10-02-1997 %.r r.rr
October 2, 1997
6:30 P.M.
Vice Chairman Karl Gerwe, acting as Chairman, called to order a regular meeting of the Economic
Development Board at 6:36 p.m., Thursday, October 2, 1997, in the Community Center.
Members present were Acting Chairman Karl Gerwe, John Browning, Thomas Alcorn, Gary Roberts,
Adelaide Carter, John Moore, and Daniel Lewis. Also present were Joe Martin, former EDB
Chairman (then Industrial Development Board), and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator.
The minutes for September 4, 1997 were presented to the Board for approval. Mr. Alcorn moved
to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
Before the start of business, Chairman Gerwe referred to Item 3.a. of Continued Business, and
informed the members that he had invited the applicants who were interested in serving on the EDB
to attend the current meeting. He said the wife of one applicant came in to apologize for her
husband not being able to attend. The Chairman hoped some of the applicants would show up.
1. FIND Project Status Update -- Joe Martin
Mr. Martin gave the histor of the FIND (Florida Inland Navigation District) project, and showed
his conceptual plans. He said since 1983, there had been a number of efforts to get this area
developed (236 acres of a site north of Park Avenue, and bordered on the northwest by DBCC
expansion area). Mr. Martin said FIND purchased the land from the Florida East Coast Railwa
(FEC) and signed an agreement giving the City access to a 136 -acre planned industrial development.
He said FIND would pave around the spoil site and an access road, which would be transferred to
the City. He said the Cit would be responsible for putting in the infrastructure with money fronted
b FIND. Mr. Martin said when the Cit sold the industrial parcels, the proceeds from the sales
would go to repay FIND.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - October 2, 1997
Page -2-
Continued Business:
Chairman Gerwe asked Mr. Martin who FIND was negotiating with at the City. Mr. Martin said,
so far, George McMahon, City Manager; Mr. Karet, Director of Community Development; Mr.
Wadsworth, Director of Utilities; and Kyle Fegley, City Engineer. Mr. Martin said City staff
estimated the cost for infrastructure for the industrial sites at around $1 million, and another $1
million for the remaining property. He said FIND, himself, Mr. Karet and a Volusia County
planner, who serves as a staff assistant to the Overall Economic Development Plan committee, are
preparing a grant proposal to the Federal Department of Commerce, Economic Development
Administration (EDA) for funds. Parcel sizes and their selling price were discussed.
The Chairman asked what the City's next move was. Mr. Martin felt the City needed to formalize
an agreement in writing to FIND. He said timing was everything, that the grant to the EDA for
funds needed to be processed first. Mr. Martin hoped to send the proposal to the EDA this month.
Ms. Carter asked if the EDB should send a letter of thanks to the Cit and FIND expressing how
pleased the Board is with the occurring developments. Mr. Martin felt it would be a good idea to
send a letter to David Roach, Assistant Executive Director of FIND. He said he would supply the
Board Coordinator with Mr. Roach's address.
The tree ordinance, landscaping costs and stormwater permits were discussed. Chairman Gerwe
thanked Mr. Martin for his report and said he would write a letter to Mr. Roach. He asked Mr.
Martin to keep the EDB in mind if the Board could offer its assistance in any wa
2. City's Web Page Update -- Dan Lewis
Chairman Gerwe said, since Mr. Lewis was unable to contact Jack Corder, Director of Parks and
Recreation, who is developing the City's web page, he spoke to Mr. Corder himself. The Chairman
reported Mr. Corder was online last Frida and the web page had the City's phone number and
mailing address. He said in order to get to the information concerning the Cit economic
development, y ou had to know the address. Chairman Gerwe said Mr. Corder needed some help
coming up with an eas wa of finding the information, and asked Mr. Lewis to speak to Mr. Corder.
Mr. Alcorn moved that the Board spend up to $150 to have its own domain name of Rd
seconded b Ms. Carter. After discussion, Mr. Acorn amended his motion, and moved to spend up to
$200 on the domain name and an associated expenses, seconded b Ms. Carter. Motion CARRIED
7 - 0.
