05-28-1996 N
May 28, 1996
6:30 P.M.
Chairman Fong called to order a special meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:43 p.m.,
Tuesday, May 28, 1996 in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were Chairman Philip Fong, John Browning, Randolph Churchill and Richard
Jones. Also present was Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. William Fair and Karl Gerwe were
recorded absent.
Chairman Fong stated the purpose for the meeting was to discuss filling a vacancy on the EDB. He
referred the applications of Tom Alcorn and Keith Cope, and asked the members to review them, and
decide who to recommend to City Council for an appointment to the Board.
Mr. Browning said he had known Mr. Alcorn for a number of years, and felt that with his background
and experience, he would be a good member.
Chairman Fong said he had spoken with Mr. Alcorn on a number of occasions, and felt he has a
tremendous feel for the area and a great business mind. He said Mr. Alcorn's background as a
member of the Kentucky Economic Development Board speaks highly of his abilities.
Mr. Jones also said Mr. Alcorn was his choice by virtue of his experience, as indicated on the
application. He felt Mr. Alcorn was very energetic and aggressive, and would be the type of person
the EDB needed. Mr. Jones felt Mr. Cope would be a good candidate for another Board, as indicated
by his preferences on his application. He said Mr. Cope does have some experience in the contracting
world which could be helpful, but his preference was Mr. Alcorn.
Chairman Fong said Mr. Alcorn had pursued one of the EDB's goals, the site inventory project and
system. He said there were numerous benefits Mr. Alcorn could bring to the Board as well as the
Mr. Churchill was in favor of Mr. Alcorn also, based on his past experience. He felt Mr. Alcorn
would be an asset to the EDB.
Chairman Fong entertained a motion to recommend Mr. Alcorn to the City Council for appointment
to the EDB to fill the current vacancy. Mr. Jones so moved, seconded by Mr. Browning. Motion
A motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board