Gerwe felt the City Engineer and DOT should be the ones to contact. Mr. Fair interjected that a registered engineer would need to submit to DOT a formal plan. Other suggestions were discussed. Mr. Fair thought funds could be raised through businesses in Edgewater. Chairman Fong said the EDB agreed with the BTC's concepts and would assist with ideas. He said once the BTC had a plan, they could start looking for grants for their projects. Mr. Fair offered to help with technical assistance. Mr. Visconte invited Mr. Fair to attend a BTC meeting. 2. Quarterly Newsletter -- Review Draft Chairman Fong asked the Board to review the draft article about the Overall Economic Development Plan (OEDP). Since Mr. Fair was confused as to what the purpose of OEDP was, he felt the average citizen would not understand the article as written. Chairman Fong explained the concept. Discussion followed on the rewording of the article. Mr. Fair said he would edit the draft and drop off a copy to the board coordinator. 3. Grant Solicitation for Marketing Material a. Progress Update b. Review Draft of Funding Request Letter The Board reviewed and edited a draft letter to be used when a solicited business asks for a written request for funds. With a few changes, the Board approved the draft. 4. Marketing Flyer -- Review Draft While the board coordinator was getting a copy of Mr. Jones's revised draft, Mr. Gerwe announced he obtained a $500 commitment from FP &L for the marketing brochure. Chairman Fong said the EDB would use the DeLand brochure as an example to show the quality and format to be used if there is enough funding. The Chairman said if the Board cannot raise what is needed for production of the brochure, they would go back to the businesses at that time and ask if the donated funds could be used for the flyer. Mr. Fair mentioned if the Board wanted to use any photographs which Edgewater Landing could supply, he would need about three weeks lead time. After discussion, it was decided six months would be needed to solicit funds and produce the brochure. Mr. Gerwe referred to the minutes of January 4, 1996, where it listed what businesses the members were to contact. He mentioned contacting vendors also. It was decided to expand the list of contacts after meeting with the assigned ones. Nair ■/ Economic Development Board Minutes - February 1, 1996 Page -3- NEW BUSINESS: 1. Review & Update 1995 Program of Work Chairman Fong said the purpose of the review was to evaluate the Board to see how much was accomplished and to see which items had the priority. Item A through H were discussed; summarized as follows: A. Business Climate & Supplier Linkage Study - good job, i.e. Proclamation of Excellence, BTC, supplier's linkage and Miami Boat Show. Yes, should continue with recommendations of the Study. B. Business Prospect Management (BPM) - Chamber to take on, and set up a system. C. OEDP: Redevelopment of Key Strategic Locations - BTC to take majority of items. For the next year, EDB to define specific projects, put together action plan, and develop a check list. D. Edgewater Commercial Site Inventory - the Department of Community Development obtained a Geographic Information System (GIS), soon a data base can start to be built. E. Communications & Networking: Internal & External - have done well with other agencies and organizations. Still need to be informed of happenings within the City of Edgewater before reading in the newspaper. Need to develop a better fashion of circulating information. F. Attract National Business Enterprises - EDB hadn't done much other than through the supplier linkage. VCBDC handles, and understands what Edgewater is looking for. G. Monitor Current Issues - EDB still waiting on review of Land Regulation Codes. February 6, 1996, VCARD meeting to discuss impact fees. H. Vision: Edgewater 2010 - Long term projections, hadn't really accomplished much. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Chairman: Comp Plan Amendment — Guava & Hibiscus Corridors - Chairman Fong said he spoke to the City Manager and City Attorney. They informed him this issue needed to be brought back to the Council by staff. The Chairman said the EDB should draft a memorandum stating the Board's position. He asked the board coordinator to supply a list of property owners along these corridors, and distribute copies to the Board and the Chamber. The members can then contact property owners to find out their positions, which can then be relayed to the Council. Proclamation of Excellence — Boston Whaler - Chairman Fong said this was on the Council agenda February 5, 1996. This was to make a recommendation to the Council to present award. Board Members: Mr. Gerwe distributed minutes of the January 31, 1996 meeting of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Task Force, of which he chairs. He discussed this meeting to inform the EDB of what is being done through this task force. Mr. Gerwe said although this is a Chamber committee, it represents New Smyrna, Edgewater, and Oak Hill. Nee Economic Development Board Minutes - February 1, 1996 Page -4- ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board c:\edb\minutes \020196.reg