05-07-1998 New Nuse CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING Ma 7, 1998 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman John Moore called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:12 p.m., Thursday, Ma 7, 1998, in the Communit Center. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman John Moore, John Browning, Thomas Alcorn, Adelaide Carter, Daniel Lewis and Nancy Ridner. Also present were Lynne Plaskett, Planning Division Manager and Liz McBride, Board Coordinator. Theresa David and Gigi Bennington were excused, Lawrence Holler was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for March 5, 1998 were presented to the Board for approval. Mr. Alcorn moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded b Ms. Carter. Motion CARRIED 6 -0. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Review Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 1998 -99 Chairman Moore referred to a printout of the Board's most current detailed budget report. He said the original budget was $29,850, and the Board ended up with a residual of $11,377. He said the bulk of the funds went to the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce and the Volusia County Business Development Corporation (VCBDC). The Chairman referred to the EDB 1997 - 98 proposal of $38,170, and went over the break -down. Lynne Plaskett, Planning Division Manager, was asked when the EDB's proposal needed to be submitted. She responded, by the end of May. Mr. Alcorn asked if there were an outstanding items that still needed to be paid. The answer was no. Mr. Alcorn said ma the Board should be thinking about what impact could be made with the funds still remaining. He suggested the EDB host a working luncheon for those involved with the FIND project and the Cit Planning & Zoning Department. The issue of the EDB obtaining its own Web site was discussed. Mr. Lewis said the EDB should set up its own site with its own domain, and could link into the City's Web site. The EDB could update the page itself. Mr. Lewis said it had been six months since he furnished information and forms to Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Lewis said he had the software and could develop a Web page. 'tee Noe Economic Development Board • May 7, 1998 - Minutes Page -2- New Business: Chairman Moore said the EDB needed to either approve the proposed 1997 -98 budget of $38,170, or reduce it b $10,000. Ms. Carter said if the EDB requested a lesser amount, would Council cut from the reduced amount. Ms. Plaskett said Council was looking at cutting ever budget the could possibl cut, and Council would appreciate an the EDB could do to accommodate that goal. She suggested budgeting what was reall needed and adding 20 percent, as a buffer. Chairman Moore said his idea was to ask for the same amount that was approved last y ear, and ask Council to give some funds to the Beautification & Tree Committee. Mr. Alcorn felt the B&TC should ask for their own mone Mr. Lewis felt the Board reall hadn't clone an but talk, and it was hard to spend allocated mone when the don't do an Mr. Alcorn said the EDB is the onl government or quasi governmental agenc that has the potential to add mone to the coffers the Cit has. He said in order to do that, the Board needs to talk to people, bring them to the Cit to show what we have, and help businesses market things the have. Mr. Alcorn said the big market now is the Planned Industrial District. Mr. Lewis felt it would be a good idea to help existing businesses market more effectivel He sensed a lack of knowledge of what resources Edgewater had. He suggested using part of the Board's remaining funds to create a director of the local businesses, and a description of their services. He said the director could be distributed to the local businesses so the would be aware of what is available in the Cit Mr. Lewis also suggested, in conjunction with visiting businesses (Business Welcoming Committee), doing a quarterl newsletter announcing the opening of new businesses and what the offer. Mr. Alcorn moved that the EDB ask Cit Council to approve the same bud as last y ear of $29,850, seconded b Ms. Carter. Motion CARRIED 6 -0. 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment a. Discuss response to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) ORC Report (DCA's Objectives, Recommendations & Comments) Chairman Moore said the ORC report was irrelevant at the moment. He reviewed the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) which he reported the DCA found insufficient when the Cit tried to amend the Comp. Plan. The Chairman said the reasons for the amendment were from legitimizing the businesses on Guava and Hibiscus Drive, as well as to make it lucrative to develop what properties were undeveloped. He asked Lynne Plaskett, Planning Division Manager, what her thoughts were on the proposed changes the Edgewater Business Association (EBA) had submitted to Council in June of 1996. Ms. Plaskett gave some background informatin and said the EAR is when the Cit takes its adopted Comprehensive Plan, and looks back at all the goals, policies, and objectives, to see whether or not the Cit accomplished all the things it set out to do. She said if things were not accomplished, the Cit needed to explain wh and if things were accomplished, explain how the were done. The Cit also evaluates things that ma have sounded good when adopted, but in realit were not warranted. Ms. Plaskett said it's like checks and balances set up b the State, and was a good working tool for %Ise 'ore Economic Development Board Ma 7, 1998 - Minutes Page -3- New Business: the Cit She said a new Comp. Plan should be submitted ever five y ears, but is often extended. Ms. Plaskett said she is about a third of the wa through the process of addressing DCA's comments, and when completed and sent back to the State, hopefull