11-06-1997 Q
1 11110 , I MO
November 6, 1997
6:00 P.M.
Vice Chairman John Moore called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board
at 6:01 p.m., Thursda November 6, 1997, in the Communit Center.
Members present were Vice Chairman John Moore, John Browning, Thomas Alcorn, Adelaide
Carter, and Daniel Lewis. Also present were Nanc Ridner, applicant for appointment to the EDB,
and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. Chairman Karl Gerwe's absence was excused.
The minutes for October 2,1997 were presented to the Board for approval. Mr. Alcorn moved to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Lewis. Motion CARRIED 5 -0.
1. Review of All Current EDB Applications
Vice Chairman Moore commented the EDB was the onl Cit Board that recommended nominees
for Council approval. He said City Council directed all Boards review all applications, and come
up with a process of interviewing for the selection of new members. Vice Chairman Moore referred
to a November 5, 1997 memorandum from Chairman Gerwe which outlined the Chairman's
thoughts regarding the nominating procedure. He read some of the Chairman's suggestions. The
Vice Chairman introduced Nancy Ridner, a new applicant.
Instead of reviewing all the applications again, Vice Chairman Moore suggested developing a list of
questions to ask the applicants. He said he would like to hold a special meeting to interview the
applicants. Ms. Carter asked if the Board was also developing the criteria. She referred to the back
of the Application for Appointment to a Cit Board or Agency and read the purpose of the EDB.
She stated it wasn't exactly a criteria for membership. Vice Chairman Moore stated the criteria was
written in Article IV: Membership, of the EDB By - Laws, and read a portion of that Article.
Pertaining to an earlier statement by Ms. Ridner, Mr. Alcorn asked her why she felt she would not
be qualified to sit on the Board. Even though Ms. Ridner owns a business, manages duplex units,
and was prior owner of The Eatery, she felt she wasn't knowledgeable in legal aspects, the vocabulary,
and other related experience. Vice Chairman Moore felt he was no more qualified than Ms. Ridner
when he first came to the Board. He said since Ms. Ridner was in the sign business, she was familiar
"gym' .✓
Economic Development Board
Minutes - November 2, 1997
Page -2-
with the new sign ordinance. He said she also knew what it took to get a building permit since she
and her husband had developed a growing business in Edgewater. The Vice Chairman felt Ms.
Ridner knew how Cit government works. He told her she would learn along the wa Mr. Alcorn
interjected the "EDB tries to give direction to the Cit and staff about things appropriate to foster
a feeling of communit among the business owners, and to give the business owners a voice of how
things are done ". Ms. Ridner felt there was a lack of communication between the Cit and the
Referring back to listing questions for use in the applicant's review, Vice Chairman Moore said he
didn't list specific questions, but gave his ideas of what might be asked at the interview. Discussion
continued on how and when the questions would be asked. Vice Chairman Moore asked the Board
Coordinator to compile a list of the questions discussed, and the Board could expand on them.
The interview process was discussed. After looking over the list of twelve applicants, Vice Chairman
Moore noted onl three had indicated the EDB as their number one preference. Mr. Alcorn
suggested writing to all applicants inviting them to a scheduled EDB meeting. He said this could
be a screening process to see who actuall comes. He said the applicants would have to attend two
meetings, first one to see what the Board is all about, and then to come back for the interview.
Mr. Alcorn moved that the EDB re applicants to attend a re board meetin and subse
attend another meetin to be interviewed for membership on the Board, seconded b Ms. Carter. Motion
Vice Chairman Moore wondered if changes in the application form should be made. After discussing
the form, Mr. Lewis suggested using the current form and attaching an addendum which would
reflect a particular Board's requirements. Mr. Alcorn recommended an applicant could be given
specific questions at their first EDB meeting. Mr. Lewis agreed, sa it would give the applicant
time to prepare ideas before the interview process.
Mr. Lewis moved that the EDB pr an additional addendum to the Cit application that would
reflect interests the EDB wanted in an applicant. The addendum would be distributed at the applicants
f irst EDB meetin completed and returned at the next scheduled Board meetin seconded b Mr. Alcorn.
Motion CARRIED 5 -0.
None at this time.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - November 2, 1997
Page -3-
Mr. Lewis reported he compiled information on Internet registration. He said Jack Corder, Director
of Parks and Recreation, was to make certain the Cit Internet provider would allow the Cit its
own domain name. He said one of the domain names initiall discussed was no longer available.
Mr. Lewis said the Board needed to choose a few domain names and fill out the forms. He said,
provided no one had filed for the same name, the name would be approved and Internet would then
send a bill for $100. He said the EDB would have 30 da to make pa or the name would
be deleted. The Board discussed domain names.
Mr. Alcorn recommended ed com as the EDB domain name, and Mr. Lewis recommended
ed j net as a second choice, seconded b Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 5 -0.
Mr. Alcorn recommended the EDB send someone to the Miami Boat Show, to be held the first of
1998, to represent the Cit of Edgewater.
Mr. Lewis presented a list he complied of all boat manufacturers located in the south, and
manufacturers of resin.
Vice Chairman Moore felt the Board should discuss annexation of US 1 south to Jones Fish Camp
Road, and asked that it be placed next month's agenda.
Also on next month's agenda, Mr. Alcorn would like to address the paving of roads on which the Cit
has commercial and industrial propert
Mr. Browning said he would like a report on the status of the rezoning of Guava and Hibiscus
Drives. The Board Coordinator said she would speak to Mark Karet, Director of Communit
Development for an update.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Minutes respectfull submitted b
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
c: \edb\minutes\ 110697. re g