07-11-1996 NOW
July 11, 1996
6:30 P.M.
Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:40 p.m.,
Thursday, July 11, 1996 in the Conference Room of the Department of Community Development.
Members present were Chairman Philip Fong, John Browning, Karl Gerwe and Gary Roberts. Also
present was Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. Randolph Churchill, Richard Jones, William Fair,
were recorded absent. Mr. Jones arrived at 7:24 p.m.
There being no corrections or changes, Chairman Fong approved the minutes of June 6, 1996 as
1. Grant Solicitation for Marketing Material
a. Progress Update
Chairman Fong reported Wal -Mart approved the EDB grant application for $6000 over a two year
period. He said Wal-Mart asked about holding a press release, which he said would be appropriate.
Mr. Gerwe said the EDB should note this in the City newsletter. Chairman Fong said the Board may
want to go before the Council to request additional funding to add to the committed amounts for the
brochure publication. Discussion followed on the pledged amounts. Chairman Fong said the Board
would continue discussing this issue at its August meeting or call a special meeting.
Chairman Fong distributed a draft thank you letter to Wal-Mart. The Board reviewed and edited it.
The Chairman said he would call Wal-Mart to schedule a time for the presentation of the check.
2. Business Prospect Management Program
a. Review Program Framework
The Board reviewed the draft of the Business Prospect Management Program and discussed how
and who would implement the three processes listed in the program framework: 1) identification, 2)
solicitation and 3) monitoring.
%we Econom?eDevelpment Board
Minutes - July 18, 1996
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Mr. Gerwe offered to contact the Chamber concerning their identification process. The Board
discussed developing a form to put potential prospects in touch with the EDB. Chairman Fong
asked, and Mr. Browning agreed to draft a form.
The Board then reviewed the solicitation process. Mr. Gerwe suggested Chairman Fong be the one
to make the initial contact, then delegate the follow up to a Board member. The Chairman agreed
to take the initial call for City contacts and then delegate to a member. He said when the Chamber
and VCBDC are contacted, the EDB needed to be notified. The initial mail out of marketing material
was discussed for some time.
Chairman Fong said the monitoring process should perhaps be done by the Chamber or VCBDC.
Mr. Browning agreed, and said the Board should invite the Chamber to a EDB meeting to outline
what the Board is planning and solicit their cooperation. Mr. Gerwe suggested a one -on -one meeting
with Steve Dennis, Executive Vice President of the Chamber.
Mr. Jones said the Board needs to receive information from the Chamber and VCBDC. Mr. Gerwe
said frequently a VCBDC representative is present at the Chamber meetings. Mr. Gerwe suggested
inviting someone from the VCBDC to a EDB meeting. Mr. Jones agreed, and said maybe they
(VCBDC) could give a rundown of their activities in the area of the Board's interest. Chairman Fong
referred to a newsletter from the VCBDC which he said could be copied to EDB members. Mr.
Gerwe felt the information would be dated by the time it was read. Mr. Jones said he was frustrated
that the EDB was not "in the loop ", where the members would have definite input. He did feel that
within the last six months the Board has moved ahead.
Chairman Fong summarized that the identification process and solicitation process would be handled
for the most part by the EDB and monitoring process would be worked through the Chamber and
VCBDC. Chairman Fong said he would speak to Steve Dennis.
3. Checklist for OEDP Projects
a. Potential Activities at I -95 Interchange
Chairman Fong said he is waiting for word from the City Manager.
b. Western Reserve Planning Study Report
Chairman Fong said he read the report which is a draft, and said the most pertinent information for
the EDB is how they set their priorities. He promised to bring the report in for those interested in
c. FIND's Involvement of FIB
Mr. Browning explained FIND to Mr. Roberts. A brief discussion on the spoil site continued.
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July 11, 1996 - Minutes
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d. US 1 Streetscape
Chairman Fong said the recent condemnation of buildings along Ridgewood Avenue is a step
forward. He said it takes a more comprehensive look to set up a Tax Increment Finance (TIF)
district. TIF was then explained /discussed.
Chairman Fong stated the OEDP update report for 1996 is available through the County.
1. EDB Liaisons
a. Southeast Volusia Chamber Economic Development Task Force
Chairman Fong said he tries to be involved in as many organizations as possible, but there are more
being formed all the time. He then asked for volunteers to attend meetings and report back to the
EDB. Mr. Gerwe said since he was on the Southeast Volusia Chamber Economic Development Task
Force, he would volunteer to keep the EDB informed.
b. Edgewater Business Association (EBA)
Mr. Jones said he had been attending the EBA meetings since it was formed. Chairman Fong then
said Mr. Jones would be designated the liaison to the EBA. Mr. Jones said EBA membership was
limited to those who own businesses. He said he proposed to have associated memberships available
for those who do not own businesses. Mr. Jones told the EBA that he would like to be involved, as
a member of the EDB. He said the EDB needed to submit a membership application along with a $35
fee. He then presented the EBA's bylaws for the file. Mr. Jones discussed possible EBA agenda
Mr. Browning moved that the Economic Development Board join the EBA, as a Board, and fund the
membership fee, seconded by Mr. Gerwe. Motion CARRIED 5 -0.
1. Comp Plan Workshop - Chairman Fong said it had been discussed.
Mr. Jones reported on his research into the City's occupational licensing process. He then gave a
brief synopsis. A few recommendations were made to better the process.
Chairman Fong said Mr. Fair went through the planning and zoning department, and said the material
was comprehensive.
Mr. Jones reiterated a past discussion to have someone address the EBD on the process of
establishing a business in Edgewater, and asked what happened. After discussion, it was decided to
ask Mark Karet, Director of Community Development, to attend the EDB's September 5, 1996
regular meeting to discuss this process.
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July 11, 1996 - Minutes
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Chairman Fong mentioned the possibility of having an open house to inform residents/business
owners of the workings of the City, to meet the City officials and staff, and to tour the departments.
Chairman Fong referred to the proposed 1996 -97 fiscal budget, and said he hoped it met the Board's
approval. The Board briefly reviewed the budget.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
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