Februar 5, 1998
6:00 P.M.
Chairman John Moore called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at
6:10 p.m., Thursday, February 5, 1998 in the Community Center.
Members present were Chairman John Moore, John Browning, Thomas Alcorn, Adelaide Carter,
Daniel Lewis (Mr. Lewis arrived at 6:13, after roll call), Theresa David and Lawrence Holler. Also
present were Debbie Brazzell, staff writer for The Observer and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator.
Introductions were made between the Board and new members Ms. David and Mr. Holler.
The minutes for January 8,1998 were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Carter moved to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Alcorn. Motion CARRIED 7 - 0.
1. List Questions for Discussion
a. With City Manager
b. With Interim Director of Community Development
Chairman Moore said he hoped Cit Manager and Interim Director of Community Development
would be able to attend the Board's next meeting to get an idea of what is now expected of the Board
and to find answers for some of the Board's questions and concerns. The roles of the Volusia Count
Business Development Corp. (VCBDC) and the Chamber were discussed.
Mr. Alcorn said the Board should devise achievable goals to work toward. He said the Board could
recommend what the Cit needed to do in order for the EDB to move forward; e.g., infrastructure,
paving, expanding west. Mr. Alcorn felt the City Manager or Director of Community Development
should be at each EDB meeting to keep the Board informed of what is going on in the City. He said
the EDB wants to pursue the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) project and needs to know
how to help. The FIND project was briefly explained to the new members. Chairman Moore hoped
the EDB would be able to work with the Cit or Count to develop incentives to bring industr into
Economic Development Board
Minutes - February 5, 1998
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Continued Business:
Ms. David said if the EDB is going to attract business to Edgewater, we don't want them running
into a brick wall when the get here. Mr. Lewis said there would be no sense in spending time, effort,
creativit and mone to attract businesses to the Cit just to be told what the can't do. Mr. Holler
agreed, and referrenced a recent appeal before the Council concerning paving requirements. Mr.
Lewis asked if the EDB was in a position to recommend changes in the ordinances. Mr. Alcorn
mentioned some requirements are not mentioned in the zoning book but are addressed in the
comprehensive plan, and how was someone supposed to know that. He felt the requirements should
be made aware of (referenced paving opposed to shell). Mr. Holler stated, we need to have a user
friendl Cit if we want to grow.
Mr. Lewis rationalized that the codes were probabl written when the concept of the communit ma
have been a bedroom communit or retirement communit He said the goals of these t of
communities are naturall different from that of an aggressivel growing econom and if an
is going to change, the rules must change. Mr. Alcorn proposed welcome signage be placed at all
entrances to Edgewater. Mr. Alcorn suggested several other items the EDB ma want to approach
Council with. Placing a spec building on the FIND propert to entice others to build in the
Industrial Park area, economic incentives, marketing the area, and recommending a "fact tract" (one
person to take new business through the process, beginning to end), were discussed. Mr. Lewis
suggested finding out exactl what other cities have to offer new businesses, take their best points and
go one better.
Mr. Alcorn moved to have the EDB present a certificate of recognition to Joe Martin for all the work he
has done for economic development in the City of Edgewater. He further moved to have Mayor Allman
make the presentation on Monday night (February 9, 1998), seconded by Ms. Carter. Motion
2. New Business Welcoming Committee Questionnaire
a. Discuss creating revolving subcommittee and establish protocol
Chairman Moore said creating a subcommittee of two or three EDB members to welcome new
businesses to the area was discussed at the last meeting. He said Mr. Lewis had volunteered to
develop a questionnaire, which would be provided at the next meeting. The purpose of the visits
would be to find out what their needs are, if the experienced an difficulties in dealing with the Cit
what the positive things about dealing with the Cit were, and why the located their business in
Edgewater. Ms. Carter and Mr. Alcorn recommended a three member committee, with onl two
members actuall visiting a site at one time. Mr. Lewis felt a business director could be created
from the information gathered during these visits.
Chairman Moore entertained a motion to form a subcommittee of three members. Mr. Alcorn so moved,
seconded b Ms. Carter. Motion CARRIED 7 - 0.
Nome Noe
Economic Development Board
Minutes - February 5, 1998
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Continued Business:
Chairman Moore said he would vol for the first month. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Holler also
volunteered. It was decided to visit the businesses during the third week of the month.
1. Discuss Submitting Application for Entry to American Economic Development
Council (AFDC) Promotional Materials Awards Competition
Chairman Moore informed the Board, the competition "showcases the best efforts of economic
development organizations in attracting and retaining business and industr in their communities
through their marketing materials." The Chairman read several categories of interest, and felt the
Cit demographic sheet and brochure should be entered in the contest.
Mr. Browning moved to submit the brochure and demographic sheet to enter AEDC's contest, seconded
b Mr. Alcorn. Motion CARRIED 7 -0.
Ms. Carter said she and Mike Visconti, Beautification and Tree Committee Chairman, both agreed
something needed to be done about the trucks parked on Indian River Boulevard, off the I - 95 exit.
She said the subject would be discussed at the next BTC meeting, which she planned to attend.
Mr. Holler said he was glad to be on the Board, and looked forward to the EDB helping the Cit
move forward.
Ms. David though she could obtain videos, pamphlets and material through her emplo that might
help the EDB with ideas on how to make Edgewater more user friendl
Mr. Holler commented that bikers don't want to come through Edgewater, because the get pulled
over b the police. He said those visitors who come for Bike Week spend an enormous amount of
mone and felt the cit should be putting up "Welcome Bikers" signs.
Mr. Alcorn said he attended the Port Orange /South Da Beach Chamber of Commerce
Economic Development Committee meeting. He reported on their economic growth. Mr. Alcorn
stated that in a 1970 pole, Volusia Count ranked third or forth on the state's most desirable places
to live. A recent pole showed the count had dropped to 78th. He pointed out as far as having a
major event in Edgewater, the Cit has no place for visitors to sta He said the average person sta
within seven to eight blocks from where the major event is.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - February 5, 1998
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There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Minutes respectfull submitted b
Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board
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