09-04-1997 Nov wre
September 4, 1997
6:30 P.M.
Acting Chairman Karl Gerwe called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board
at 6:36 p.m., Thursday, September 4, 1997 in the Community Center.
Members present were John Browning, Karl Gerwe, Gar Roberts, Adelaide Carter, and Daniel
Lewis. Also present were Jack Corder, Director of Parks & Recreation; Ron Cadby, MF Enterprises,
Inc., 132 W. Park Avenue, Edgewater, Florida; and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. John Moore
was absent. Thomas Alcorn was also absent, but was excused.
Acting Chairman Gerwe announced Chairman Richard Jones resigned from the Board clue to other
commitments. As Vice Chairman, Mr. Gerwe will assume the Chairman's functions until an
election for replacement takes place. Chairman Gerwe said he would like this item to be scheduled
for the next meeting.
The minutes for August 7, 1997 were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Carter moved to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded b Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 5 - 0.
1. Edgewater WEB Page -- Jack Corder, Director of Parks & Recreation
Chairman Gerwe announced Mr. Corder was going to discuss and show the Board Edgewater's WEB
page. Mr. Corder said he was still working on it and would appreciate the Board's suggestions. Mr.
Corder announced the Cit would be going on -line with CET in the near future. Chairman Gerwe
asked if the Internet service would be available to non -cit residents. Mr. Corder believed it would
be. Mr. Corder explained how to access the WEB page, and to search for information from different
categories. Under the industry category, he said the information was taken from the Economic
Development Board's brochure "Exactly where you want to be ". It was discussed how to present the
Ron Cadb MF Enterprises, Inc., 132 W. Park Avenue, said he designs WEB pages. Mr. Corder
asked what program he used. Mr. Cadby said WEB Edit, and numerous other software. Different
programs were discussed. Chairman Gerwe asked the cost to develop a WEB page. Mr. Cadb said
it would depend on the complexit of the page, but the average was around $51 per month. Mr.
Corder said it would not cost the City anything if they were to use CET.
• Economic Development Board
Minutes - September 4, 1997
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Continued Business:
Mr. Corder reiterated that this was his first attempt, and appreciated an input. Chairman Gerwe
asked Mr. Lewis if he would act as intermediar between the Board and Mr. Corder to keep the Board
apprised of the progress. Mr. Lewis agreed. Mr. Lewis asked if Mr. Cadby would donate any of his
time. Mr. Cadby said no because he does this for a living, and had mixed emotions about the City
" more or less cutting into his business." He felt that government shouldn't compete with private
Mr. Corder said the Cit hoped to be online b the end of September. The Chairman asked him to
keep the Board informed. He said once online, the Board should notif the Volusia Count Business
Development Corporation (VCBDC) and the Chamber that it exists. Mr. Corder said all E -mail
would go to the Cit Clerk. Protection from viruses was discussed. Chairman Gerwe thanked Mr.
Cadby and Mr. Corder for their time.
1. Applications Review -- Board Member Replacement
Chairman Gerwe said the Board needed two replacements. Ms. Carter commented that a friend
interested in serving on the EDB was to have submitted an application. The Board Coordinator said
she would check Cit Hall files. Ms. Carter said she had a problem with applicants who selected
serving on the EDB as their third or fourth choice. She noted a few applications were old and
questioned whether the applicants were still interested in serving. The Board Coordinator informed
the members, applicants are telephoned periodicall by the Cit Clerk's office to see if the were still
interested. The Coordinator also said, anyone interested in serving on a Board is solicited through
the City's newsletter. After reviewing the applications, Chairman Gerwe suggested he would canvass
the applicants for their interest, and report his findings at the October 2, 1997.
With the Board's consensus, Chairman Gerwe indicated he would like to have a full Board in place
before electing a new Chairman. Ms. Carter so moved, seconded b Mr. Browning. Motion
1. Chairman/Vice Chairman
Chairman Gerwe reported attending a Volusia County Association for Responsible Development
(VCARD) meeting last month. He said Enterprise Florida's Director spoke about incentives and
competition with other states. He said it sounded like the state of Florida was moving more
aggressivel to attract businesses.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - September 4, 1997
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2. Members
A. FIND Project Update -- None at this time.
B. Beautification Committee -- A. Carter
Ms. Carter reported the dedication of the fountain at US 1 and Indian River Boulevard went off
fine, but she was unable to attend. She said First Union was providing the water and the electricit
C. Edgewater Business Association (EBA) -- None at this time.
Mr. Lewis suggested finding out the reproduction cost of the EDB brochures so the could be sold,
at cost, to interested persons. Chairman Gerwe said he would like to see the initial suppl turn over
in a timel manner first.
Mr. Lewis asked if the Board was still interested in obtaining prices for a caricature map. He said
Debbie Joplin, an award winning artist, could draw the master for between $500 - $1000, depending
on how detailed the map would be. Mr. Lewis said a commercial printer in Titusville could print a
24" x 24 ", two - sided, four color on one side, one color on the back for about $1 -$1.50 per cop
with a minimum of 3,000 copies. Mr. Browning said Coronado Paint Compan had an extremel
sophisticated printing s and felt the would do the printing at a reasonable cost. Mr. Browning
rela that Bob Keesecker, Coronado Paint, complemented the new brochure. He reminded the
Board, Coronado had contributed $2,000 toward its production.
The Board discussed the format of the WEB page and what information the "industr categor
should contain. Mr. Lewis interjected that once the originals of the brochure were received, he could
convert them to a PBF format. He said the format is a file that could be down - loaded, and those
inquiring through the WEB could print the brochure through their own printer.
Chairman Gerwe asked if an member would be interested in attending the Florida Redevelopment
Association's annual conference at the Adam's Mark Resort in Da Beach, October 13 - 15,
Ms. Carter reminded the Board of a meeting concerning changes to be made to US 1, from
Edgewater to Ormond Beach, to be held at the New Sm Utilities Commission on September
11, 1997, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Chairman asked if Ms. Carter if she would represent the EDB
if she attended.
Chairman Gerwe added that if anyone knew of an interested person wanting to serve on the EDB,
to have them stop by the Cit Clerk's office to fill out an application.
% ter/
Economic Development Board
Minutes - September 4, 1997
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There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Minutes respectfull submitted b
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
c: \edb \minutes \090497