Chairman Gerwe asked Mr. Lewis to explain to Mr. Corder the motion and what was needed. The
Chairman asked if Mr. Lewis and Mr. Alcorn would take on the assignment of working together,
along with Mr. Corder, and report to the Board at the next meeting.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - October 2, 1997
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Continued Business:
3. Application Review - Board Member Replacement
a. Applicants Invited to Introduce Themselves
Chairman Gerwe stated he was surprised no one showed up, since several applicants said the would.
b. Selection of Two Applicants for City Council Approval
(Three applicants needed due to Mr. Roberts being elected to the Cit Council.) After reviewing and
discussing eight applications of interested persons, the EDB agreed to recommend John "Jack"
German, Ed Fahe and Gigi Bennington for Cit Council approval to fill the remaining terms of
vacated seats.
4. Review Previous Motion to Defer Election of Chairperson Until Full Board is
Chairman Gerwe said in retrospect, those members who were on the Board the longest should make
the choice. He said there was a previous motion to wait until a full Board is seated, and asked if
there was a motion to go ahead with the election.
Mr. Alcorn moved to vote on electing the new Chairman with the members currently present, seconded b
Mr. Roberts. Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
a. Election of Chairperson
Mr. Alcorn moved to elect Mr. Gerwe as the new Chairman, seconded b Mr. Browning. Motion
Since Mr. Gerwe was the Vice Chairman, he nominated Mr. Moore as Vice Chairman, seconded b Mr.
Browning. Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
1. Review of Occupational License Applications
The Board reviewed the occupational license report. Ms. Carter asked the Board Coordinator to find
out the average number of occupational license applications received per month. Mr. Alcorn
suggested the Chairman send a letter to the new businesses to welcome them to the Cit and offer
Board assistance if needed. Chairman Gerwe agreed to do so.
Econon Development Board
Minutes - October 2, 1997
Page -4-
New Business:
2. Southeast Volusia Chamber Report -- Karl Gerwe
Chairman Gerwe asked Mr. Alcorn if he would start reporting on the Chamber's Economic
Development group meetings. He agreed to do so. Mr. Alcorn reviewed a few issues discussed at the
last Chamber meeting. He said he spoke to Steve Dennis and Jim Russell, who would like to come
to an EDB meeting, along with the new Ma and Council members, to address issues of economic
development. Mr. Alcorn said the EDB might want to schedule a meeting or workshop with just its
members first to discuss what issues to present.
Chairman Gerwe said he wanted to talk about the EDB's direction. He felt the Board was at a
turning point, with man new Board members, a new Ma and an all new Council. He said he
would like to have a meeting or workshop with the new Council to find out what direction the would
like the EDB to take.
Chairman Gerwe discussed the da and time of the regular EDB meetings, and asked if anyone
wanted to make changes. After discussion, Mr. Lewis moved to chan the meetin to 6:00 p.m. on the
f irst Thursday of the month, seconded by Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
Mr. Moore referred to an article in the Observer newspaper about a $25,000 ambulance applicant
fee which was to be a Count Council agenda item October 9, and wondered wh Edgewater wasn't
notified because it could possibl effect the Cit Mr. Moore said he called the Count to be placed
on their mailing list for future agendas.
Chairman Gerwe asked if all were in agreement that the EDB needed a new program of work, and
input from the new Council. Mr. Roberts felt the Council would want to sit down with each advisor
board. After discussing who should be present at the workshop or meeting, it was decided to meet
with the Ma new Council members and Mark Karet, Director of Communit Development, at
the Board's regular meeting on November 6, 1997. The Chairman said the purpose would be to
discuss a program of work.
Mr. Roberts informed the members of his resignation from the Board due to his new position as an
elected Cit Councilman. The Chairman thanked Mr. Roberts for his input on the EDB and wished
him luck on the Council.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes respectfull submitted b
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board