06-05-1997 n
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June 5, 1997
Chairman Richard Jones called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at
6.35 p.m., Thursda June 5, 1997 in the Edgewater Community Center.
Members present were Chairman Richard Jones, John Browning, Karl Gerwe, Gar Roberts, Adelaide
Carter and Daniel Lewis. Also present was Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. Thomas Alcorn and
John Moore were excused.
The minutes for May 1, 1997 were presented to the Board for approval. Mr. Gerwe moved to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 6 -0.
Chairman Jones referred to the minutes of May 1, 1997, where Mr. Browning asked if it would be
appropriate to hire a land use attorney to deal with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA)
and the Department of Transportation (DOT). He recalled the Board agreed it would be proper and
asked Mr. Browning to report his progress.
Mr. Browning said there were two items he and Mark Karet, Director of Community Development,
spoke about. One item was that DOT had wanted to put turn lanes in every cross street along SR
442, which would do awa with an beautification of the medians. He indicated the City would
renegotiate with DOT. Mr. Browning said the second item was the hiring of a land use attorne to
help with the rezoning of Guava/Hibiscus Drives. He said Mr. Karet indicated the City wouldn't do
anything more until Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) decided to bu the spoil site. Mr.
Browning said once FIND purchased the site, Mr. Karet felt it would be easy to get the rezoning
approved. He said hiring an attorney would be an unwarranted expense at this time. Mr. Karet felt
if the DCA does reject the rezoning, then it might be a good idea for land owners in the
Guava /Hibiscus area to band together to hire someone.
Chairman Jones informed the Board the FIND project would be finalized in June. He said the Cit
will design and engineer some roads to be placed in the area.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - June 5, 1997
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Continued Business:
Mr. Jones asked if there was an to report concerning the convenience benches. Ms. Carter said
she spoke to Mike Visconti, member of the Beautification and Tree Committee, and she would give
her report after New Business.
1. Marketing Brochure
A. Delivery /Presentation to Council
Chairman Jones reported the marketing brochure had been completed and the executive summaries
delivered. He referred to an article in the News Journal about the brochure. The Chairman then
read a note from the Ma thanking the members for their efforts in producing the brochure and
fl Chairman Jones said the Chamber was pleased with the fl which will be included in packets
the send to businesses interested in moving to the area.
B. Grant Solicitation Status
An updated list of contributors was distributed. Chairman Jones said he would like to send a letter
to those who contributed to the production along with some brochures. Mr. Gerwe suggested the
businesses might want to send brochures to their suppliers. When the Chairman asked Mr. Gerwe
if he would draft the letter, he agreed. Chairman Jones said the Board needed to continue working
on solicitations, and he would contact Wal -Mart.
Mr. Browning asked the Board Coordinator to bill Coronado Paint for another $1,000. He said he
would deliver the invoice to Bob Keesecker.
2. Outstanding Letters, Communications, et al
Chairman Jones mentioned that there are over 15,000 organizations that run under the title
Economic Development. He said they all solicit people to attend their schools, classes, and seminars.
He said he tries to filter through the material for information that the Board would be interested in.
Mr. Gerwe reported how Port Orange encourages economic development. He spoke to Donna
Steinbach, Economic Development Director for the Cit of Port Orange, who provided him a packet
of information. He reported Ms. Steinbach said the Cit of Port Orange had a vision that the
formulated about fifteen y ears ago, which was to "move from a tin cit (trailer parks) to the most
progressive cit in the count Mr. Gerwe said Port Orange was working on an inventory of
industrial land sites. He then showed a brief video of Port Orange, "Guide to Your Home Town ",
and a brochure the distribute to interested persons. He said Port Orange had an ad in the Florida
Trend magazine which recentl highlighted Volusia County, and they have a billboard on I -95 near
I-4. Mr. Gerwe said Port Orange paid a consultant $60,000 for a one year contract to produce the
video and billboard. He said they have an economic development brochure, to be released in about
three weeks, which describes the Cit economic development incentives. He said Port Orange's
Economic Development Board
Minutes - June 5, 1997
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Continued Business:
current emphasis is on the development of the East Port Business Park in the redevelopment area,
which is currentl under development. Discussion continued on Port Orange's accomplishments.
Mr. Lewis felt he could put together a 6 -7 minutes presentation on Edgewater if the Board was
interested. Chairman Jones said ma something could be produced and shown to Council for their
approval for proceeding and funding. Mr. Gerwe felt to successfull market Edgewater and to develop
a similar video, something worth while needed to be shown in terms of communit beautification.
Mr. Lewis asked if the Cit had an incentives in place for businesses to locate in Edgewater. Mr.
Browning said the Cit and Count have tax abatement. Ms. Carter asked if there was a printed list
of Cit incentives. Chairman Jones said the EDB had been tr to get that information.