the will be in agreement and the Cit can move forward. Ms. Plaskett said until the Cit gets the go ahead from the State on the EAR, the Cit cannot move forward on an Comp. Plan amendments. She said the B -2 to I -1 amendment had been the one waiting the longest, and was Council's top priorit Ms. Plaskett said she was not involved when the EDB and the EBA got together on this item. She stated, because of the comments the DCA gave the Cit on the B -2 to I -1 zoning, she tried to think of the real purpose behind rezoning this area. She said the fact that under the current zoning there were limitations on the number of emplo and parking, was not a good enough reason to rezone the area. If all the Cit was tr to do was make ever reflect the existing land use, she said it would make sense then. She said instead of waiting for the EAR, there was a provision in the Florida Statutes which allows small scale amendments to change zoning from one categor of commercial to industrial, without having to get DCA approval if the area was ten areas or less. Ms. Plaskett said Chairman Moore provided her with the EBA's proposed changes, and said ma just a few items in the B -2 zoning ordinance needed to be addressed instead of rezoning all Guava and Hibiscus. Discussion continued on set back requirements and that parking requirements were based on the use of the propert not the zoning. From the Ma 20, 1996 Council Minutes, Chairman Moore noted Philip Fong, former EDB Chairman, as sa the land use changes on Guava and Hibiscus Drives was an issue and felt it important to resolve the problems, and Mark Karet, former Director of Communit Development, as sa the onl wa to resolve the issue was to rezone. The Chairman said it was staff's position at that time to reflect the Cit future land use. Ms. Plaskett reiterated that ordinance changes could be made concerning parking, lot coverage, and the number of emplo permitted without going through rezoning. She said she was tr to find out exactl what the real reason to rezoning Guava and Hibiscus Drives was so she could give EDB, or Cit Council, the right direction. Discussion continued concerning changing the context of the existing codes. Ms. Plaskett said she would research all the material and contact Joe Martin for additional information. She would have the Cit Attorne review the information, and bring her findings back to the EDB so the could make a recommendation to Council. Mr. Alcorn asked wh some items are covered in the Cit comprehensive plan, but not in the Land Development Codes. Ms. Plaskett said the Land Development regulations were not y et completed. She explained the purpose of the comprehensive plan. '4n' ` Economic Development Board May 7, 1998 - Minutes Page -4- New Business: 3. Scheduling Special Meeting/Workshop a. Discussion with City Manager EDB's program of work for 1998 -99 Chairman Moore said he would like to hold a workshop as soon as possible concerning the EDB's goals for the next fiscal y ear. Ms. Plaskett referred to information previousl provided to the Board. She suggested the EDB should first figure out what it wanted to accomplish. The Chairman said the purpose of scheduling the workshop was to brain storm, and to put some ideas on paper. The Board agreed to meet Ma 14, 1998, at the Sm Yacht Club, at 6:00 p.m for a dinner workshop. Mr. Alcorn said he would contact the Yacht Club to make arrangements. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Review Short -term Goals Set January 8, 1998 Chairman Moore felt it would be a waste of time to review the short -term goals at this point. Mr. Alcorn moved that the Board authorize Dan Lewis to obtain a domain name and set up a Web site for the EDB, seconded b Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 6 -0. Mr. Alcorn moved to bud up to fift dollars ($50.00) per month to maintain the Web site, seconded b Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 6-0. 2. Assign Members to Business Welcoming Committee Chairman Moore asked for a volunteer to chair the subcommittee. He liked the idea of going through all the occupational licenses, not just visiting new businesses. The Chairman said this would help in goal setting as far as having a surve of what the current econom was, and Edgewater's business outlook. Ms. Carter referred to a questionnaire Mr. Lewis was to prepare, and said it would be good to have feedback from the businesses. Mr. Lewis distributed the questionnaire and asked for an comments. Ms. Carter said she stopped b a craft store just below Park Avenue, and the owner was most appreciative of the visit. When asked again for a volunteer, Mr. Lewis said he would chair the subcommittee. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Ms. Carter reported that the Beautification & Tree Committee was working on getting water for the top and bottom of the medians. She also referred to a newspaper article about an effort to bring start-up growth companies to Volusia Count She asked if there would be a wa to find out more information, and if the EDB shold be involved. Mr. Alcorn said it was part of Enterprise Florida, working out of the Jacksonville area. Mr. Alcorn said he was aware of Enterprise Florida through his dealings with private industr and VCBDC, and he would report an pertinent information. 'owe Nei Economic Development Board May 7, 1998 - Minutes Page -5- Continued Business: Mr. Alcorn reported that VCBDC was primarily focused on industrial businesses wanting 10,000 square feet, and anything not industrial, they would refer to the Chamber. He said City Manager Kevin Grace attends the Volusia County Business Development Task Force meetings. Ms. Ridner asked what the time frame for the FIND project was. Mr. Alcorn and Chairman Moore said grant mone was an issue which had not been resolved. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board c: \edb \minutes \050798.reg