05-01-1997 CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING Ma 1, 1997 6:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Karl Gerwe called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, May 1, 1997 in the Conference Room of the Department of Community Development. ROLL CALL: Members present were Vice Chairman Karl Gerwe, John Browning, Thomas Alcorn, Gary Roberts, Adelaide Carter and John Moore. Also present were Mike Visconti, Beautification and Tree Committee member and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. Chairman Richard Jones and Daniel Lewis were absent but recorded excused. Randolph Churchill had resigned clue to health reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Moore wanted it noted that Mark Karet, Director of Communit Development, could not attend a special meeting with the EDB to discuss the rezoning of Hibiscus and Guava Drives. The minutes for April 3,1997 were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Carder moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Moore. Motion CARRIED 6 -0. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Distribute Member Material Zoning booklets and maps and Certificates of Appreciation of service were distributed. 2. Guava /Hibiscus Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA) A. Memo from Mark P. Karet, Director of Community Development Vice Chairman Gerwe referred to a memorandum from Mr. Karet which stated the Department of Community Development was continuing to work on this issue. In the memo Mr. Karet reminded the members the Department of Communit Affairs (DCA) had two primary objections to the request: 1) the compatibilit of the proposed change with some of the adjoining low density residential land uses, and 2) the amount of vacant industrial property in Edgewater and why the City was adding more. Mr. Karet indicated he would keep the Board informed of the progress on this matter. � 'oy Economic Development Board Minutes - May 1, 1997 Page -2- Mr. Moore referenced the ORC Report (DCA's objections, recommendations and comments) and read some of their objections. He felt the Board should draft a letter to DCA saying that it would be a hindrance not to zone this area industrial, and make them realize the reason would be to conform to the future land use maps. Discussion continued on this subject. Mr. Moore referred to a letter from Cit Manager George McMahon about DOT's proposed closing of certain north/south streets which cross Indian River Boulevard. Mr. Moore said it was previously discussed making Hibiscus and Guava one wa traffic flow. Mr. Browning asked if it would be appropriate to hire a land use attorney to deal with DCA and to help Mr. Karet. Mr. Moore agreed. Mr. Browning moved to speak to Mr. Karet to offer EDB's support in obtaining a land use attorne to help with Hibiscus /Guava LUPA and the turn lanes onto Indian River Boulevard, seconded b Mr. Alcorn. Motion CARRIED 6 -0. 3. Convenience Bench Advertisement A. Recommendation to City Attorney Vice Chairman Gerwe stated after reading the Amendment to Agreement For Placement of Convenience Benches, it appeared the Cit has control over where the benches are placed. Mr. Moore referred to an outdated list of bench locations and what was advertised on them. Vice Chairman Gerwe asked that the Cit request an update of where the benches are located. Mr. Visconti, Beautification and Tree Committee member, distributed a map where he marked the location of benches and bus stops. Mr. Moore discussed the possibilit of having a contest to select kids to paint benches in residential districts in leu of advertisements. He said businesses who funded the benches would receive recognition. Mr. Alcorn felt this issue was not what the EDB was all about and the Board had alread spent too much time discussing it. However, he felt the benches were a good medium for advertising and that sales had been generated b them. The colors of the benches and trash that accumulates around them were discussed. Mr. Roberts said in coordination with the Beautification Committee's efforts to beautif the Cit the Council should be aware of and address the complaints and concerns about benches in residential districts. Mike Visconti said advertisments on benches in residential districts should be nicel done. The should be put on platforms so the sit straight. Mr. Roberts said commercial advertising should be done in the commercial district. The Board discussed placement of the benches. Mr. Visconti said he would like to see fewer benches on SR 442, and painted in a uniform manner. The Vice Chairman asked if the Beautification Committee had gone to Council on this matter. Mr. Visconti said yes. Vice Chairman Gerwe suggested Mr. Visconti use the Cit newsletter as a vehicle of "getting the word out" to businesses. He said the EDB would be supportive. The Vice Chairman then asked Board members to think about ideas for the newsletter for discussion at the June 5 meeting. ``r err► Economic Development Board Minutes - May 1, 1997 Page 3 4. Contributor's List -- Edgewater Brochure Update The Board Coordinator mentioned the final product would be delivered on Ma 15, 1997, and that Chairman Jones would do a presentation before the Council on Ma 19, 1997. She also stated Mr. Alcorn had received a commitment of $250 from the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Alcorn said he had written to the SVAA and requested a $2,000 donation. Vice Chairman Gerwe asked about the remaining $3,000 that Wal -Mart committed to. The Board Coordinator suggested the Chairman contact them again. NEW BUSINESS: 1. VCARD Water Issues Event, May 16, 1997 -- EDB Representative(s) Vice Chairman Gerwe said he would attend the meeting. The Board Coordinator said the Chairman ma also be going. 2. Business Development Corp of Northeast Florida, Inc. Vice Chairman Gerwe said he had nothing on this item. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Mr. Alcorn said he had a couple from England wanting a 16,000 square foot commercial building and there was nothing in Edgewater available for rent. He said if the EDB is going to invite businesses to locate in Edgewater, we need to find some developers to build buildings. Mr. Alcorn moved that the EDB focus its attention on attracting developers /investors to build buildings so we (the Cit would have some place for potential industr to locate. Cit owned land was discussed. Vice Chairman Gerwe volunteered to contact Port Orange for information on their action plan and said this item would be put on the June agenda. Mr. Visconti said Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation, was working to have the trees removed north and south of the fountain site so it would easil be seen. Vice Chairman Gerwe reiterated the Beautification Committee had the EDB's support in their efforts. Mr. Moore asked if the Proclamation of Excellence Award to be given to Doughert Marine was finalized. The answer was y es. The concept of the award was discussed. Mr. Roberts asked if the EDB would be reviewing the applications and recommending an appointment to replace Randall Churchill. The answer was yes. Economic Development Board Minutes - May 1, 1997 Page -4- ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted b Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board c:\edb\minutes\050197.reg