Discussion followed on past and future conventions as a point of distribution of literature.
Chairman Jones referred to a cop of an occupational license application for Riverside National Bank
forwarded from the Ma It was discussed how the Board would receive such future applications
for review. It was decided the applications would be sent to the Chairman for his determination
whether the should be sent to all members. Mr. Roberts also wanted to review site plan applications.
Chairman Jones referred to a note from the Ma attached to Riverside National Bank's application.
He said the Ma asked if the Board wanted to make a welcome call to the bank. The Chairman
said he would follow -up on the suggestion.
Chairman Jones discussed the concerns and impact of a proposed consolidation of Count
Advertising Authorities.
3. Fiscal Year 1998 EDB Budget
Chairman Jones presented a proposed budget based on 1996 -97 fiscal y ear, with the exception of
Volusia Count Business Development Corporation (VCBDC) and the Chamber of Commerce. He
said those two organizations were asking for an increase. The Chairman reviewed the current budget
report and monies still available. He reminded the members if the were interested in attending an
economic development activit to notify the Board Coordinator. The Board reviewed and
commented on the proposed budget line items. Mr. Lewis agreed to develop a database for a list of
business suppliers. It was discussed how to obtain supplier names.
Chairman Jones said, with the Board's concurrence, he would submit the same budget as proposed
last fiscal year, with the exception of adjustments in the amount to VCBDC and the Chamber. Mr.
Browning so moved, seconded b Ms. Carter. Motion CARRIED 6 -0.
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Minutes - June 5, 1997
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Continued Business:
Mr. Lewis asked if there was a description of the benefits for the amount of mone the EDB gives
to VCBDC and the Chamber. Mr. Gerwe suggested when the two organizations request these funds,
the update the Cit on what the had accomplished and what their plans are for the next fiscal y ear.
With the Board's concurrence, Chairman Jones suggested having Steve Dennis from the Chamber
of Commerce and Jerr Fox from VCBDC come to a meeting and give the Board a dissertation. Mr.
Browning so moved, seconded b Mr. Gerwe. Motion CARRIED 6 -0.
1. Proposal for Map Design of the City of Edgewater b Jiloty Communications
The proposal was reviewed and comments were made. The Chairman called a brief recess at 8:05
p.m. and resumed the meeting at 8:09 p.m. Mr. Lewis felt Jilo cost to develop and print the
proposed map was extremel high, and suggested looking at a few other proposals. Mr. Jones agreed,
and said he would like to see the map completed b the end of 1997. Mr. Lewis said he would
provide a list at the next meeting of other orgainizations to contact for bids. Chairman Jones said
he would contact Sean Sullivan at Jilot to thank him for his proposal, and tell him the Board
needed to review other bids. The Board discussed the map la
2. Member Selection Review
The Board reviewed applications for replacement of resigned member Randall Churchill. Since the
Board did not find an adequate replacement, Chairman Jones said the would wait until additional
applicantions were received which showed applicants interested in serving.
3. Recruiting Business Program
This was reviewed earlier in the meeting.
4. Volusia County Zone 2 Road Impact Fee
Chairman Jones referred to a past memo from the Ma that advised the Board of a Ma 28, 1997
workshop. He said the proposed Five Year Road Program was based on current estimates of Impact
Fee revenues and ma be modified if the Impact Fee revenues change during the y ear. The Board
reviewed charts of the draft program.
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Minutes - June 5, 1997
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Continued Business:
5. Centurian Project
Chairman Jones said he recentl attended a water review meeting. He said the Centurian Project was
devised as a five y ear program to fund strategic economic development programs sponsored b the
Volusia Count Business Development Corporation (VCBDC). Chairman Jones said he and Mr.
Gerwe are listed as Board members.
1. Chairman - Chairman Jones referred to his draft letter addressed to the Cit Council in
reference to changes to SR 442 in progress and planned. He asked the members to review the letter
and decide if, as a Board, it was acceptable to forward on. After discussion, Chairman Jones asked
if the letter should be presented as a Board or on a personal basis. With minor changes to the draft,
it was agreed to forward the letter from the EDB.
2. Members:
A. FIND Project Update -- T. Alcorn - Mr. Alcorn was absent.
B. Beautification Committee -- A. Carter - Ms. Carter reported there was a ground
breaking ceremon for the fountain on Frida Ma 23, 1997. S he spoke to Mike Visconti,
member of the Beautification and Tree Committee, who said he hopes to have a dedication ceremony
on July 12 or 13. She indicated it would be dedicated in Mr. Fazzone's memory.
Ms. Carter reported the bench issue was still being worked, and having memorial plantings to
beautifying the medians was still being pursued.
C. Convenience Bench Ads -- J. Moore - Mr. Moore was absent.
D. Edgewater Business Association -- J. Moore - Mr. Moore was absent.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
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