August 1, 1996
6:30 P.M
Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:30 p.m.,
Thursday, August 1, 1996 in the Conference Room of the Department of Community Development.
Members present were Chairman Philip Fong, Richard Jones and Gary Roberts. Also present was
Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. John Browning, Randolph Churchill, William Fair and Karl Gerwe
were recorded absent.
There being no changes or corrections, Chairman Fong approved the minutes of July 11, 1996 as
The minutes from the July 25, 1996 special meeting were also presented to the Board. Chairman
Fong said he wanted to clarify the last sentence of the third paragraph under New Business. He said
it was meant that hopefully by the end of next year, the EDB could get funding for $12,000 from the
private sector. There being no additional changes or corrections, Chairman Fong approved the
minutes of July 25, 1996, as changed.
1. Grant Solicitation for Marketing Material
a. Progress Report
Chairman Fong reported the EDB received the $500 pledged by FP &L, and now have $3,500.
2. Funding & Authorization Request to City Council
a. Review Jiloty Communications Proposal
The Board reviewed the final proposal of Jiloty Communications. Mr. Roberts asked if the approved
funds for the EDB is a steady amount or if it changes. The Chairman said it varies from year to year.
Mr. Roberts asked if the brochure would be designed to attract not only industrial and commercial
growth to Edgewater, but also recreational. Chairman Fong said a good portion of the brochure
would paint a picture of the quality of life. Discussion followed on development potential along the
Economic Development Board
Minutes - August 1, 1996
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b. Council Agenda On August 5, 1996
Chairman Fong asked for the Board's support at the August 5, 1996 Council meeting, and said a
representative from Jiloty would also be present to address any questions.
3. Business Prospect Management Program (BPMP)
a. Confidence Affected by Public Report
Chairman Fong said he met with Steve Dennis from the Chamber of Commerce to find out if the
Chamber kept statistics on prospects. He reported the Chamber does keep statistics, but not
electronically. He said working with prospects was a normal function of the Chamber, and that they
do have a system. Chairman Fong said the Chamber works a great deal with VCBDC. He then said,
in reference to the EDB's BPMP, Mr. Dennis brought up the subject of confidentiality, that anything
submitted to the City becomes public record. Chairman Fong said he met with City Manager George
McMahon who suggested the Chamber be the recipient /retainer of any EDB informational forms,
therefore, keeping the information obtained confidential.
b. Chamber Involvement
Chairman Fong said the Chamber is willing to help.
4. Proposed Budget Review Set for August 12, 1996
On August 6, 1996, Chairman Fong said he would be meeting with Jerry Fox, VCBDC; Steve
Dennis, the Chamber, and the City Manager, to go over the Program of Work for 1996 -97 fiscal year
to review areas of responsibility. The Board reviewed the proposed budget. Chairman Fong said
once approved, the flyer and brochure could probably be completed by year end. The Chairman then
said the EDB should perhaps focus on a few of the outlined projects. He said hopefully by the early
part of next year, the EDB would have the BPMP in place. He said the Board should be aggressive
in prospecting by attending more trade shows. In reference to the Community Familiarity Tours,
Chairman Fong said the Chamber and VCBDC could help. The Chairman brought up having a City
Hall open house. He said he mentioned it to the City Manager, who in turn said he would think about
it. Chairman Fong said another area of focus should be Tax Increment Financing, which he said had
been talked about numerous times. The Chairman then mentioned that the Board was a member of
the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA), and proceeded to read a Peer -to -Peer Technical
Assistance Program form. He explained what the FRA could do for the EDB and said they would
be a good resource. Chairman Fong summarized the three areas of focus as Studies, Prospecting and
Public Relations.
Discussion followed on how City Hall could be more positive toward commercial builders. Mr.
Roberts felt staff should be more receptive to those willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
in the community. He said although City staff may be very busy, as an act of public relations, the City
Manager, Council persons or the Mayor could stop by businesses just to see how things are going.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - August 1, 1996
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5. Prioritize OEDP Projects to Work On
Chairman Fong said the projects needed to be organized, and hopefully the Board could solicit help
from the Florida Redevelopment Association and City staff. He said this item also falls under item
1. of New Business.
1. Redevelopment Districts
Talked about earlier.
1. Chamber Economic Development Task Force Update
Chairman Fong said Mr. Gerwe would give update report at the next meeting.
2. Edgewater Business Association Update
Mr. Jones reported there was a small turn out at the last meeting of the EBA on July 11, 1996. He
said the primary discussion was the direction of EBA, incentives to join the organization, and what
benefits members would receive by joining. He said those who did not own a business could obtain
an associates membership, which the EDB did. Mr. Jones said the EBA would like to have a speaker
at each meeting to address a topic of interest to the business owners. He said code violations would
be the first topic to be discussed, and the EBA would like a someone from the City to address the
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
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